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    12月19日,青龙满族自治县七道河乡后水河小学的王月(右)和同学一起享用免费午餐。近日,由中国社会福利教育基金会发起的“贫困山区小学免费午餐行动”让河北省青龙满族自治县七道河乡后水河小学的80个孩子吃上了免费午餐,成为河北省首个实施免费午餐项目的学校。据介绍,这所学校80个孩子都是山区贫困农村的孩子,他们当中很多孩子上学要走近10公里的山路,中午只能是由家中带两个馒头几根咸菜,有的就到学校附近的小商店内买包方便面干吃。2012年9月,中国社会福利教育基金会的工作人员到学校考察后,决定从12月1日开始,每天为每个孩子捐赠3元钱的午餐费,学校也请来了专职人员,每天中午为孩子们做午餐。新华社记者 杨世尧 摄 December 19,,Tsing lung manchu autonomous county of seven tao river township water river after the king of the elementary school on(right)Enjoy free lunch with my classmates.recently,The Chinese social welfare education foundation launched"Impoverished mountainous area students free lunch action"Let the manchu autonomous county in hebei province rose after seven way river township water river primary school 80 children eat the free lunch,Be the first in hebei province to carry out free lunch project school.According to introducing,This school 80 children are poor mountainous rural children,Many of their children to school to come near ten kilometers road,Noon is the only home with two steamed bread a few root pickle,Some went to school nearby scaring the daylights buy package instant noodles do eat.In September 2012,China's social welfare education foundation staff to school after investigation,Decision from December 1st,Every day for every child donation 3 yuan for lunch,The school also invited a full-time personnel,At noon every day for the children to do lunch.The xinhua news agency YangShiYao perturbation



    12月19日,青龙满族自治县七道河乡后水河小学的老师在给孩子们盛饭。新华社记者 杨世尧 摄 December 19,,Tsing lung manchu autonomous county of seven tao river township water river after primary school teacher in give children more rice.The xinhua news agency YangShiYao perturbation



    12月19日,青龙满族自治县七道河乡后水河小学的厨师在给孩子们盛饭。新华社记者 杨世尧 摄 December 19,,Tsing lung manchu autonomous county of seven tao river township water river after primary cook in give children more rice.The xinhua news agency YangShiYao perturbation
