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污水直排 浏阳河水质堪忧--亲稳舆论引导监测室

污水直排 浏阳河水质堪忧   


    长沙浏阳河一处排水口正排放大量带着白色泡沫的污水(2月23日摄)。 Changsha, liuyang river is a drain sewage discharge a lot with the white foam(On February 23, taken).


    近日,新华社记者徒步深入长沙浏阳河两岸,用镜头记录下浏阳河“污水横流、垃圾漂浮”的画面。记者在浏阳河杨家湾段看见几处不断排放污水的管道出口,在污水回流处恶臭弥漫、垃圾聚积。据了解,自2012年第四季度以来,长沙浏阳河水质堪忧,主要污染因子为化学需氧量、氨氮等。造成上述现象的原因,一是污水直排。浏阳河城区段区域未实现全截污,现有排口35个,每天约有数十万吨污水和经处理过的尾水排入浏阳河。二是浏阳河城区段清污比例严重失调。长沙株树桥水库饮水工程投用后,浏阳河水量减少,支流圭塘河已基本无清水补充。枯水时期,浏阳河长沙城区段清污比仅为1∶2,远远低于常规(清污比一般不低于3:1),严重影响河段正常生态功能。三是浏阳河水质同时还受到湘江库区回水顶托影响。长沙湘江航电枢纽工程蓄水后,湘江长沙段水位不断抬高,受此影响,浏阳河流速减缓,污染扩散能力减弱。目前,当地相关部门正加大对浏阳河水质监测频次,并加大了对涉水企业的执法力度,确保饮用水安全。 In recent days,Xinhua liuyang river on both sides of the walking into changsha,Use camera to record the liuyang river"fester/Floating garbage"Images of the.Reporters saw several continuous discharge in liuyang river yangjiawan segment &general pipeline to export,The stench in the reverse flow of polluted water/Garbage accumulation.We have learned,Since the fourth quarter of 2012,Changsha, liuyang river water quality,Main pollution factors of chemical oxygen demand (cod)/Ammonia nitrogen etc..The cause of the above phenomenon,A sewage is straight line.Liuyang river section of urban area not realize all the sewage,Existing PaiKou 35,Every day there are about hundreds of thousands of tons of sewage and the treated water discharged into the liuyang river.Second, liuyang river section of urban sewage disposal proportion serious disorders.Changsha trees after the reservoir water bridge engineering putting-in-service proactively,Liuyang river water decreases,Tributary of guitang river has basically no water added.Low water period,Liuyang river, changsha urban sewage disposal than only 1:2,Is far lower than normal(Clean-up than general not less than 3:1),Seriously affect the normal river ecological functions.Third, liuyang river water quality is also affected by the xiangjiang river reservoir backwater jacking.Changsha xiangjiang navigation-power junction project after impoundment,The xiangjiang river in changsha section water level raise continuously,Affected by this,Liuyang river velocity slow down,Pollution diffusion capacity weakened.At present,The local relevant departments are stepping up to the liuyang river water quality monitoring frequency,And strengthen law enforcement for wading enterprises,To ensure the safety of drinking water.新华社记者 龙弘涛 摄 The xinhua news agency reporters Long Hongtao perturbation

污水直排 浏阳河水质堪忧

    污水涌入浏阳河,在河面形成了大量白色泡沫(2月24日摄)。     Sewage into liuyang river,In the river formed a large number of white foam(On February 24, taken).新华社记者 龙弘涛 摄 The xinhua news agency reporters Long Hongtao perturbation

污水直排 浏阳河水质堪忧

    长沙市民在浏阳河边一处排水口附近河滩掩鼻观望(2月24日摄)。     Changsha residents near a port in the liuyang river floodplain hold wait-and-see(On February 24, taken).新华社记者 龙弘涛 摄 The xinhua news agency reporters Long Hongtao perturbation

污水直排 浏阳河水质堪忧

    长沙浏阳河边一处污水汇流处垃圾聚集(2月24日摄)。     Changsha, liuyang river confluence sewage waste accumulation(On February 24, taken).新华社记者 龙弘涛 摄 The xinhua news agency reporters Long Hongtao perturbation
