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新华社沈阳7月17日电 记者从黑龙江省和内蒙古自治区的发展改革部门获悉,一份面向东北亚、尤其是俄罗斯全面开放的《黑龙江和内蒙古东部部分地区沿边开发开放带规划》目前正在加紧制订中,据透露,该《规划》将在我国东北扩大沿边开放中发挥重要作用。
The xinhua news agency shenyang July 17-reporters from heilongjiang province and Inner Mongolia autonomous region of the development and reform department learned,A facing to northeast Asia、Especially Russia full open《Heilongjiang and parts of eastern Inner Mongolia development and open border with planning》At present are scrambling to develop,It's said,the《planning》Will be in northeast China expand opening up border play an important role。
And Russia has a 3000 km north of the border is China's heilongjiang province,With 25 land、Water and air port,15 of them for Russian port,Quantity ranks the first in China。Facing the current downturn in foreign trade situation,The first five months of this year realization in heilongjiang province import and export worth $8.96 billion,Increased 30.8% year-on-year,Beyond the national to Russian trade growth of 6%。Heilongjiang province, deputy director of the national development and reform commission PengJieLin says,As the bridgehead in northeast Asia regional cooperation,Opening in heilongjiang province bright prospects。
In march this year,The state council ratified the《Northeast China“1025”planning》Clearly put,to“The northeast to the northeast Asia open built an important hub”。Development and reform committee of liaoning province northeast old industrial base everywhere changning guoguang said,The move will perfect our areas open pattern,To realize the national strategy of opening up the balance of the expansion,And for the northeast China into the PC,“Northeast China is gradually with international vision。”
Involved in northeast China in northeast Asia、North Korea、South Korea、Japan、Mongolia and Russia in eastern Siberia,An area of nearly 900 square kilometers,Has a population of 300 million,In a global economy plays an important role。
“In the area of developed countries,Also have developing countries,The economic structure arrangement in the obvious,Resources each has its own characteristics。”Heilongjiang province of academy of QuWei said,Strong complementarity will promote the northeast Asia regional cooperation to the wider area、Higher levels expanding。
In China、North Korea and Russia three kingdoms of the intersection of the tumen river mouth,Is China connection northeast Asia、Europe and North America trade route。April 13,,The state formally established official reply“China the tumen river area(hunchun)International cooperation demonstration area”。Demonstration area within about 90 square kilometers,Economic cooperation of China including prelude、China and Russia economic zones from prelude, etc,Will be based on HuiChunShi jilin province、Relying on long auspicious figure,Construction for the development and opening of the northeast China important platform、Northeast Asia important comprehensive transportation hub and trade logistics center。
“Seen and have,Mi-combined smell three”。Inner Mongolia manchurian port with geographic advantages,For every year 65% of the GuoHuoLiang trade between China and Russia,Is the largest land crossings-but。2010 years,Countries will be determined as the national 4 a comprising the development and open one of the test,The national development and reform commission to provide the data shows manzhouli town,Only in April this year local focus on projects, has 120,The total investment is 65.86 billion yuan,Development quickened significantly。
now,And Russia have two countries comprising the adjacent to the city has set up a government coordination between contact mechanism,And Russia's international thoroughfare has basic breakthrough,railway、Energy cooperation such as substantial progress。Witnessing the port development comprising the party secretary WuHaoFeng said:“Manchurian should seize the opportunity of the development and opening experimental set up,To build in northeast Asia regional international trade to base、Import and export processing manufacturing base and international logistics hub。”
In order to fully play hub station role,To many countries border area preferential policies。Comprehensive free trade zone in northeast Asia is process silk flowers 2 for background、The only Chinese border land border comprehensive bonded area。In the,Foreign goods into the bonded area,Domestic goods regarded as exports into the area,Implement drawback,Countries in the region for the goods can be enterprise of bonded warehousing、processing、Manufacturing and trade。
“Free trade zone in the、th、Korean goods into Russia to build the platform。”Comprehensive bonded area management process silk flowers 2, deputy director of the ShiJinJi said,We will use this policy,Get through in、Russia、th、Korea's land transport passage,Introduction of northeast Asian countries technology、talents、Resources and equipment investment cooperation。
According to introducing,As points this year,Development and reform commission will be formulated in years to come《Northeast China facing to northeast Asia regional opening planning programs》,From the geopolitical、The regional economic cooperation between the strategic plan as a whole the northeast region of opening up。Ningguo light think,This program is the meaning of“Release a positive signal,Express the hope that China and northeast Asia cooperation active attitude”。
辽宁省社科院省情研究所所长梁启东表示,东北亚各国至今没有形成类似欧盟的顺畅合作机制,总体看层次较低,相对滞后。“主要表现为缺乏多国参与、制度性的经济合作机制,还需要更高层次参与并逐一破题。”(记者强勇 邹俭朴 王炳坤 姚湜)
Liaoning provincial academy of institute of LiangQiDong said,Northeast Asian countries of the European Union has yet to form the similar smooth cooperation mechanism,Overall see low level,Relatively lags behind。“Main show is lack of multinational、Institutional mechanism for economic cooperation,Need a higher level and participate in one by one to "presentation。”(Reporter ZouJianPiao WangBingKun YaoShi strong yong)
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