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杨千嬅产后两月腹部仍鼓胀 为喂母乳拒绝瘦身(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室
上月初丁太杨千嬅加入妈妈行列,转眼仔仔Torres已经快两个月了,长相机灵可爱,是千嬅加丁子高的混合体,一向在家坐不住的千嬅,坐月子期间足不出户,乖乖闭关一个月,28日她现身中环,产后首曝光,曾被丁子高形容为“速龙”的她,果然还是身材圆润无比。产后千嬅专心坐月子,日日冬虫草鸡汤补身,想瘦都难,连丁子高也公开取笑:“她还要瘦20斤才达标,她怀孕时是暴龙,生完像速龙。”这样说不怕丁太回家扭耳仔?原来千嬅自从生下Torres,有仔万事足想起阿仔就变温柔。前段时间她抱BB的姿势不正确导致脱臼,28日上午由助手陪同到中环电子大厦复诊,一身黑衣人打扮的千嬅,脚踏健康鞋,剖腹生产后不到两个月已健步如飞,早前千嬅自嘲似“野人”,希望坐月后即去美容院及发型屋整理,不过当日所见,依然未经大修,无眉道人,甲油脱色,珠圆玉润名副其实肥师奶一名。其密友指千嬅将在年尾全面复工,虽然健身教练已ready但她拒绝瘦身,密友说:“原本千嬅坐完月子伤口修复就可运动收身,但瘦身要配合营养餐单,千嬅希望可以喂母乳喂到Torres半岁,怕跟了营养餐单不够奶,又怕复工后Torres跟自己不亲近,所以现在都坚持一手一脚自己带,夜奶都坚持自己喂,虽然好辛苦,但也不见她瘦。”瘦身属其次,堂堂天后现在甘于服侍家中两个男人,才是难得。当日复诊后,她先买BB用品,然后穿梭男装店买生日礼物给老公,果然贴心好主妇。 (新地)
Early last month butyl too Miriam yeung join mother ranks,A loud and Torres has nearly two months,Looks clever and lovely,Is 嬅 add thousands of DingZiGao mixture,Always sit at home 嬅,During lying in indoors,Darling exclusive a month,28 she appeared central,Postpartum first exposure,Has been DingZiGao described as“athlon”she,Indeed as expected or round shape so。Postpartum thousand 嬅 concentrate on lying in,Day winter Chinese caterpillar fungus chicken soup for the body,Want to thin difficult,Even DingZiGao also open to make fun of:“She also thin 20 jins to standard,She is pregnant tyrannosaurus rex,After born like athlon。”Say so not afraid of butyl too home torsional ear?The original 嬅 thousand since birth Torres,A young boy of the foot, became gentle。Some time ago she held BB posture is not correct cause dislocation,28 morning accompanied by assistant to central electronic building return visit,A black dress person dress up 嬅 thousands,Foot health shoes,After caesarean section less than two months already have legs,Earlier thousand 嬅 self-mockery like“savage”,Like to sit months is going to the beauty salon hair salons and finishing,But see that day,Still without overhaul,No eyebrow that man,Armour oil decoloring,Elegant and polished the fat milk a teacher。The friend refers to 嬅 thousands will be the end of the comprehensive return to work,Although fitness coach already ready but she refused to thin body,Close friends said:“Originally thousand 嬅 sit out time of childbirth wound repair can exercise the body,But thin body to fit its single,Thousands of 嬅 hope can feed milk to feed the Torres half years old,With the fear of its single enough milk,Again afraid after return to work with Torres not near to himself,So now insist on one hand and one foot to bring their own,Night milk to insist on their feed,Although it is hard,But did not see her thin。”Thin body belong to second,Open days now be willing to serve home two men,Is rare。After that day return visit,First she buy BB supplies,Then shuttle men's clothing shop to buy a birthday gift for my husband,Indeed as expected close good housewife。 (And a new earth)
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