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    11月28日,在甘肃省华亭县马峡镇一家废旧地膜回收加工企业内,一名工人在再生资源加工生产线上操作编织袋生产设备。 On November 28,,Huating county in gansu province MaXia town a waste film recovery processing the business enterprise inside,A worker in renewable resources processing production line operation woven bag production equipment.


    随着地膜在甘肃旱作农业区的用量越来越多,废旧地膜的残留量也逐年增大,成为农业面源污染源之一。来自甘肃省农牧厅的数据显示,2012年,全省全膜双垄沟播面积超过1200万亩,各种农用塑料薄膜使用量超过12万吨。 Along with the film in gansu agricultural regions dry the dosage of more and more,The residues of waste film also has been increasing year by year,Become agricultural non-point pollution.From gansu province NongMuTing data display,In 2012,,The whole film double furrow planting area of more than 12 million acres,All kinds of agricultural plastic film use more than 120000 tons.


    为治理旱区农村废旧地膜带来的污染,2011年甘肃省安排1000万元省级废旧农膜回收利用专项资金,对废旧农膜回收加工企业给予资金扶持。2012年,甘肃省财政将省级废旧农膜回收利用专项资金追加到2000万元,扶持企业也增加到了154家。在政府专项资金的激励引导下,目前甘肃省已建和正在建设的从事废旧农膜回收加工利用的企业已超过180家,设立废旧农膜回收网点超过1000处。据甘肃省农牧厅的初步估算,2011年全省回收利用废旧地膜45700吨,回收利用率达57%。新华社记者 张锰 摄 Arid regions for management of rural pollution caused by waste film,Gansu province in 2011 10 million yuan will waste recycling agricultural films at the provincial level special funds,To waste agricultural film recovery processing enterprise give capital support.In 2012,,Gansu provincial finance will waste recycling agricultural film special fund additional to 20 million yuan,Support enterprise also increased to 154.In the government special fund incentive guidance,In gansu province at present already built and is engaged in the construction of agricultural waste recycling, processing and utilizing the enterprise has more than 180,Set up waste agricultural film recovery net more than 1000 place.According to NongMuTing gansu province preliminary estimate,In 2011 the province recycling waste film of 45700 tons,Recovery 57% utilization.The xinhua news agency reporter zhang manganese perturbation


    11月28日,在甘肃省华亭县马峡镇一家废旧地膜回收加工企业内,一名工人在再生资源加工生产线上缝制编织袋。新华社记者 张锰 摄     On November 28,,Huating county in gansu province MaXia town a waste film recovery processing the business enterprise inside,A worker in renewable resources processing production line sewing woven bag.The xinhua news agency reporter zhang manganese perturbation


    11月28日,在甘肃省华亭县马峡镇一家废旧地膜回收加工企业内,一名工人在再生资源加工生产线上操作。新华社记者 张锰 摄     On November 28,,Huating county in gansu province MaXia town a waste film recovery processing the business enterprise inside,A worker in renewable resources processing production line operation.The xinhua news agency reporter zhang manganese perturbation


    11月28日,在甘肃省华亭县马峡镇一家废旧地膜回收加工企业内,一名工人在再生资源加工生产线上操作编织袋生产设备。新华社记者 张锰 摄     On November 28,,Huating county in gansu province MaXia town a waste film recovery processing the business enterprise inside,A worker in renewable resources processing production line operation woven bag production equipment.The xinhua news agency reporter zhang manganese perturbation
