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    7月30日,在宁夏银川城区内,一位汽车熄火的司机从车窗内伸出头来观察积水情况     July 30,,In ningxia yinchuan city inside,A car left the driver from within to observe water out of car Windows。

    自29日夜间开始,宁夏中北部大部持续强降水,目前银川市部分地区出现大到暴雨,市区最大余量超过30毫米,贺兰山沿山雨量部分地段达到70毫米,并出现山洪。银川市主要街道已经出现城市内涝。     Since 29, start at night,Ningxia continued strong rainfall north-central most,At present in most parts of yinchuan any big to the storm,The city more than 30 mm maximum residue,Helan mountain area of the rainfall of 70 mm,And the emergence of flash floods。The main streets of yinchuan city has been the potential。

    据自治区防汛抗旱指挥部介绍,29日21时20分,在银川市西夏区贺兰山小口子沟口滚苏公路上,两辆轿车被卷入洪水中。经银川市、西夏区防办及相关部门全力组织救援,目前,车上12人已脱险。另外,银川市部分地区已出现断电情况,自治区防汛办、银川市紧急组织做好城市内涝防范工作。     According to the autonomous region flood control and drought relief is introduced,29, when 20 points 21,In the western area of yinchuan helan mountainous small cut ditch mouth SuGong roll on the way,Two cars were involved in the flood。The yinchuan、Xia area FangBan and related departments to aid organizations,At present,The car 12 people already out of danger。In addition,Parts of yinchuan already appeared power,Autonomous regions FangXunBan、Emergency organization yinchuan city to prevent the potential。

    记者在银川市主要街道采访时看到,部分地段积水已过膝盖,一些车辆因熄火滞留在水中。很多居民也在网上发微博称小区和地下停车场被淹,在微博上求助。     Reporter in an interview with the main street in yinchuan see,Part of the section water already knee,Some car because stranded in the water cut。Many people are in the online FaWei bo says village and the underground parking lot are flooded,In a blog for help。

    截至记者发稿时,暴雨天气仍在持续。为了及时提醒公众关注雨情,宁夏气象局现在每隔半小时便在微博上更新最新降水情况。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄     At press time,Torrential rain continued。To timely remind the public attention rainfall regime,Ningxia weather bureau now every half an hour in the blog and update the latest precipitation。The xinhua news agency PengZhao of perturbation


7月30日,在宁夏银川城区内,两位路人在冒雨从水中走过。 July 30,,In ningxia yinchuan city inside,Two passers-by in the rain water from the past。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 The xinhua news agency PengZhao of perturbation
