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河南省郑州市环保局的工作人员在调整PM2.5监测设备(2012年12月18日摄)。近年来,中国投入大量资金下大力治理污染,部分地区生态质量有了改善。但中国尚未实现治理与排放关系的根本扭转,环境保护仍面临严峻挑战。十八大提出“美丽中国、永续发展”的概念,无论是东部发达富裕地区,还是中西部欠发达地区,在物质富足的同时,建设一个美丽和谐的家园成为干部群众的共识。新华社记者 李博 摄 Henan province zhengzhou city environmental protection bureau staff in the adjustment of PM2.5 monitoring equipment(On December 18, 2012).In recent years,China has invested heavily endeavoring to pollution,Parts of ecological quality has improved.But China has yet to achieve fundamental change of the relationship between governance and emissions,Environmental protection is still facing serious challenges.The eighteenth big puts forward"Beautiful China/On sustainable development"The concept of,Whether developed rich region in the east,Or western underdeveloped regions,At the same time of material prosperity,To build a beautiful and harmonious home become the consensus of the officials and the masses.Xinhua news agency reporters li bo was taken
内蒙古鄂尔多斯市杭锦旗的库布其沙漠腹地种植的绿色植物(2012年8月30日摄)。近年来,我国投入大量资金实施退牧还草、退耕还林、三北防护林、天然林保护和自然保护区建设等生态工程。新华社记者 任军川 摄 Ordos city of Inner Mongolia adapted KuBuJi desert hinterland of planting the green plants(On August 30, 2012).In recent years,The "return grazing land to invest a lot of money to implement in our country/Returning farmland to forest/Three north shelter forest/Natural forest protection and construction of nature reserve ecological engineering.The xinhua news agency reporter Ren Jun sichuan is taken
联合执法检查督查组在福建省长乐市长乐华良印染有限公司检查废水处理系统(2010年10月18日摄)。新华社记者 魏培全 摄 Joint law enforcement inspection inspection in changle of fujian province changle HuaLiang check printing and dyeing co., LTD. Wastewater treatment system(On October 18, 2010).The xinhua news agency reporters Wei Peiquan perturbation
江西吉安从玉蔬菜基地的工人在喷洒“以菌灭虫”的生物农药,保证蔬菜的高品质和安全,克服化学农药带来的生态危害(2012年3月21日摄)。新华社记者 周密 摄 Jiangxi province jade from vegetable base of workers in spraying"Bacteria to bug"The biological pesticide of,Ensure a high quality vegetables and security,To overcome the ecological damage caused by chemical pesticides(On March 21, 2012).Xinhua news agency reporter careful perturbation
在浙江舟山群岛附近的东海海域,渔业工作人员在增殖放流前查看大黄鱼幼苗(2012年6月17日摄)。浙江省为了恢复渔业资源、修复海洋生态环境,向东海增殖大规模放流大黄鱼、真鲷、黑鲷、乌贼和梭子蟹等品种。新华社记者 王定昶 摄 In zhejiang zhoushan islands near the east China sea,Fishery workers view the large yellow croaker seedlings in front of the proliferation of discharge(On June 17, 2012).In order to restore the fishery resources in zhejiang province/Repair of Marine ecological environment,XiangDongHai proliferation to massive discharge of large yellow croaker/Red porgy/Black bream/Squid and crab varieties.The xinhua news agency reporters Wang Dingchang perturbation
重庆巫山县几名清漂工在长江上打捞垃圾(2012年4月18日摄)。重庆三峡库区自蓄水以来,随着水流减缓,漂浮物大量出现,三峡库区的长江沿线城市组建专门的清漂队伍,常年在长江上打捞垃圾。新华社记者 李健 摄 Chongqing home several clear of bleached in salvage garbage on the Yangtze river(On April 18, 2012).Chongqing three gorges reservoir area since the impoundment,As the water flow slows down,A spate of floater,The three gorges reservoir area of the city along the Yangtze river to form a special clear float team,Perennial salvage garbage on the Yangtze river.The xinhua news agency reporters li perturbation
陕汽榆林东方新能源专用汽车有限公司总装车间,工人正在组装新能源重卡汽车(2012年8月27日摄)。新华社记者 江宏景 摄 Steam and shaanxi yulin east new energy assembly workshop of special purpose vehicle co., LTD,Workers are assembling new energy auto heavy card(On August 27, 2012).The xinhua news agency reporters Jiang Hongjing perturbation
行人在山西省太原市济汾桥散步(2012年5月10日摄)。太原市通过水环境治理、污染企业搬迁、集中供热全覆盖、气化太原、城中村整村拆除五大工程改善市区环境,取得了显著效果。新华社记者 詹彦 摄 Pedestrians in taiyuan city, Shanxi Province Fen bridge for a walk(On May 10, 2012).Taiyuan city through water environment management/Polluting industries to move/Complete coverage of central heating/Gasification taiyuan/Dismantle the five villages within the whole village project to improve the urban environment,Significant results have been achieved.The xinhua news agency reporters ZhanYan perturbation
2010年3月9日,中国人民大学学生章余说,希望两会的代表、委员们能够更多关注环境污染问题。新华社记者 郭晨 摄 On March 9, 2010,The Chinese people's university student chapter said,Hope to representatives of the two sessions/Members can pay more attention to environment pollution problem.The xinhua news agency reporter guo Chen was taken
人们在沈阳市五里河公园参加“中国城市无车日”万人健步行活动(2011年9月22日摄)。随着全民节约意识、环保意识、生态意识日益增强,关注生态文明、爱护生态环境的良好风气正在形成。新华社记者 杨青 摄 People in the wulihe park in shenyang"China's urban car free day"Ten thousand people walked briskly line activities(On September 22, 2011).As the national consciousness of saving/Environmental protection consciousness/Ecological consciousness is growing,Focus on ecological civilization/Care for the ecological environment of emerging.Xinhua reporter Yang qing
一群牦牛在青海省果洛藏族自治州玛多县境内的星星海湖畔吃草(2011年8月10日摄)。通过退牧还草、生态移民、鼠害防治、人工增雨等项目,三江源区生态治理取得初步成效,生态退化趋势明显缓解,“中华水塔”功能初步恢复。新华社记者 吴光于 摄 A group of stars within the territory of yaks in qinghai Tibetan autonomous prefectures MaDuoXian go luo hai lake to eat grass(On August 10, 2011).The "return grazing land to through/Ecological migration/Prevention and control of pest/Artificial precipitation, etc,Three-river source area ecological management achieved initial results,Ecological degradation trend eased significantly,"The water tower"Preliminary recovery function.Xinhua news agency reporter wu's in the photo
经过村庄环境综合整治的广西恭城瑶族自治县平安乡邓扒新村(2012年9月4日摄)。新华社记者 周华 摄 After village environment comprehensive improvement of GongCheng yao nationality autonomous county in guangxi township peace deng it saemaul undong(On September 4, 2012).The xinhua news agency reporters Zhou Hua perturbation
在浙江省杭州市上城区小营街道西牌楼社区,居民将家庭厨房垃圾倒入“高速发酵天然有机垃圾处理系统”进行发酵处理(2012年9月26日摄)。新华社发 In hangzhou city, zhejiang province, uptown small camp street west arched community,Kitchen rubbish into residents will be family"Natural organic waste fermentation processing system at a high speed"Fermentation processing(On September 26, 2012).Xinhua hair
一台大型风力发电机组矗立在陕西省靖边县乔沟湾乡许台村附近的山坡上(2012年8月24日摄)。近年来,位于陕北高原的陕西省靖边县利用当地资源优势,把新型清洁能源列为优先开发项目,规划形成200兆瓦的太阳能发电和100万千瓦的风力发电能力。新华社记者 王颂 摄 A large wind turbine JingBianXian Joe ditch bay township xu Taiwan stands in shaanxi province on the slopes of mountains near the village(On August 24, 2012).In recent years,Shaanxi province is located in the northern shaanxi plateau JingBianXian utilization of local resources advantage,The new clean energy a priority development projects,Planning form, 200 megawatts of solar power and wind power generation capacity of 1 million kilowatts.The xinhua news agency reporters Wang Song perturbation
为提高灌溉效率,确保农田用水需求,黑龙江省在西部旱区大力发展旱田高效节水灌溉。这是工人在黑龙江省安达市羊草镇新合村田间安装大型喷溉设施(2012年3月30日摄)。新华社记者 王建威 摄 To improve the efficiency of irrigation,To ensure that the agricultural water demand,Arid regions in the west developing dry field in heilongjiang province efficient water-saving irrigation.This is workers in heilongjiang province AnDaShi town of l. chinensis XinGeCun field installation of large-scale spray irrigation facilities(On March 30, 2012).The xinhua news agency reporters Wang Jianwei perturbation
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