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北京电影制片厂被拆 文物部门建议原址保护--亲稳网络舆情监控室

北京电影制片厂被拆 文物部门建议原址保护


    8月25日,工人们在北京电制片厂明清街内进行拆除施工。 On August 25,,The workers in Beijing film studio in tourist handicraft demolition construction。


    针对近日舆论热议的北京电影制片厂即将被拆除一事,北京市文物局相关负责人表示,对已被列入《北京优秀近现代建筑保护名录(第一批)》的北京电影制片厂,北京市文物局建议原址保护,并已将此意见反馈给北京市规划委员会,是否继续拆除还需等待市规划委或上一级部门作出最终批复。 According to the hot debate recently public opinion of the Beijing film studio will be removed by,The relevant person in charge said that the Beijing municipal bureau of cultural relics,To have been listed in the《Beijing outstanding modern architecture protection list(The first)》Beijing film studio,The site of the Beijing municipal bureau of cultural relics protection Suggestions,And has set up a file the feedback to the Beijing planning committee,Whether or not to continue to dismantle still need to wait for the city GuiHuaWei or at the next higher level department to make final approval。


    北京电影制片厂是中国电影故事片生产基地之一,简称“北影”,曾出品过《祝福》《林家铺子》《霸王别姬》等家喻户晓的影视剧,承载着众多影视界人士的集体记忆。 Beijing film studio is China's movie feature film production bases,Referred to as“North shadow”,Had produced a《blessing》《The lins workshop》《Farewell my concubine》And household film and television play,Carrying many film people's collective memory。


    8月中旬,位于北京市北三环外的北影厂开始拆迁,据了解,拆迁地块将用于一个综合房地产项目建设。新华社发(李文明 摄) In the middle of August,Located at Beijing shibei tricyclic outside the BeiYingChang began,It is understood,The block will be used in a comprehensive real estate projects。The xinhua news agency hair(LiWenMing perturbation)

北京电影制片厂被拆 文物部门建议原址保护

8月25日,工人们在北京电影制片厂明清街内进行拆除施工。 On August 25,,The workers in Beijing film studio in tourist handicraft demolition construction。新华社发(李文明 摄) The xinhua news agency hair(LiWenMing perturbation)

北京电影制片厂被拆 文物部门建议原址保护

8月25日拍摄的北京电影制片厂正门上的厂标牌。 On August 25, shooting of the Beijing film studio in front of the factory plate。新华社发(李文明 摄) The xinhua news agency hair(LiWenMing perturbation)

北京电影制片厂被拆 文物部门建议原址保护

    8月25日,北京电影制片厂明清街大门旁的围墙上写着“拆”字,一辆铲车从门前经过。     On August 25,,Beijing film studio tourist handicraft gate wall written“and”word,A car forklift truck from the past。新华社发(李文明 摄) The xinhua news agency hair(LiWenMing perturbation)

北京电影制片厂被拆 文物部门建议原址保护

8月25日拍摄的拆迁中的北京电影制片厂明清街。 On August 25, shooting of the Beijing film studio tourist handicraft。新华社发(李文明 摄) The xinhua news agency hair(LiWenMing perturbation)

北京电影制片厂被拆 文物部门建议原址保护

8月25日拍摄的北京电影制片厂正门顶部的工农兵形象雕塑。 On August 25, shooting of the Beijing film studio front at the top of the workers and peasants and soldiers image sculpture。新华社发(李文明 摄) The xinhua news agency hair(LiWenMing perturbation)

北京电影制片厂被拆 文物部门建议原址保护

8月25日,北影厂明清街内,巨幅明星照遗落地面。 On August 25,,BeiYingChang within the tourist handicraft,According to a giant star which shoots up the ground。新华社发(李文明 摄) The xinhua news agency hair(LiWenMing perturbation)

北京电影制片厂被拆 文物部门建议原址保护

8月25日,游人在北影厂仿建的前门烤鸭店前拍照留念。 On August 25,,Visitors in BeiYingChang imitation built before the door duck restaurant photo as a souvenir。新华社发(李文明 摄) The xinhua news agency hair(LiWenMing perturbation)

北京电影制片厂被拆 文物部门建议原址保护

8月25日,工人们在北京电影制片厂明清街内进行拆除施工。 On August 25,,The workers in Beijing film studio in tourist handicraft demolition construction。新华社发(李文明 摄) The xinhua news agency hair(LiWenMing perturbation)
