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    北海市城市街景(10月18日摄)。北部湾素有“西部唯一一片海”之称。1984年,两千多年前就是海上丝绸之路始发港的广西北海市再次站到开放前沿,被国务院列入我国首批14个沿海对外开放城市。提起北海,人们对上个世纪90年代初那场“房地产热”记忆犹新。房地产泡沫破裂之后,北海陷入长时期的停滞和艰难的爬坡中, “烂尾楼”随处可见,负面形象掩盖了滨海旅游胜地的倩影。到2008年,北海的GDP只有276.5亿元。人均GDP为1.7万元,财政收入仅27亿元。人们惊呼:北海已经“边缘化”。金融危机寒风凛冽,危机之中蕴藏转机。2009年初履新的北海市新班子在学习实践科学发展观活动中认识到,工业化是一个国家或地区走向繁荣发达的必由之路,缺乏产业支撑是制约北海的最大瓶颈,只有遵循经济社会发展的一般规律,抢抓机遇,补上工业化这一课,才能以跨越方式实现追赶发达地区的目标。在2009年落实中央“促增长、保稳定”决策,开工建设一批重大项目的基础上,北海市于2010年初作出“北海三年跨越发展工程”战略部署。“把事干成”成为北海最响亮的口号。从2009年起,北海连续3年续建完工36条“烂尾路”,极大地缓解了群众的“行路难”,改善了城市功能和形象;中电产业园实现“当年开工、当年建成、当年招商、当年投产”;年产20万吨聚丙烯的北海炼油异地改造项目18个月建成试产;年产60万吨的诚德新材料项目一期13个月竣工运营;渤海粮油项目12个月走完从签约到投产的过程。民生事业与支柱产业齐头并进,软环境与硬设施统筹兼修,北海呈现了前所未有的全面跨越发展的态势。3年多来,北海强力推进项目、夯筑产业支撑的效果开始显现。2012年上半年,北海的工业用电量增长61%,增幅在全广西排名第一,GDP、财政收入、规模以上工业总产值、规模以上工业增加值4项主要经济指标增速夺得广西第一。1到9月份,北海市实现GDP400.1亿元,比增21.5%;财政收入70.21亿元,比增70%。北海的经济结构已由农业地区典型的“葫芦型”变身为工业强劲发展的“榄核型”, 经济发展呈现出“速度快、质量好、结构优、后劲足”的特点。“昔日的一片海滩涂变成今天前景广阔的深水港区,昔日的一片旱坡地变成今天生机勃勃的产业园区,昔日的一片木薯地变成今天塔罐林立的绿色厂区”。北海探索西部地区、民族地区、欠发达地区实现跨越发展路子,“三年跨越”,这个珍珠之城新型工业化进程的铿锵步伐清晰可闻。新华社记者 陈建力 摄     BeiHaiShi city street(On October 18 perturbation).Beibu gulf known as"The west only a piece of the sea"said.In 1984,,More than two thousand years ago is Marine silk road starting port BeiHaiShi guangxi stand again to the open front,Be in our country by the state council to be the first 14 coastal open city.Mention the north sea,People in the last century 90 s the"Real estate heat"fresh.After the real estate bubble burst,The north sea into a long period of stagnation and difficult in the climbing, "Rotten poop"Can be seen everywhere,Negative image covered up the figures of the seashore tourist resort.By 2008,The north sea's GDP is only 27.65 billion yuan.Per capita GDP for 17000 yuan,Fiscal revenue only 2.7 billion yuan.People exclaimed:The north sea has"marginalization".The financial crisis the force of the wind,Crisis is to transfer.At the beginning of 2009 the newly BeiHaiShi the new group in the study practice scientific development concept activity to realize,Industrialization is a country or region to the prosperous,Lack of industry support is the biggest bottleneck restrict the north sea,Only follow the general rule of economic and social development,Catch every opportunity,Catch up on industrialization this lesson,Can use the cross means to realize pursued the goal of developed regions.In 2009 the central implementation"Promote growth/Keep stable"decision,To start construction a batch of important projects in the basis,BeiHaiShi made in early 2010"The north sea three years across the development project"Strategic deployment."Do the business into"Become the north sea the most resounding slogan.Since 2009,The north sea of three consecutive years of continuous completion 36"Rotten tail road",Greatly alleviated the masses"Journey difficult",To improve the urban function and image;CLP realized industrial park"The commencement/Built in/The investment/The production";An annual output of 200000 tons of polypropylene north sea oil refining different renovation project 18 months built trial-produce;With an annual capacity of 600000 tons of honesty DE new material project a stage for 13 months completion operation;The bohai sea cereals and oil project 12 months from the end to the process of signing production.The livelihood of the people business and pillar industry neck and neck,The soft and hard facilities as a whole and repair,The north sea presented unprecedented overall spanning development the situation.3 years,The north sea powerful propulsion project/Rammer building industry support effect began to appear.In the first half of 2012,Beihai industrial electricity consumption growth of 61%,Growth in all ranked the first in guangxi,GDP/Fiscal revenue/Scale above gross industrial output value/Above designated size industrial added value growth of four major economic indicators won the first in guangxi.1 to September,BeiHaiShi realize GDP400.1 one hundred million yuan,More than 21.5% increase;Financial income is 7.021 billion yuan,More than 70% increase.The north sea economic structure has by the agricultural area typical"Hoist type"Change as the development of strong industry"Lam karyotype", Economic development presents"speed/Good quality/Structure optimal/Enough staying power"characteristics."Past a piece of sea beaches become today the ShenShuiGangOu broad prospects,Past a piece of dry sloping field into today's burgeoning industrial park,Past a piece of cassava to become today tower tank full of green plant".The north sea to explore the western region/National regions/Less developed regions to realize the span development path,"Three years across",This pearl city new industrialization process step articulate clearly audible.Xinhua news agency reporters ChenJianLi perturbation


北海市城市街景(10月18日摄)。新华社记者 陈建力 摄 BeiHaiShi city street(On October 18 perturbation).Xinhua news agency reporters ChenJianLi perturbation


中国石化北海炼化公司夜景(10月16日摄)。 新华社记者 陈建力 摄 China petrochemical north sea refining company night scene(Taken on October 16,). Xinhua news agency reporters ChenJianLi perturbation
