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Unified thought,Clear direction,This is our party in the business development of important experience。Comrade hu jintao, July 23,, in the provincial or ministerial main leading cadres project in his important speech delivered on the workshop,It is a stick to Chinese characteristic socialism political declaration、To adapt to the requirements of The Times and the people's desire of action。Of more than 8200 for party members,With a high degree of political consciousness and sense of responsibility,Earnestly study and understand speech spirit,Our thoughts and actions unity to comrade hu jintao's important speech spirit to come up,Is the current and future a period of the whole party a major political task。
Speech passes shines marxism the glory of the truth。Adhere to and from the development of socialism of Chinese characteristics political height and broad vision,Comrade hu jintao incisive analysis current our country faces the new situation and new tasks,Summarizes the party's 16 big since the great practice,Science is this party and state of the major issues,Deep answer the party and the state for the future development of the series of theoretical and practical problem。In recent days,All over the country the party member cadre in the study and understand that in agreement,Speech conception is high、To assume overall responsibility,Connotation is rich、innovative,For the party's big victory at 18 laid an important political、Ideological and theoretical basis。
Study hard speaking spirit,The key is to comprehend the essence、Grasp the theme。Comrade hu jintao's at speech emphasized:High the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,With deng xiaoping theory、“The three represents”The important thoughts as the instruction,Thoroughly apply the scientific outlook on development,Emancipating the mind,Reform and opening up,Gathered strength,Crucial gram difficult,Unswervingly along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics forward,For the completion of the well-off society and struggle。This is based on the national conditions of our party about party's new changes、Based on the development of new requirements and people's new look forward to,Put forward the current and future a party and country with the general requirements of work,Throughout the speech is a distinct theme。The general requirements,Bright answered for what flag、Go what way、With what kind of mental state、Rush to what kind of target these is the development of the whole party and country major issues。The study and implementation of speaking spirit,The key is to grasp the general requirements,Implement the total demand。
Banner lead direction。grasp、Implement total demand,Must will always hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics not be moved。Dramatic changes in the world today,Contemporary China's profound changes,Social thought is complicated,With what kind of flag to lead the social progress,With what kind of thought embodies social consensus,Determines the business's prosperity and decline success or failure。Practice proved,Socialism with Chinese characteristics is the flag of contemporary China's development and progress,And the whole party and the people of the united struggle of flags。In this flag lead,We the party to unite and lead hundreds of millions of people in more than 90 years of struggle was realized“Three great achievements”,In more than 30 years of reform and opening created“Chinese miracle”,In 10 years of scientific development writing“China's story”;Also only will always hold high the flag,Our party to hold the party and country's development in the right direction,Constantly open up socialist modernization and bright prospect of national rejuvenation。
Road in promoting development。grasp、Implement total demand,Must always firmly to the development road of the self-conscious confidence,Enhance implementation of the scientific outlook on development of self-consciousness firmness。From the economic social development made historic achievement,To the people's living standards improved obviously;From the comprehensive national strength rapidly build up,To improve international influence,“China voted”Have proved,The road of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Is the party and the people in the long-term practice open up in the correct road to come out;The scientific development,Is contemporary China's distinctive themes,In leading China's development and progress of the brilliant course,Reveal the truth of the great strength,With a solid theoretical basis、Practice foundation、Mass base。Only unswervingly along the great road and move on,With more firm resolve、More effective measures、More complete system to implement the scientific outlook on development,To ensure that eco-social development。
Target gathered strength。grasp、Implement total demand,Must strive to realize the comprehensive well-off society built grand goal。A well-off society is both our party to people's solemn promise,Also is the common will unite as one's 1.3 billion people。Study hard speaking spirit,Implementation of the economy、political、culture、Social construction and ecological civilization、The party's construction of a series of great deployment,The science development view implement to every aspect of economic and social development,In the next five years to 2020 years for the completion of the well-off society is of decisive significance lay the foundation,And then by the middle of this century basic socialist modernization。
State decided to become a。grasp、Implement total demand,Must be kept promising state of mind。We are faced with an unprecedented opportunity,In the face of the unprecedented challenges。Can grip the opportunities,Poised to respond to challenges,Depends on our thought,Depends on the job strength,Depends on promoting reform the pace of development。Keep promising state of mind,Let emancipating the mind always be promote the party and the people's cause the powerful ideological weapon,Reform and opening up to promote the party and people have always been the career development power,Never rigid,Never stagnation,To unite all forces that can be united,To mobilize all positive factors to spell,On the road of advance over all difficulties and risks。
Theory is the forerunner of practice,Thought is a guide to action。The party's 18 large forthcoming,A body in a completion of the well-off society's decisive phase,On a national revival of the modernization of the campaign,As long as we grasp comrade hu jintao“7 · 23”The important speech spirit,Emancipating the mind、Reform and opening up,Gathered strength、Crucial gram difficult,They will keep a the Chinese characteristic socialism new situation,To create brilliant new cause of the party and the people。
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