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河北西大洋水库:加强水质监测 保证用水安全--亲稳网络舆情监控室

河北西大洋水库:加强水质监测 保证用水安全

    8月12日,西大水库管理处巡查队对库区周边重点水域进行巡查。近日河北持续性降雨造成西大水库库区外围水体流入,为防止可能对水库水质造成的影响,西大洋水库管理处协同水源河北唐县环保局加强对水库水质的管理,通过24小时动态监测,确保西大洋水库水质安全。西大洋水库位于河北省保定市唐县,1960年建成,总库容11.37亿立方米,为国家大(Ⅰ)型水利枢纽工程,是河北省四大水库之一,现为保定市饮用水水源地,水库水质一直稳定保持在地表水二类以上水平,2004年被确定为南水北调中线工程应急水源地、北京市应急供水水源地。新华社记者 朱旭东摄     August 12,,West ocean management of reservoir area XunZhaDui reservoir surrounding key water bowls。Hebei persistent rainfall caused recently west ocean periphery reservoir water inflows,To prevent possible impact of the reservoir water quality,West ocean water reservoir management office of hebei TangXian environmental protection bureau to strengthen the coordination of reservoir water quality management,Through the 24 hours of dynamic monitoring,To ensure the security of water quality of the west。West ocean reservoir located in hebei province TangXian city,Built in 1960,With a total capacity of 1.137 billion cubic meters,For countries(Ⅰ)Type hydraulic project,In hebei province is one of the four major reservoir,City is drinking water source fields,Reservoir water quality has been stable in second class above the surface water keep level,2004 was identified as emergency water source of south-to-north water transfer project、Beijing for the emergency water supply source fields。The xinhua news agency ZhuXuDong perturbation

河北西大洋水库:加强水质监测 保证用水安全

    8月12日,河北唐县西大洋水库水质监测站工作人员对采集到的水样进行化验。新华社记者 朱旭东摄     August 12,,Hebei TangXian west ocean water quality monitoring station staff of the collected water laboratory test。The xinhua news agency ZhuXuDong perturbation
