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三峡因洪滞留船舶基本疏散完毕 通航恢复常态--亲稳舆论引导监测室

    新华社宜昌8月17日电(记者 刘紫凌、李思远)17日,长江三峡通航管理局通报称,三峡水域因洪滞留船舶基本疏散完毕,即日起恢复正常通航状态。过闸计划调度模式由现在的24小时计划模式转为常态化的8小时计划模式。

    The xinhua news agency yichang August 17(Reporter LiuZiLing、LiSiYuan)17,The Yangtze river three-gorges navigation bureau report says,The three gorges water for flood detention of ship basic evacuation complete,This date back to normal navigation condition。A brake plan scheduling mode from now 24 hours plan pattern to the normalization of eight hours planning mode。


    Since July,Follow the flood of Yangtze river,The three gorges upstream to high water。The three gorges lock several stopping,Gezhouba 1 lock lasts 20 days stopping foundation。The flood caused by the three gorges water traffic hindered,A large number of ship for flood detention in the three gorges water,Peak ship backlog number more than 950 ships。


    The three gorges project to water flow、Discharge under the back,The three gorges bureau take various measures,Timely and efficiently's ship,Positive security ship navigation safety,To 17, late,All backlog ship evacuation work the basic。


    In the process of cr in the ship,Considering many ship in the anchorage for navigation,For the convenience of the ship to arrange production as soon as possible,Navigation department implemented 24 hours ship scheduling plan model,That is a layout of the 24 hours ship lock plan。Daily and release brake plan,Greatly improve the ships passing the dam safety efficiency。


    At present navigation basic returned to normal。And within a short time without so many ships plan,8 hours planning mode then recovery,Three times a day layout plan,Convenient in underway ships in the shortest time row of passing the dam on the plan。


    In addition,Interval short line tourism passenger ship also restore a dam。It is understood,In early July,To ensure the safety during the flood shipping order,The three gorges water does not allow passenger ship through the,But through the land to turn dam transshipment。
