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宁夏银川举行交通安全宣传活动 Ningxia yinchuan held on traffic safety propaganda activities



    12月2日,在宁夏回族自治区银川市街头,市民参加交通安全知识竞猜。 Dec. 2,,In yinchuan of ningxia hui autonomous region street,Citizens to participate in traffic safety knowledge quizzes.


    当日是首个“全国交通安全日”。宁夏银川举行“交通安全宣传走上街头”活动,来自宁夏交警总队的交警们现场演示交通指挥手势,并向司机分发交通安全出行标志。同时通过交通知识竞猜、展板和宣传手册等方式向市民宣传安全出行的重要性。 That day is the first"The national transportation safety day".Ningxia yinchuan held"The traffic safety propaganda took to the streets"activities,From ningxia police corps of the traffic policemen field demo traffic command gestures,To the driver and distribute traffic safety travel mark.At the same time, through the traffic knowledge quizzes/Exhibition board and brochures etc to the citizens of the importance of safe travel propaganda.新华社记着 彭昭之 摄 The xinhua news agency PengZhao remember the perturbation


    12月2日,在宁夏回族自治区银川市街头,市民参观交通安全展板。     Dec. 2,,In yinchuan of ningxia hui autonomous region street,People visit the exhibition traffic safety.新华社记着 彭昭之 摄 The xinhua news agency PengZhao remember the perturbation


    12月2日,在宁夏回族自治区银川市街头,宁夏交警总队的交警们现场演示交通指挥手势。     Dec. 2,,In yinchuan of ningxia hui autonomous region street,Ningxia police corps of the traffic policemen field demo traffic command gestures.新华社记着 彭昭之 摄 The xinhua news agency PengZhao remember the perturbation


12月2日,一位司机给车辆张贴文明安全出行标志。 Dec. 2,,A driver to vehicle posted civilization safety travel mark.新华社记着 彭昭之 摄 The xinhua news agency PengZhao remember the perturbation

太原举办“全国交通安全日”宣传活动 Taiyuan held"The national transportation safety day"campaign


    12月2日,一位太原出租车司机为自己的车安插宣传小锦旗。     Dec. 2,,A taiyuan taxi driver for his own car embedded propaganda little multicolored silk banner.

    当日是首个“全国交通安全日”,主题为“遵守交通信号、安全文明出行”。太原市举办主题宣传活动,现场以实物演示、沙盘模型等形式展示交通安全的重要性,上百名交警、出租车司机、公交员工和志愿者参与其中。新华社记者 范敏达 摄     That day is the first"The national transportation safety day",Theme for"Obey the traffic signal/Safety civilization travel".Taiyuan city theme held promotional activities,Site to visual illustration/Sand table model and other forms show the importance of traffic safety,Hundreds of police/Taxi driver/Bus staff and volunteers involved.Xinhua news agency reporters FanMinDa perturbation


12月2日,太原市民驻足观看交通事故沙盘模型。新华社记者 范敏达 摄 Dec. 2,,Taiyuan citizens stopped to watch the traffic accident sand table model.Xinhua news agency reporters FanMinDa perturbation

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