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    3月14日,安徽省滁州市城郊供电公司工作人员在施集村架设配电变压器。国家电网安徽滁州市城郊供电公司今年春季计划投资2200余万元对农村电网进行升级改造,新建、改造10千伏线路103.1千米,增容930千伏安,对农村电网实施架设“双回”线路供电和更换大容量变压器的升级改造,以满足农村春季生产用电需求。新华社发(宋卫星 摄)     On March 14,,Anhui chuzhou suburb power supply company staff in shi village, set up distribution transformer.State grid suburb power supply company of chuzhou city of anhui spring this year plans to invest more than 2200, ten thousand yuan on rural power grid upgrading,The new/Transformation of 10 kv line 103.1 km,Capacity of 930 kva,For putting up the implementation of rural power grid"double"Line power supply upgrade and replacement of large capacity transformer,In order to meet the rural in the spring production demand.Xinhua hair(Song Weixing perturbation)


    3月14日,在位于山东省桓台县果里镇凤鸣村的食用菌核心示范区,电工为蘑菇种植大棚维修照明设备。国家电网山东桓台县供电公司为服务全县近百个大规模标准化菌类、花卉养殖户,2013年1月开始对养殖户大棚低压电网实施升级改造,为养殖户更新安装变压器10台,架设电缆100多公里,并组建“彩虹党员服务队”深入养殖车间、花棚为种植户服务,助推养殖产业发展。新华社发(远德亮 摄)     On March 14,,In huantai county is located in shandong province fruit core demonstration zone fengming village, the town of edible fungi,Electrician for mushroom cultivation of greenhouse lighting equipment maintenance.National grid, shandong huantai county power supply company to service the county hundred large-scale standardized mold/Flower farmers,In January 2013 began to push the farmers low-voltage power grid upgrading,For the farmers to update installation transformer 10 sets,Erection of cable more than 100 kilometers,And to form a"Rainbow party member service"In-depth aquaculture workshop/Mounted services for farmers,Booster development of breeding industry.Xinhua hair(Light was taken far DE)


    3月14日,在山东省桓台县果里镇凤鸣村的生态花卉园区,电工在为花棚维修供电线路。     On March 14,,In huantai county shandong province fruit town fengming village ecological flowers in the park,Electrician in garden sheds maintenance power lines.新华社发(远德亮 摄) Xinhua hair(Light was taken far DE)


    3月14日,河南省永城市电力员工对存在安全隐患的配电变压器进行安全改造。为避免因电力故障而延误农时,河南商丘永城市供电公司成立春耕保电服务队,深入田间地头,分线段、分台区对全市农业农灌线路、设备进行升级改造,消除设备隐患,为春耕农业用电提供保障。     On March 14,,Henan YongChengShi distribution transformer of electric power staff to pose a safety hazard for safety.To avoid delays due to power failures and season,Henan shangqiu YongChengShi power supply company was set up spring electric service,Deep into the fields,Points and line segments/Points and lines agricultural irrigation area of the city's agriculture/Equipment upgrading,Eliminate hidden dangers in equipment,Agricultural electricity for spring planting.新华社发 Xinhua hair
