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八名高三学生改学籍无法高考 疑多校抢生源恶果--亲稳舆论引导监测室


南京8学生学籍被改,无法报名高考 Nanjing 8 students student status was changed,Unable to sign up the university entrance exam


8位学生都来自泗阳,家长怀疑是“生源战”留下的恶果 Eight students are from siyang,Parents doubt is"Germ warfare"Leave the consequences of


Yesterday is jiangsu college entrance examination first registration,In the other students are signing up smoothly,Nanjing jinling middle school, hexi two high school students have met with never dreamed that problem:Brush id display their student status information found,Admission inexplicably year from 2010 into the 2011,This means that they or school students this year,And in accordance with the regulations,School students cannot attend the university entrance exam,The two students are faced with the embarrassment of the report not name.Interview the reporter understands,Is not only the jinling middle school, hexi,South division attached middle school of jiangning six students have also been interpolated the student status information!Why student status information will be change?Who has the right to change?Is by accident or malicious?Yangzi evening news reporters on the track.

  扬子晚报记者 王璟 蔡蕴琦 张琳

Yangzi evening news reporter Jing king CaiYunQi zhang Lin


意外 accident


高考报名现场,高三学生“被留级”成高二 College entrance examination registration site,High school students"Be to repeat a year"Into high


Examination record number anomaly/Examination record number anomaly/Examination record number anomaly……Yesterday morning,Jinling middle school in hexi branch information building four floor of the classroom,three(8)Class girl JiangJing and other examinee college entrance examination registration as open network,But she would take an examination of input record number and id card after six password,Has been unable to login system test registration information to fill in,A computer screen appear constantly"Examination record number anomaly"These a few dazzling the scarlet letter.A dozen times down,JiangJing gave up the attempt.Her anxiety to ask the teacher:"The teacher,I can still cannot attend the university entrance exam?"And JiangJing face the same dilemma and senior year(9)Class of boys Cai Chen,Their hometown is siyang,With that from siyang to nanjing to study,He also had to enter oneself for an examination information cannot be registration system accept phenomenon.This is for them,No doubt is a sudden shock:The university entrance exam time signing up only four days,If not normal to sign up,You won't be able to attend the university entrance exam next year.


"The two children information could be a doctor!"Jinling middle school, beyond the relevant person in charge told reporters,A few days ago in school students information gathering time,The student id card for"expected"confirmation.At that time in the two children id card when credit card,The computer has appeared system hint:"The examinee is not our province high school student status in the library,May not be our province ordinary high school absentee born,Please confirm whether this examinee province ordinary high school absentee born."When staff continue to click confirm"Is our province census register examinee"after,System still did not show success.Found after strange,Student is responsible for the management of the Chen"tracing".Her login based education management information system in jiangsu province,With the two students id card for after the search was surprised to find that:The two high school students to become the year in 2011 years."This means that the two students in the identity of the student status management database from three into a senior high school,And school students are not qualified to attend the university entrance exam!"


父亲从内蒙古赶来讨要女儿考试权 Father from Inner Mongolia to scrounge daughter right of examination


Two children's father in the college entrance examination in order to solve the problem and on the move.JiangSiWang is JiangJing father,Hear daughter after dilemma,From Inner Mongolia where immediately sat for two nights a day of the train drive back."Back in October,I received the phone siyang high school teacher,Ask us the university entrance exam be back registration,If you want to come back the exam,Will have to come back the end of October.But we still going to take an examination of in nanjing,So that it is convenient for a little."JiangSiWang told reporters,Daughter in siyang local reading junior middle school,Test of 740 points,In the local is also high scores,Be siyang middle school admission,But he was otherwise going to."I listen to the friend say jinling middle school hexi branch is very good,And the school contact,Want to let the child to nanjing to study."According to JiangSiWang introduced,In middle school to jinling hexi branch after duty,The child was also well accepted,So he took his daughter to the nanjing reading.But he didn't expect a legacy is the child's school.


"October 30 time,I suddenly received nanjing school telephone,Said in the college entrance examination the students collect information,Chen Cai information has a problem."Chen Cai father Chen told reporters before wave,When the teacher told him,In the brush when children id card,The child student status information display:His admission fixed number of year unexpectedly from 2010 into the 2011,The university entrance exam report not name on.Chen former wave was stunned,Hurriedly and villagers JiangSiWang made contact,Didn't expect LaoJiang are therefore worry.In order to solve the problem child the university entrance exam,Two father decided to go"For saying",Have to make clear what went wrong.


October 31,Two people get siyang education bureau,Said the child student status was changed things,Education was a staff tell them,Director not at home,They reflect the situation of the station,Say the last will certainly give the university entrance exam;Two people don't trust,Then he ran to the suqian education bureau reflect.Didn't expect,The secretary also not at home,Staff suggested that parents have to with local education bureau coordination.But the university entrance exam registration only four days ah!Haven't had a clear answer JiangChen two immediately drove to nanjing.Yesterday morning,They went to the examination yuan respectively in jiangsu province and jiangsu provincial department of complaint,Reflects the happened in kids"Up for the change"."Still don't know the results……"


学籍信息被改的还不止这两个 Student status information is change is more than the two


interview,Reporters learned that accident,Encounter this kind of accident this year is more than JiangJing and Cai Chen.The college entrance examination registration,There are eight students in nanjing are met"Be to repeat a year"condition,And this group of students are from siyang.


"Our school after confirmation,This also has six students year was changed,Five into school students,There is even a student is changed to 2012 entrance,Become a higher!"South division at the jiangning affiliated office told reporters,And it happened that,The six students in school students are also siyang middle school.


调查 survey


学籍为何被改? Why do students by change?


家长猜测是泗阳中学在“杀鸡儆猴” Parents guess is siyang middle school in"centesimate"


Reporter from the channel to understand,In 2009, jiangsu province department of education policy has,Don't allow public school KuaShi recruit students,But private schools can recruit,But must obtain the consent approved by the competent department in charge of local education.the,There are still a number of yearning nanjing foreign students come to nanjing a few of run by the local people to attend school,But some students did not get the local education authority approval,So the student is always hidden trouble.


"In the last year‘Small college entrance examination’when,This batch of student problem has not been solved students appear trouble,They were admitted to the local middle school,But because didn't go to register,So there is no school.No student cannot attend‘Small college entrance examination’.Problems reflect after go up,By jiangsu education departments to,In coordination."One does not wish to disclose the name of the source told reporters,At that time puts forward the following solutions:One is to deal with transfer,From the original admission school turned to nanjing,This school students fall in nanjing,The university entrance exam also calculate nanjing;Or deal with"unwelcome",So although students in nanjing school,But in the original students admitted to the school,The university entrance exam is the student in the school.Like JiangJing and Chen Cai belong to this kind of situation."Can say,This group of students should have solved the problem of college entrance examination examination land."But I didn't know,The university entrance exam again appeared when signing up student was change of accident.Parents guess,This must be siyang secondary schools in centesimate!Borrow a student status information,To prevent the next good germ runoff.


"Generally speaking,Think of nanjing students to attend school,Are the local result good good student,So in the local schools and education department heart,This is a kind of excellent students loss.Protect germ,The good student in place,So as to enhance the college entrance examination enrollment quotas,For from the local interests,This is not,But not to violate compasses techniques obstruct the student to carry on the college entrance examination registration,This is too bad the!"A senior personage says education.


谁有权改学籍? Students who have the right to change?


学校申请,区县教育局确认才行 The school application,District education bureau confirm to just go


Who can have the right to change? Student status?Reporters from the province education department to know,In 2009, jiangsu province ordinary high school student status realized electronic management.This means that,New students should be based education province registered student status management system of electronic student status,The students as a result of census register transfer need to transfer,Should also through the foundation education student status management system through the related formalities.Jiangsu student status management system for each students that identity and uniqueness,Students turn to a new school must go to school before the deal with transfer formalities,Otherwise, will not be able to get in the new school student.


"Each school have special status as a manager,After a account can enter the jiangsu province high school student status management system,Can student at the university of students information management."Jinling middle school student in hexi branch is responsible for the management of Chen told reporters,But to change students' information,Only the teacher can't do,Unless after education department in charge of examination and approval,Otherwise, even if the changed information cannot warehousing.interview,A student is responsible for the management of the department in charge of education chief discloses said,High school students will change the primary process is:The school application modify/Area county bureau of examination and approval on the Internet after confirmation/Change the official information."Every operation will leave record,Education departments can find out each time change who operation/What changed."


回应 response


泗阳中学校长:我们没改学生的信息 Siyang high school principal:We didn't change students' information


Yesterday afternoon,Contact reporters on the siyang high school principal ZhengWei double.Two students registration information true if their parents could guess is the school change?ZhengWei double principal denied,emotional,"Information is definitely not the school change,Siyang middle school don't have the authority."The headmaster said zheng,According to the province related policy,The examinee shall return to the school register to attend the university entrance exam,"If the two students willing to come back,We will help them do good registration formalities."Information since not siyang middle school change,Who has the right to change it?Before reporters to finish,Zheng principal hung up,Refused to respond to.


考试院:无论学籍在哪,可自愿选择报名地 Examination yuan:No matter where students,May voluntarily choose to sign up


JiangJing and Chen Cai registration is falling in siyang secondary school.Jinling middle school in hexi branch,They belong to the identity of the unwelcome.They have the right to sign up in nanjing and participate in college entrance examination?The reporter consulted the jiangsu education examination yuan silver bullet in the head."Jiangsu policy is quite human,No matter where is the school,Just sign up to manages agree,You can sign up here.If the examinee read high school in nanjing,As long as commonly agreed to,He can choose in nanjing register to attend the university entrance exam,No need to have to return home."Silver bullet place deputy director general YuanGuiHua told reporters.

   相关阅读:江苏省2013年高考1日起网上报名 4日截止    readings:Jiangsu province in 2013 college entrance examination 1, 4, online registration deadline

    Today to November 4, 24 when,Jiangsu province in 2013 the ordinary university recruitment of students test online application,Message confirmation deadline for November 7, when 17,Jiangsu province ordinary high school level test required subjects test registration time for November 5, - 7,Exceed the time limit shall be owed.[Registration requirements]


   江苏异地高考政策:非江苏籍随迁考生暂不能在当地高考报名 Jiangsu college entrance examination foreign policy:The jiangsu examinee cadastral SuiQian temporarily not in local college entrance examination registration

    扬州网讯 昨天下午,省教育考试院发布《江苏省2013年普通高校招生百问报名将启动,不同类别的考生,要详细了解自己所在类别的报名办法。江苏异地高考政策年底出台,目前暂不能报名。

    Yangzhou webex yesterday afternoon,Provincial education examination yuan release[Jiangsu province in 2013 the ordinary university recruitment of students the q registration will start,Different types of the examinee,To detailed understanding their own categories of registration method.Jiangsu college entrance examination at the end of the year introduced foreign policy,At present temporary can't sign up.


   须关注人群:非江苏籍随迁考生 Must pay attention to the crowd:The jiangsu examinee cadastral SuiQian

    按照去年的政策,非江苏户籍考生不能在江苏参加高考,只能回原籍。但《招生百问》明确,根据国务院办公厅转发教育部等部门的通知规定:"各省、 自治区、直辖市有关随迁子女升学考试的方案原则上应于2012年年底前出台。"目前,我省教育厅正在协调相关部门加紧调研,力争尽快出台非江苏户籍考生在 江苏参加高考的相关政策。目前,非我省户籍的考生暂不得在我省参加高考报名,待我省有关政策在年底前明晰之后,只要符合2013年报考条件的考生,省教育 考试院再安排集中办理相关补报名手续。【详细】

    According to the policy of last year,The jiangsu examinee household cannot attend the university entrance exam in jiangsu,Can only an ancestral home.but[Recruit students asked the]clear,According to the general office of the state council departments and so on ministry of education forward notice provisions:"provinces/ Autonomous region/The municipality directly under the SuiQian children eleven-plus scheme in principle should be introduced in 2012 by the end of the year."At present,Our province department of education are coordinate relevant departments to research,Strive to come as soon as possible the jiangsu examinee household in jiangsu province to participate in college entrance examination's relevant policies.At present,Not the registered permanent residence of our province examinee temporary not in our province to participate in college entrance examination registration,For the relevant policies in our province before the end of the year after clear,As long as the accord with 2013 enter oneself for an examination the examinee of conditions,Provincial education examination yuan focus to arrange deal with relevant formalities for registration.[detailed]


   相关话题:新华日报:不以升学率论英雄 难在可操作性极弱 Related topics:Xinhua daily:Not the enrolment rate theory hero is the operability extremely weak


   不以升学率论英雄,难在哪 Not the enrolment rate theory hero,Where is difficult


The ministry of education has issued the"1025"Education plans to put forward,Perfect teacher evaluation system,It is strictly prohibited to use simple graduation rates and exam achievement evaluation of primary and secondary school teachers.however,Reporter survey found,Most of the industry on this"ban"The effect is not good.


    "It sure is a trend,But in the short term to realize very difficult."Nanjing a teacher LiuMin said.Nanjing Chinese high school teachers LiZhongQuan also think,College entrance examination"baton"under,This kind of evaluation mechanism is difficult to achieve.[detailed]


   相关阅读: readings:高考人数连降四年 为抢生源名校"掐架" The university entrance exam rising number four years students for the school"QiaJia"

    为抢生源名校也"掐架"     The school also for students"QiaJia"


    Private schools in trouble for survival,And school also in order to fight for the top student battle,Some school"QiaJian"Object has even started to aim at the school students,Take sign preliminary admission agreement in advance of the method"delineation"students.


    Last July,College entrance examination admission critical period,Fudan university suddenly issued a statement that said have Shanghai some polytechnic universities teachers fake this school teacher cheat admit beforehand the examinee to volunteer,Although not name names,But Shanghai jiaotong university active issued a statement to respond to,No one pretend to be other colleges and universities teacher notified the examinee cancel its and law-general provisions have signed agreement.


   上海的两所兄弟院校,为了争夺生源已经"撕破脸皮" Shanghai's two colleges and universities,In order to fight for the students have"Tear face"


    "Many outside the province or in this university,Are actively looking for city/County middle school is located‘Quality student base’,High school and have been able to feel the school for high quality students day."A Qingdao high school principal said.In addition to reduce background students outside,A group of Chinese university of Hong Kong/China Taiwan universities and foreign universities enter the mainland"aggravating",Also let mainland schools"QiaJian"Continuously upgrade.[detailed]
