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    全国人大代表冯大中认为,政府要加大对文化的投入力度,促进文化和科技融合,提高文化产业规模化、集约化、专业化水平;建设文化强国,不单是多建一些文化设施,更重要的是要继承优秀的中华民族精神,建设强大的社会主义核心价值体系,提升人们的思想道德修养(3月7日摄)。新华社记者 杨青 摄     Deputy to the National People's Congress think Feng Dazhong,The government should enhance investment in culture,Promote the culture and the integration of science and technology,Improve the cultural industry scale/intensive/Professional level;Construction of cultural power,Not just build more cultural facilities,What is more important to inherit the spirit of the Chinese nation,Construction of socialist core value system,Improve people's ideological and moral cultivation(March 7 is taken).Xinhua reporter Yang qing


    全国人大代表曹可凡在发言中提出,文化原创能力是国家软实力的重要标志。他认为要增强文化原创能力,鼓励金融机构参与文化创作,延长影视文化产业链,加强文化创意人才聚集(3月5日摄)。新华社记者 马占成 摄     Deputy to the National People's Congress cao kefan presented in a statement,Cultural originality is an important symbol of national soft power.He thinks that should enhance the cultural original capacity,Encourage financial institutions to participate in cultural creation,Movie and TV cultural industry chain extension,Strengthen cultural creative talent aggregation(On March 5 was taken).The xinhua news agency reporters Ma Zhancheng perturbation


    全国人大代表王巍在发言中建议,把文化遗产保护纳入国家经济发展和各地城镇化建设总体规划,作为建设项目审批的前置程序,实行文化遗产保护一票否决制,只要是会对文化遗产造成破坏的项目,都必须做相应的调整,甚至中止;在不得不清除一些旧街区前,一定要请文物和古建方面的专家对其价值进行评估,没有文物部门的同意,不得擅自拆除(3月6日摄)。新华社记者 王建华 摄     The National People's Congress Wang Wei suggested in a statement,All over the cultural heritage protection into national economic development and urbanization construction overall plan,As a prerequisite for the construction project for examination and approval procedures,One ticket is overruled make a cultural heritage protection,As long as it is to damage the cultural heritage of the project,Must be accordingly adjusted,Even stop;Before have to remove some old neighborhoods,Must please specialists in the field of cultural relics and thus to evaluate its value,Without the consent of the department of cultural relics,Shall not be dismantling(Taken on March 6).The xinhua news agency reporters hensing m. production of perturbation
