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    大兴安岭地区加格达奇区白桦林场职工在大棚里采摘食用菌(上图左);大兴安岭地区加格达奇区加北乡加北村村民在晾晒蘑菇(上图右);大兴安岭地区加格达奇区白桦乡东山村村民在移栽蓝莓苗(下图)(均摄于8月9日)。自国家实施天然林资源保护工程以来,大兴安岭地区将绿色食品产业作为全区的六大接续产业之一进行重点培育,先后建成近亿袋省级有机黑木耳养殖科技标准化示范基地、80万亩国家级绿色食品原料生产基地及农业示范基地,目前全区绿色(有机)食品生产企业达86家,食用菌生产企业47家,野生浆果生产企业29家,2011年大兴安岭地区绿色产业年产值达18.1亿,预计2012年将超过20亿元。新华社记者 王松 摄      In the JiaGeDaJi birch forest area inside the tent mushroom picking workers(Above left);In the JiaGeDaJi area and northen villagers in air basks in mushrooms add north village(Above right);In the JiaGeDaJi area of villagers in DongShanCun birch transplant blueberry plants(the)(Are taken in August 9,)。Since the national policy since the natural forest resource conservation project,In the greater hinggan mountains green food industry as the will of the six in the industry to develop,Successively built nearly bags of provincial organic farming technology standardization demonstrative base black fungus、800000 acres of national green food raw material production base and agriculture demonstration base,At present, the green(organic)Food production enterprise amounted to 86,Edible fungus production enterprise 47 house,Wild berry production enterprise 29 home,In 2011, the annual output reaches 1.81 billion in green industries,In 2012 is expected to more than 2 billion yuan。The xinhua news agency king perturbation 


    大兴安岭地区加格达奇区加北乡加北村村民在查看自家的木耳长势(8月9日摄)。新华社记者 王松 摄     In the JiaGeDaJi area and northen villagers in their view and north village of edible fungus is growing(August 9, taken)。The xinhua news agency king perturbation


     大兴安岭第四届蓝莓节上展示的蓝莓果干产品(上图左,8月8日摄);蓝莓节上展示的人工种植蓝莓(上图中,8月8日摄);蓝莓节上展示的蓝莓酒(上图右,8月8日摄);大兴安岭地区加格达奇区白桦乡东山村准备移栽的蓝莓苗(下图左,8月9日摄);大兴安岭地区加格达奇区白桦乡东山村村民在移栽蓝莓苗(下图右,8月9日摄)。新华社记者 王松 摄       The 4 th blueberry festival shows the blueberries GuoGan products(Above left,August 8, is taken);Blueberries quarter show on the artificial cultivated blueberry(In the image above,August 8, is taken);Blueberries section of blueberries wine to the show(Above right,August 8, is taken);In the JiaGeDaJi area township DongShanCun prepare transplanting of birch plywood blueberry plants(The left,August 9, taken);In the JiaGeDaJi area of villagers in DongShanCun birch transplant blueberry plants(The right,August 9, taken)。The xinhua news agency king perturbation 


    大兴安岭第四届蓝莓节上展示的人工种植蓝莓(8月8日摄)。新华社记者 王松 摄     The 4 th blueberry festival shows the cultivated blueberry(August 8, is taken)。The xinhua news agency king perturbation
