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央视女解说忘关话筒 大声感叹选手变态引争议--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Beijing time on August 11, in the afternoon,London Olympic men's 10 m platform semi-final for the expansion。CCTV sent one partner is interpretation and guests hu jia。There was a period of time,One may be forgot to lock microphone,She to hu jia said clearly presented out。


解说忘关话筒 Commentary forget close microphone

  吐槽运动员变态 Spit tank athletes abnormal

  只听张萌萌先是咳嗽了一声,然后小声说道,“戴利可以插过去了。”随后,她突然笑了一声,但她的话筒并没有关掉。只听见她小声对胡佳说:“没有,我是开玩笑。我估计戴利没什么机会了,但要是(决赛)没他吧,好像又怪怪的。”随后,张萌萌又咳了一声,我们可以断定她并没有发现话筒还是开着的。在一位运动员完成了自己的动作后,张萌萌更大声地感叹道: “哇,没有一个不变态的,不是单亲就是那啥。”张萌萌的这段话立刻在网上引起了轩然大波。

Listen to one first coughed,Then whispered,“Daly can put the past。”then,She suddenly smiled a sound,But she did not turn off the microphone。Only heard she whispered to hu jia said:“no,I was kidding。I estimate Daly no chance,But if(final)He's not,Looks like it's weird。”then,One cough and a sound,We can conclude that she didn't found microphone or open。In a player has completed own movement after,One more loudly lamented: “wow,No one not abnormal,Not single parent is that what。”This passage one immediately on the Internet caused a storm in a teacup。


这名女解说 This female commentator

  也曾是运动员 Also has is the athlete


Maybe you also she is not familiar with。Before in the CCTV,Once one in shandong province finance college sports practice,A tennis and aerobics teachers。2003 years,She again into shandong TV sports channel,As editor of journalists and host。Before the Beijing Olympic Games,Won one“Who will explain the Beijing Olympics”champions,Therefore become the Beijing Olympic diving and synchronized swimming project coordinator。

  这位来自山东济南的女孩儿口齿伶俐,反应非常快。不过,她并不是科班出生,之前她是一名花样游泳运动员。1995和1996年,张萌萌两次入选全国花样游泳国家青年队并在各级全国大赛中取得优异成绩。除了是花样游泳国家一级运动员外,张萌萌还是健美操国家二级,以及艺术体操国家三级运动员。另外她还是游泳、健美操、艺术体操和田径国家一级裁判,以及网球、排球、篮球和乒乓球国家二级裁判。 宗禾

From the shandong jinan girl has kissed the blarney stone,Reaction very fast。but,She is not regular professional training was born,Before she is a synchronized swimming athletes。In 1995 and 1996,Two time in one national synchronized swimming national youth team at all levels and the national contest obtains the excellent result。In addition to national level is synchronized swimming athletes outside,One or aerobics national level 2,And artistic gymnastics national level 3 athletes。In addition she was swimming、aerobics、Artistic gymnastics and the athletics national level of the referee,And tennis、volleyball、Basketball and table tennis national secondary the referee。ZongHe
