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    新疆柯坪县第一中学的学生在上课(10月16日摄)。 Xinjiang keping county the first secondary school students in the class(Taken on October 16,).


    新疆柯坪县是国家新世纪扶贫开发重点县,维吾尔族人口约占全县总人口97%。柯坪针对人口少、学校布局分散、办学规模小、师资结构性短缺等突出问题,把实施教育资源整合、集中办学作为解决制约教育事业的突破口,实施教育园区建设工程,使广大少数民族农牧民孩子接受良好教育。据柯坪县教育局介绍,教育园区工程建设计划投资1.3亿元,整个园区从2008年开始建设,工程在2012年年底建成并全部投入使用。建成后可满足5000余名农牧民学生就读,3000余名学生食宿。建成后的学校内有高标准的校舍、微机室、多媒体教室、电子备课室、电子阅览室、室内体育场、多功能运动场等。 Xinjiang keping county is the national poverty alleviation and development in the new century county,Uighur population accounts for about 97% of the total population of the county.In keping less population/The school layout dispersion/Small scale of running/Teachers structural shortage problems,The implementation of education resource integration/Centralized education as the solution to restrict the breach of the education career,Implement education park construction engineering,Make the minority peasants and herdsmen children received a good education.According to the county bureau of keping is introduced,Education park construction plans to invest 130 million yuan,The whole park since 2008 construction,Engineering in the end of 2012, all to be built and put into use.After the completion of can meet more than 5000 students attend farmers,More than 3000 student accommodation.After completion of the school has high standards of school buildings/Microcomputer room/Multimedia classroom/Electronic BeiKeShi/Electronic reading room/Indoor stadium/Multi-purpose stadium, etc.新华社记者 沙达提 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter sand to mention perturbation


    工作人员在新疆柯坪县准备交付使用的柯坪湖州双语寄宿制小学内组装新桌椅(10月16日摄)。     Staff in keping county in xinjiang to consign is used of keping huzhou boarding in bilingual primary school assembly new desks and chairs(Taken on October 16,).新华社记者 沙达提 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter sand to mention perturbation


新疆柯坪县第一中学的学生在上体育课(10月16日摄)。 Xinjiang keping county first middle school students in physical education classes(Taken on October 16,).新华社记者 沙达提 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter sand to mention perturbation


    新疆柯坪县第一中学的艾麦尔江老师在给学生们上课(10月16日摄)。     Xinjiang keping county first school YiMaiEr jiang the teacher to the students in the class(Taken on October 16,).新华社记者 沙达提 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter sand to mention perturbation
