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    11月21日,锅炉工张峰(右)和同事一起给锅炉放渣。 On November 21st,Fireman zhangfeng(right)And colleagues to boiler slag.


    一年一度的供暖季已经开始,为千家万户送去温暖的锅炉工开始了他们一年中最忙碌的时段。在宁夏回族自治区银川市热电厂的锅炉房内,4个班次的20多位锅炉工每天守着6台锅炉,司炉、巡查、打焦、放渣……他们为银川市城区500多万平方米的单位、公司、居民区提供暖气。 The annual heating season has started,For tens of thousands of households sent to warm boiler work began their the most busy time in a year.In the ningxia hui autonomous region in yinchuan thermal power plant boiler room,Four divisions of more than 20 boiler working every day to keep the 6 boilers,stoker/patrol/Play coke/Slag...Yinchuan city for more than 500 square meters of unit/The company/Residential areas to provide heating.


    今年38岁的张峰是银川热电厂锅炉工中的一员,为锅炉打焦放渣已经12个年头了,每个供暖季他的手上都会多添几个水泡。“供暖高峰的时候,锅炉炉内的温度接近1000度,给锅炉打焦放渣的时候,一不小心就会被喷溅出来的火星烫着。”张峰指着手上的水泡说。 This year at the age of 38 zhangfeng is yinchuan thermal power plant boiler work a member of,For boiler play JiaoFang slag has been 12 years,Each heating season his hands will be more add a few blisters."Heating booms,Boiler furnace temperature is close to 1000 degree,To play JiaoFang when boiler slag,He will be splashing out of Mars to burn."By the hands of zhangfeng blisters said.


    除了张峰这样给锅炉打焦放渣的工人外,还有监控锅炉运行设备的司炉员,司炉员虽然少了被烫伤的危险,但却是最考验意志力的岗位,每位司炉员一个班次下来要在监控电脑前坐上6个小时,眼睛一刻都不能离开屏幕上的监控参数,锅炉运行过程中温度、湿度等细微变化他们都要记录,一旦出现问题要及时进行故障排查。“最痛苦的就是半夜值班。”司炉员齐欣说。 In addition to play JiaoFang zhangfeng such boiler slag outside of the workers,And monitoring boiler operation equipment stoker member,Stoker member although less risk of burns,But it is the most test will post,Each stoker member a shift down in front of a computer monitor to sit on 6 hours,Eyes moment all cannot leave the screen monitoring parameters,In the process of boiler operation temperature/Humidity subtle changes they all want to record,Once the problems in a timely manner to troubleshooting."The most painful is on duty at midnight."Stoker member JiXin said.


    后半夜一点了,热电厂锅炉房内依旧灯火通明,巡检员郑晗和王少吉带着工具进行了他们这个班次的又一次巡检…… After midnight a bit,Thermal power plant boiler room inside still brightly lit,Polling member ZhengHan and WangShaoJi with the tools they this flight and a polling...

    新华社记者 彭昭之 摄     The xinhua news agency reporters PengZhao perturbation


11月21日,锅炉工郑晗(右)和同事一起巡检锅炉运行情况。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 On November 21st,Boiler work ZhengHan(right)Together with colleagues and polling boiler operation.The xinhua news agency reporters PengZhao perturbation


11月21日,锅炉工张怀通在启动锅炉的阀门准备打焦放渣。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 On November 21st,Fireman ZhangHuaiTong at startup boiler valve ready to hit the JiaoFang slag.The xinhua news agency reporters PengZhao perturbation


    11月21日,锅炉工王少吉在给锅炉打焦(打焦就是把粘在炉壁上的焦渣打下来)。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄     On November 21st,Fireman WangShaoJi in boiler play coke(Play coke is glued to the furnace wall of coke standard chartered down).The xinhua news agency reporters PengZhao perturbation


11月21日,锅炉工张怀通在巡检各个锅炉的运行情况。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 On November 21st,Fireman ZhangHuaiTong in checking each boiler operation.The xinhua news agency reporters PengZhao perturbation


    11月21日,锅炉工张峰戴手套准备给锅炉放渣。他手上有好几处被烫伤的疤痕。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄     On November 21st,Fireman ZhangFengDai gloves for boiler slag.His hands were several place of burn scar.The xinhua news agency reporters PengZhao perturbation


    11月21日,在银川热电厂的锅炉集控室内,锅炉工王少吉(右)在做广播体操抵抗睡意。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄     On November 21st,In yinchuan thermal power plant boiler in ecr,Boiler work WangShaoJi(right)Doing broadcasting gymnastics resistance drowsiness.The xinhua news agency reporters PengZhao perturbation
