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楼市回暖调高开发商期望 业界称后市将保持平稳--亲稳网络舆情监控室
这是福建省福州市闽江岸边扎堆开发的楼盘,每平方米均价均在一万五以上(2月14日摄)。根据国家统计局发布的统计数据,与2012年12月相比,2013年1月份70个大中城市中,新建商品住宅(不含保障性住房)价格上涨的城市有53个。环比价格上涨的城市中,涨幅均未超过2.2%。与2012年1月相比,70个大中城市中,价格上涨的城市有53个。同比价格上涨的城市中,涨幅均未超过4.7%。新房和二手房价格同比上涨的城市个数比2012年12月份均有增加,房价整体回升的态势十分明显。专家表示,地方的配套政策或将以“组合拳”的方式出台,不出意外的话,对于“国五条”的进一步执行及细化也将落实。政策组合将主要集中在财税政策、贷款利率、年限等金融政策,以及对二套房的限制上。业界认为,新年“开门红”令开发商对利润的要求可能更高,但“国五条”出台表明中央稳定房价的决心,展望2013年全年,市场总体将保持平稳增长。新华社记者 魏培全 摄 This is fujian province fuzhou minjiang river cluster development of the building,The average price per square meter in more than fifteen thousand(February 14 is taken).According to statistics issued by the national bureau of statistics,Compared with December 2012,In January 2013, 70 large and medium-sized cities,New commodity residential house(Including affordable housing)Prices of city has 53.Month-on-month rise in prices in the city,Rose by more than 2.2%.Compared with January 2012,In 70 large and medium-sized cities,Prices of city has 53.Compared with the prices in the city,Rose by more than 4.7%.Number of new and second-hand housing prices rose in the city than in December 2012 have increased,Overall housing prices rebounded trend is very obvious.Experts say,Or will be in place to form a complete set of policy"combination"The way out,If no accident,for"The five countries"The refinement will further implement and implement.Policy will mainly focus on the fiscal and taxation policy/The loan interest rate/Duration of financial policy, etc,And restrictions on second homes.The industry believes that,In the New Year"Good start"Keep the developers claim to the profits may be higher,but"The five countries"For determination shows that the central stabilizing housing prices,Looking ahead to 2013 year,The market will remain steady growth as a whole.The xinhua news agency reporters Wei Peiquan perturbation
这是福建泉州市正在开发的一处楼盘,每平方米均价接近五千元(1月24日摄)。新华社记者 魏培全 摄 This is fujian quanzhou is developing a building,An average of nearly five thousand yuan per square metre(On January 24, taken).The xinhua news agency reporters Wei Peiquan perturbation
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