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   决战伦敦:胜利属于中国 Decisive battle London:Victory belongs to China!

    新华社伦敦8月12日电(新华社记者 刘刚、刘卫宏、吴俊宽) 面对强劲的对手,他们敢于挑战;承受种种的压力,他们奋勇拼搏。

    The xinhua news agency London August 12-(The xinhua news agency liu gang. Is Mr、LiuWeiHong、WuJunKuan) In the face of strong competitors,They dared to challenge the;Under various pressure,They struggle for the。


    Decisive battle London,The best result away a competitive,Chinese athletes style and glamour,Show the good national image,Stimulate national people's high enthusiasm of patriotism,Won the world praise。


    在伦敦铸就新的辉煌    In London cast new success


    This is a will written to the China sporting moments:August 9, at about 20,ChenReLin to“The most relaxed”One of the women's 10 m platform jumping the defending champions,For the Chinese sports delegation won in the summer Olympic Games since the gold medal since 200。ChenReLin said after the game,This to the individual character is honored and coincidence,To the London games for Chinese legion is inevitable。


    From 1984 to 2012 in ChenReLin xu haifeng,28 years,Chinese sports as countries improve comprehensive strength and increasingly strong。Took the first“The gold”Spent 20 years,Took the second“The gold”Needed only eight years。


    London games,Table tennis、badminton、diving、weightlifting、gymnastics、The advantage of shooting continue to be maintained,And a new ascension:Badminton first five gold pulls;ZhangJiKe refresh table-tennis grand slam of the fastest men's singles record achievements;Gymnastics ZouKai tired after 5 pieces of gold,Become the most gold MEDALS for China's...Chinese athletes also constantly to Europe and the country's traditional strengths challenge,A historical breakthrough again in London's west end:


    -on the swimming,SunYang and leaves as poetry“double”,And twice broke the world record,China's swimming team won five gold, 2 silver and 3 bronze MEDALS for 10,Realize the historic leap,To set up a new pattern of the Chinese sports nucleus。


    -fencing the,The thunder won the men's foil champions,Will the Chinese name first time writing in this project on the Olympic gold;Women's epee team to win big score,For China to win the first gold medal heavy jian。


    -track and field,Chen man broke the 20 km race win the Olympic record,Became the first person to win the gold medal in the men's race in China,For Chinese history opened a new chapter arrive within sec.of。


    -water project,XuLiJia get China Olympic sailing disciplines in the first gold medal,Realize the historic breakthrough。


    The Chinese delegation, although not finished first straight,But these progress and change,Including many failed to win a medal but get to take part in the Olympic Games of the best grade project,precious。Chinese sports delegation、State general administration of sports liu peng said,This reflects Chinese sports in project structure adjustment、Promote balanced development to make certain result,Embodies the new development and progress of competitive sports。


    中华体育精神熠熠生辉 The Chinese sports spirit yi yi is unripe brightness


    “Victory belongs to China!”This is SunYang answer,Also reflects Chinese athletes aspirations。Battle of the London 16 in the day and night,The motherland with Chinese athletes always stood together,They also moved the fighting spirit of the shenzhou。


    Tough fighting、Challenge the limit。Lin Dan in London became the Olympic badminton men's singles first to successfully defend the field“Heavenly king”,And behind is to stick to 8 years of hard,He said:“I must pay more than others,Because all wanted to win over me。”Lost cry,Win also cry SunYang said:“I only to 24 hours a day,Other time almost in the water”,It makes people understand the secret of tears,More understand the become“genius”secret。


    Adhere to the dream、The self。Liu xiang in the fall when for promotion,Single foot to the end,Bent down and kissed the last column frame,“London bowl”80000 for him to warm applause from the audience。Medalist wang hao and、ZhangXiuYun、TongWen、ShiDongPeng......Although they don't win gold MEDALS or MEDALS,But they overcome various difficulties,Participation and adhere to the spirit is very moving,It is also the victory and the glory。


    Self-esteem and、Magnanimous calmly。Facing a few western media wearing“Colored glasses”Questioning of the,Leaves by strong confidence poetry gold again to respond;Facing the controversial decisions,In the appeal at the same time,GuoShuang cracked under pressure again to get good grades;Chen yibing“accident”Have to runners-up have not lost brilliant smiling face,But generous enough to champion and of the crowd。


    Stick to moral,Fair competition。Including a pair of China's, to the women's doubles players for four badminton game after negative to be punished,Chinese sports delegation said fully respect the results of punishment,Badminton team manager LiYongBo also a public apology。Self-examination in the kingdom of toil up primaries,The first Olympic gold scored five。To the world LiYongBo despite his critics of the new format,But also said to continue to reflect on and summarized,“Later in the management team do it more perfect,Show people better state of mind。”


    Sincerely Chinese athletes in London this is showing a image,Win the respect of the world。Once, the question of poetry famous British academic journals《natural》Apology statement published;The Associated Press reported that liu xiang match performance,Praise him as a great athlete;Like knows like scene,Happened in SunYang and South Korea's PiaoTaiHuan body,Two parents have forged friendship,Biography is the Olympic anecdotes。


    继续向体育强国迈进 Continue to the sports power forward


    “Meet Rio”,London Olympic Games often can hear the closing of such agreement。Rio DE janeiro,The Brazilian coastal city,In the 2016 summer Olympic Games will be held 31 st。


    For Rio,China's still has a certain strength。“After 90”New strength in London Olympic Games accounts for about half of the Chinese athletes,For the first time the younger members of the won 23 gold MEDALS。


    The youngest 14 years old QiuYuHan swimmers,Attended the relay and make it to the finals。SunYang、YiSiLing、LiXueRui、Such as Chen champion only 20 s,Leaf verse even only 16,And take card or the good progress in players,There are more advantages with age the teenager。Since 1996 to take part in the Olympic Games is the rowing veteran ZhangXiuYun said,“We have a lot of outstanding athletes,No matter the level or quality is very good,And they're going。”


    however,Chinese sports“Short board”Still obvious。Have extensive effect of football、basketball、Volleyball project,China or not to rush out of Asia,In London or too early to be eliminated。This is not a big regret。


    Former famous basketball player yao Ming said,By comparing several session even more than ten th Olympic Games,We will find,Back on the competition exists not only in between players,And the training system and mechanism behind the role。With long-term,Must constantly deepen reform of the domestic league,Sports and education will be combined,Broaden young reserve personnel training。


    Maintain Olympic medal table top is undoubtedly one of the symbols of sports power,But the longevity of competitive sports,The trend of the sports structure reasonable,Not only would need the support of the country and professional players efforts,Need more mass sports、The vigorous development of sports, especially the young people for the powerful backing。International player chairman wei jamie had thought,In London the gold medal table tennis all scored and badminton,Is vivid example。


    Chinese athletes in the London of good performance,Inspired the enthusiasm of the domestic Olympic Games。On 8 August China fourth“National fitness,”,The first home YiSiLing and YuDan fitness activity attracted a large number of Beijing residents,And in SunYang、Leaves home a verse of hangzhou swimming boom。LiuPengShui,“To put people's Olympics enthusiasm into national fitness of active power”。


    This will be the London Olympic Games to give China sports development of best gift。 

图表:伦敦奥运会奖牌榜(伦敦时间8月11日) 新华社记者 卢哲 编制

chart:London Olympic medal table(London time on August 11,) The xinhua news agency LuZhe establishment

体育总局等电贺中国代表团获得境外参赛最好成绩 The state general administration of sports, etc DianHe overseas Chinese delegation won the best results

    新华社北京8月7日电 国家体育总局、中华全国体育总会、中国奥委会7日发出电文,祝贺中国体育代表团在第30届奥运会上已得到33枚金牌,同时获得境外参赛最好成绩。贺电全文如下。

    Beijing, aug. 7, state general administration of sports、The all-china sports federation、Chinese Olympic committee 7 a message,Congratulations on the Chinese sports delegation in the 30 th Olympic Games have got 33 gold MEDALS,Also won the overseas best results。A congratulatory message the following is the text。


    Chinese sports delegation:

    欣闻我国体育代表团在伦敦奥运会上获得33枚金牌,创造了我国境外参加奥运会的历史最好成绩。在此向中国体育代表团表示热烈祝贺,致以崇高的敬意和亲切的慰问。 >>>详细阅读

    How our country sports delegation in the London Olympics was 33 gold MEDALS,Created outside of our country to take part in the Olympic Games history best results。Here to warmly congratulate the Chinese sports delegation,Our high respects and the bereaved。 > > > detailed reading

     7月27日,第三十届夏季奥林匹克运动会开幕式在伦敦奥林匹克公园主体育场“伦敦碗”举行。这是中国代表团入场。新华社记者 杨磊 摄

     July 27,,The 30 summer Olympic Games opening ceremony in London Olympic park main stadium“London bowl”held。This is the Chinese delegation。The xinhua news agency Yang lei is taken

国家体育总局等电贺易思玲获得伦敦奥运会首金 State general administration of sports, etc DianHe YiSiLing London Olympic Games for the first gold

    新华社伦敦7月28日电 国家体育总局、中华全国体育总会、中国奥委会28日致电中国体育代表团,祝贺易思玲获得伦敦奥运会首金。电文如下。

    The xinhua news agency London on July 28--state general administration of sports、The all-china sports federation、Chinese Olympic committee 28 call Chinese sports delegation,Congratulations on YiSiLing London Olympic Games for the first gold。Read as follows。


    Chinese sports delegation:

    欣悉我国射击选手易思玲在第30届奥运会女子10米气步枪比赛中不畏强手,勇夺桂冠,获得中国体育代表团第30届奥运会首金,取得良好开端。在此向获奖运动员及中国体育代表团表示热烈的祝贺和亲切的慰问! >>>详细阅读

    I am glad to know that our country YiSiLing shooting athlete in the 30 th Olympic women's 10 m air rifle shooting game not strong,Won the title,Chinese sports delegation won the 30 th Olympic Games first gold,Got off to a good start。In this to the athletes and the Chinese sports delegation said warmest congratulations and the bereaved! > > > detailed reading
