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“问”——编者按 "ask"- editor's note

    年关将近,又到一年回顾时。我们用系列组照,将内容主题与事件性质归类,回顾这一年中国的人与事,同读者分享定格成历史的那些令人惊喜、难忘、激动与叹惋的瞬间。     Nearly the end of the year,And to a year in review.We use series pair of pictures differed,Will the subject and event property classification,A brief review of the years the Chinese people and things,To share with readers frames into the history of those a pleasant surprise/unforgettable/Excited and moment of regret.

    我们关注2012年国人共同经历的具有相似性的生活轨迹,并用“一字述一年”的形式加以概括;我们关注十八大后备受关注的生态文明建设步伐,以及建设“美丽中国”所面临的重重挑战,关注城市的水患与农村的旱灾之间相连的偶然与必然,关注“人界”与“动物界”愈加和睦的“萌动”关系;我们关注网络的人潮聚散,以及那些名噪一时又归于沉寂的网络事件;我们关注集快乐与辛苦于一体的孩子的成长,关注同甘共苦、携手前行的动人爱情,记录像我们一样的平凡人在镜头下的不平凡的一年,铭记那些随着2012年一起,被我们留在身后的、渐行渐远的“过去”。     We focus on 2012 people common experience with similarity life path,and"A word above one year"To generalize the form;We focus on the eighteenth big concern of ecological civilization construction pace,And building"Beautiful China"Faced with challenges,Pay attention to urban and rural in drought connected between the contingency and necessity,attention"human"and"Animal kingdom"More harmonious"bud"relationship;We focus on network crowds gather,And those who make a noise in the world and to silence network events;We focus on set happiness and pain in the integration of a child's growth,Attention to share the joys and sorrows/Go hand in hand moving love,Records of the ordinary people like us in the lens of the extraordinary one year,Remember those with the 2012 together,We left behind/Habbit is the"In the past".

    这一组组照片,光影中显现的是大众的身影和足迹。对这一年最好的回味,莫过于慢慢翻阅。     This photo groups,In the light of the public figure is appeared and the trail.For this year's best finish,To read slowly.


2012年1月1日徒步爱好者在青海湖畔用身体拼成“2012”字样。新华社记者王博摄 On January 1, 2012 in qinghai lake hiking fans with the body spell"2012"".The xinhua news agency WangBo perturbation   


    7月,在位于广西南宁市柳沙半岛的“大观天下”小区里,不少房屋业主在阳台上挂出大幅白底红字的“臭”字,希望再次引起有关部门的重视,彻底改变长期以来困扰居民的空气污染问题。柳沙半岛三面被曲折流过的邕江环绕,位置优越,是南宁市近年来重点打造的纯商业居住区。但是从2009年以来,这里一直饱受臭味侵袭之苦:邕江对面的城南垃圾填埋场、养猪场、医疗垃圾焚烧中心不时散发出恶臭与浮尘,居民苦不堪言。7月正值高温酷暑,臭味频频来袭,当地居民最终将大大的“臭”字贴在了自家阳台以示不满(7月28日摄)。新华社记者 黄孝邦 摄     July,In guangxi nanning LiuSha peninsula"Grand view the world"area,Many houses in the balcony hang out greatly white red-letter"smelly"word,Hope to cause the attention of the relevant departments,Completely change for a long time people with the problem of air pollution.LiuSha peninsula three sides by the twists and turns of the yongjiang river flow around,location,Nanning city in recent years is key to pure commercial residential area.But since 2009,Here has been having a stink invasion of bitterness:The yongjiang river south of landfill site/Pig farm/Medical waste incineration centre from time to time stinking and dust,Residents suffer unspeakably.July at the high temperature,Smell again and again to attack,Local residents will greatly"smelly"Word posted on the balcony to show their dissatisfaction(July, and taken).The xinhua news agency HuangXiaoBang perturbation


    11月23日19时52分,山西寿阳喜羊羊火锅店发生爆炸燃烧事故,目前包括火锅店老板在内共造成14人死亡,47人受伤。事故的原因初步判定为液化气泄漏引起爆炸燃烧。液化气罐在火锅行业被大量使用,相关的安全管理不系统,操作存放不规范,导致各种安全隐患普遍存在。新华社记者 燕雁 摄     On November 23, when the 52 points,Shanxi ShouYang pleasant goat hotpot restaurant explosion combustion accident,At present, including hotpot restaurant boss killed 14 people were killed,47 people were injured.The cause of the accident preliminary decision for liquefied gas leakage cause explosion combustion.Liquefied gas tank in the hot pot industry is widely used,Relevant safety management is not system,Operation of storage,Lead to a variety of common security hidden danger.The xinhua news agency YanYan perturbation


    9月13日13时26分,湖北省武汉市“东湖景园”在建住宅发生载人电梯从30层坠落事故,电梯内19人全部遇难。数据显示,我国电梯保有量、年产量、年增长量,都高居全球榜首。庞大的电梯数量给安全带来诸多挑战。事故电梯存在的场所,从公共场所到居民小区,再到建筑工地;事故电梯种类从直梯到扶梯;发生的类型从电梯滑坠到扶梯骤停,从轿厢不到位到困住乘客……频发的电梯事故,为城市公共安全敲响了警钟。新华社记者 程敏 摄     On September 13 13 when 26 points,Wuhan, hubei province"East lake garden"Residential construction happened manned elevator from 30 layer fall accident,The elevator 19 people onboard.Data display,Our country has the elevator/Annual output/growing,Global top minds.The huge number of elevator to bring security challenges.The place of the accident there,From the public to the residential areas,To the construction site;Accident elevator range from straight ladder to the ladder;The type of happened from elevator slippery sank to the escalator sudden stop,From the car does not reach the designated position to trapped passengers...Frequent elevator accident,For urban public safety was a wake-up call.The xinhua news agency ChengMin perturbation


    3月30日,在河北卧龙陵园,来自北京的市民在扫墓。由于北京墓地价格一再飙高,很多北京人开始去周边的河北等地购买墓地,形成“活在北京,葬在河北”的现象。新华社记者 李文 摄     March 30,,Hebei province in the cemetery,From Beijing citizens in the grave.As Beijing cemetery price already high again and again,A lot of Peking man begin to surrounding hebei, buy cemetery,formation"Live in Beijing,Was buried in hebei"phenomenon.Xinhua news agency reporter when levin perturbation

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