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“考”——编者按 "test"- editor's note

    年关将近,又到一年回顾时。我们用系列组照,将内容主题与事件性质归类,回顾这一年中国的人与事,同读者分享定格成历史的那些令人惊喜、难忘、激动与叹惋的瞬间。     Nearly the end of the year,And to a year in review.We use series pair of pictures differed,Will the subject and event property classification,A brief review of the years the Chinese people and things,To share with readers frames into the history of those a pleasant surprise/unforgettable/Excited and moment of regret.

    本次年终特辑有十余组内容,将从12月18日开始,分两周集中播发。我们关注2012年国人共同经历的具有相似性的生活轨迹,并用“一字述一年”的形式加以概括;我们关注十八大后备受关注的生态文明建设步伐,以及建设“美丽中国”所面临的重重挑战,关注城市的水患与农村的旱灾之间相连的偶然与必然,关注“人界”与“动物界”愈加和睦的“萌动”关系;我们关注网络的人潮聚散,以及那些名噪一时又归于沉寂的网络事件;我们关注集快乐与辛苦于一体的孩子的成长,关注同甘共苦、携手前行的动人爱情,记录像我们一样的平凡人在镜头下的不平凡的一年,铭记那些随着2012年一起,被我们留在身后的、渐行渐远的“过去”。     The year-end special 10 group content,From December and to start the day,Divided into two weeks focus broadcast.We focus on 2012 people common experience with similarity life path,and"A word above one year"To generalize the form;We focus on the eighteenth big concern of ecological civilization construction pace,And building"Beautiful China"Faced with challenges,Pay attention to urban and rural in drought connected between the contingency and necessity,attention"human"and"Animal kingdom"More harmonious"bud"relationship;We focus on network crowds gather,And those who make a noise in the world and to silence network events;We focus on set happiness and pain in the integration of a child's growth,Attention to share the joys and sorrows/Go hand in hand moving love,Records of the ordinary people like us in the lens of the extraordinary one year,Remember those with the 2012 together,We left behind/Habbit is the"In the past".

    这一组组照片,光影中显现的是大众的身影和足迹。对这一年最好的回味,莫过于慢慢翻阅。     This photo groups,In the light of the public figure is appeared and the trail.For this year's best finish,To read slowly.

    新华社摄影部     The xinhua news agency SheYingBu

    (配图说明:2012年1月1日徒步爱好者在青海湖畔用身体拼成“2012”字样。新华社记者 王博 摄)     (Distribution diagram shows:On January 1, 2012 in qinghai lake hiking fans with the body spell"2012"".The xinhua news agency WangBo perturbation)


    11月4日,由江苏省美术培训机构联盟组织的“百校联考”——全省美术专业统考大型模拟考试进入阅卷阶段,约1.5万份色彩和素描试卷集中在江苏教育学院体育馆,由专家和评委进行阅卷评议。新华社记者 孙参 摄     On November 4,,In jiangsu province by the organization of the fine arts training institutions"The school entrance exam"- the art professional unified examination large simulation test into reading stage,About 15000 of colour and drawing papers focus on jiangsu education college gymnasium,By experts and judges for reading comments.The xinhua news agency SunCan perturbation


    5月23日晚,长沙市第十五中学一间教室里,高三学生们在晚自习备战高考。2012年,参加全国高考学生为915万人,比前一年下降16万人。虽然高考不再是成才的唯一途径,但对于大部分人来说,高考仍然是改变个人命运的最好机会。新华社记者 李尕 摄     In the evening of May 23,The first ShiWuZhong in changsha city learn a classroom,High school students in preparation for arching over the college entrance examination.In 2012,,Take part in the national college entrance examination students for 9.15 million people,More than 160000 people a year before the fall.Although the university entrance exam is no longer become the only way,But for most people,College entrance examination is still the best opportunity to change individual destiny.Xinhua news agency reporter li Ga perturbation


    5月24日,在长沙达材复读学校内,学生石柯在吃饭。他在5月14日的日记里写道,“选择复读是因为有一次跟家人在外面吃饭,在月光下我仔细端详爷爷奶奶的脸,同时也突然发现爸妈都老了。我想通了,一直以来抗拒复读,不就是不想吃这份苦吗?可面对家人长期对我的付出,我想做些什么了——做一个更好的自己,让他们骄傲。”2012年,参加全国高考的学生为915万人,比前一年下降16万人。虽然高考不再是成才的唯一途径,但对于大部分人来说,高考仍然是改变个人命运的最好机会。新华社记者 白禹 摄     May 24,In changsha to wood answer read in school,Students ShiKe at meals.He on May 14 wrote diary,"Choice answer is read because once with my family eating outside,Under the moonlight I Muse grandpa grandma's face,At the same time also suddenly found that parents are all old.I think the,Always resist answer read,Don't just don't want to eat the bitter?But in the face of the family for a long time to pay me,I want to do something - do a better yourself,Let their pride."In 2012,,Take part in the national college entrance examination students for 9.15 million people,More than 160000 people a year before the fall.Although the university entrance exam is no longer become the only way,But for most people,College entrance examination is still the best opportunity to change individual destiny.The xinhua news agency BaiYu perturbation

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