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林青霞被曝离异2年拿11亿港元 首开腔回应:别乱写--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
According to Taiwan media reports,Lin qingxia and Hong Kong rich merchant LiYuan xing marriage 18 years,Character of speculation constantly,After many failed to clarify doubts,According to the latest issue of Hong Kong《Next magazine》reports,The mainland writer detonation the year before brigitte Lin and her husband divorce,And share 1.1 billion Hong Kong dollars(About nt $4.2 billion)property,Brigitte Lin on Monday with two daughters to Korea on holiday,In the face of the marriage rumors,Reporter the fifth degree cross-examine,She begun to deny:“not。”Xing LiYuan response hearsay more pendulum smelly face,Indicating bodyguard stop reporters take pictures。
According to Hong Kong's weekly report,Early August,The mainland writer king slim in micro blog blog,Refers to due to the Lin qingxia for xingjia beget son,He is worth about ten billion yuan LiYuan xing have continue incense traditional idea,Couples affected,This paper refers to LiYuan xing more in Shanghai with a girl。
With brigitte Lin xing marriage rumors LiYuan since 2006 have not discontinuity,LiYuan xing once out company public relations to dispel,But rumours turned ugly。Recently the new version,Refers to the Lin qingxia after divorce,Division of the husband of nt $4.2 billion property and Hong Kong Kowloon peak (fei ngo shan) a person of extraordinary powers curtilage,And refers to two people early in four or five years ago are now separated。
Sources that:“Green xia because with the husband bad feelings,Get has blue,Earlier this year came to Hong Kong central see a doctor。”In addition the more the return brigitte Lin as film director zhang yimou《LongWen》,More refers to the make for her《East don't hurt》Director tsui hark has also been actively lobbying her comeback。
Reporters on Saturday to LiYuan xing verification,Asked if he heard green xia take sport return?He keep smile back“Don't know”,Ask two people the recent divorce?His face immediately:“There's nothing to speak!”At this time of xing bodyguard went up to him,Xing point to reporters:“You don't want again took!”
Lin qingxia Monday and two daughter to travel to South Korea Seoul,Arrive at the airport,Lin qingxia to smile from ear to ear,Seems to not be character of influence,Reporters asked about character of hearsay,She keep smile not answer,Until before entering the,Her tone spin said:“not,Don't scribble,After a while and preach a。”
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