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新疆15条国省干线建成通车 西部高速路网愈加完善--亲稳网络舆情监测室

新疆15条国省干线建成通车 西部高速路网愈加完善

    10月24日,在新疆奇台县,一辆公交车从15条国省干线通车仪式现场驶出。当日,15条连接天山南北、沟通疆内外的国省干线建成通车新疆的路网结构由此更趋完善。此次建成通车的15条国省干线包括G219线新藏公路新疆段改建整治工程、G30星星峡至吐鲁番二期工程、S303线大黄山至奇台、S328线沙尔湖至大南湖等,通车里程共计2485.8公里。2011年,新疆交通运输固定资产投资同比增长50%,33个公路大通道项目开工建设,全疆公路建设规模明显扩大。“十二五”期间,新疆公路建设总里程68000公里。到2015年,新疆高速大通道里程将突破4000公里,高等级公路里程将超过15000公里,农村公路里程将达11万公里。新华社记者 沙达提 摄     October 24,,In xinjiang JiTaiXian,A bus article from 15 countries provinces trunk opening ceremonies field to put off.On that day,Article 15 connecting the north and the south tianshan mountain/The kingdom of internal and external communication in xinjiang province main built to traffic,Xinjiang's network structure thus more hasten is perfect.The traffic in the article 15 countries including provincial trunk xinjiang-tibet G219 highway xinjiang section reconstruction renovation project/G30 XingXingXia to turpan of the second phase of the project/S303 line DaHuangShan to qitai/S328 line ShaEr lake and south lake, etc,Traffic mileage of 2485.8 kilometers.In 2011,,Xinjiang transportation investment in fixed assets year-on-year growth of 50%,33 highway vomitorium project commenced construction,In xinjiang highway construction scale is obvious to expand."1025"period,Xinjiang highway construction total mileage of 68000 kilometers.By 2015,Xinjiang high-speed vomitorium mileage will break 4000 km,High grade highway mileage will be more than 15000 kilometers,Rural highway mileage of 110000 kilometers.The xinhua news agency reporter sand to mention perturbation

新疆15条国省干线建成通车 西部高速路网愈加完善

    这是10月24日在新疆奇台县拍摄的新通车的大奇(大黄山-奇台)高速公路。新华社记者 沙达提 摄     It is October 24 in xinjiang JiTaiXian filming new traffic big odd(DaHuangShan - qitai)highway.The xinhua news agency reporter sand to mention perturbation
