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完美声音8进7主打温情牌 “音乐家书”现场拆封--亲稳网络舆情监控室
中新网8月6日电 “悠悠天宇旷,切切故乡情”,《完美声音》全国总决赛8进7“I 家乡”演唱会在一片诗情画意中揭开面纱。而有心人也发现当晚开场VCR中的原创诗句将陕西、四川、重庆、河南、黑龙江、云南五省(直辖市)串起,而这五个地方也分别是完美声音全国8强的家乡。
Beijing, aug. 6 “Long tianyu desert,Earnestly love of motherland”,《Perfect voice》The national finals into 7 8“I home”The concert in a poetic unveiled in。And who also found that the opening of the original poem, shaanxi VCR、sichuan、chongqing、henan、heilongjiang、Five provinces of yunnan(Municipality directly under the)string,And the five place also were the perfect voice 8 strong hometown。
来自四川泸州的王宇,拥有“天赋异禀,雌雄莫辩”的独特嗓音,平时偏爱演唱高难度炫技转音的他,为了家乡改变歌路,在舞团的陪伴下,一曲“乡气”十足的《洗衣歌》唱得欢快,在首轮打动评委直接晋级全国7强;大喊《我是重庆崽儿》的陈宇也为音乐家书而改变了曲风,带感的节奏如同山城重庆的火辣劲儿;340斤的东北小伙姚禹在劲歌热舞的同时大秀唱功,别样演艺摇滚版《我的家在东北》;出生在西安古城的成青演唱经典民歌《走西口》,粗犷的歌声中有着浓浓的思乡情;外星人和她的男朋友组合则化身“外星牛郎织女”,分站舞台中心和观众席,用一首大气博爱的《Tell me why》发出了“保护地球大家庭”的呼吁;而来自昆明的选手黄稔钦和刘玥辰则分别坐在波光粼粼的“月亮之上”和云雾缭绕的“彩虹之巅”,完美表现了拥有《小河淌水》的诗意云南和如诗如画的《云南美》。一向不走寻常路的明白人组合更是抛弃一贯的“说禅”,用歌声演绎哲学命题,追问自己《我从哪里来》。
From sichuan province of luzhou CDC),have“gifted,Male and female don't argue”Unique voice,Usually prefer singing difficult technique turn the sound of his,In order to change the song road home,In the company of group,A song“rusticity”dye-in-the-wood《Laundry song》Sings cheerful,In the first round of the judges by direct promotion national and strong;Shouting《I am ZaiEr chongqing》The researh material - 11 also for music home and changed the style,With the rhythm of the feeling like mountain city chongqing hot strength;340 jins northeast guy YaoYu in pop songs at the same time the big show changgong,Another acting rock version《My home is in the northeast》;Was born in xian city ChengQing singing classical folk song《Go characteristics of》,Straightforward song, has a strong homesickness sentiment;Alien and her boyfriend combination is incarnation“Alien cowherd”,Substation the center of the stage and auditorium,With a atmosphere of love《Tell me why》issued“Protect the earth family”appeal;And from kunming player yellow soft qin and LiuYue respectively Chen sitting in the sparkled in the sunlight“The moon above the”And cloud“Top of the rainbow”,With the perfect performance《Creek drips water》The poetry of yunnan and the picturesque《Yunnan beauty》。Always don't walk unusual way of combination of wise men is abandoned consistent“Said zen”,Singing deductive philosophy proposition,Cross-examine oneself《I come from?》。
8首老歌,8封“音乐家书”让观众身临其境,连宋柯都忍不住感谢歌手们让自己“借机在一小时之内游历了五省”,并大赞完美声音“I家乡”的主题是在是太好了! 8月10日晚22:30分云南卫视2012《完美声音》“7进6”演唱会的主题为“I榜样”,让我们期待完美声音全国7强用歌声讲述榜样的力量!
8 first oldies,8 seal“Music home”Let the audience be personally on the scene,Even SongKe couldn't help thank singers let oneself“Looking in one hour traveled five provinces”,Praise and perfect voice“I home”Theme is too good! On August 10th late 22:30 points yunnan TV 2012《Perfect voice》“7 into 6”The theme of the concert for“I example”,Let us look forward to perfect the national 7 strong voice in singing about the power of example!
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