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    12月21日,列车运行调整后的首趟从天津西始发的京沪高铁G51次动车组准备发车。当日零时起,全国铁路实行新的列车运行图。此次调图中,铁路新增直通旅客列车15对,变更运行区段11.5对,改经由5对,调整始发终到站13对。这是铁路部门今年以来自7月1日调图后第二次调整列车运行图。新一轮调图主要是为了适应哈大高铁、集包线等新线开通运营,京九线南段电化改造工程、沪昆线六盘水至凤凰山双线改造工程等一批重点项目投产,以及深圳东、石家庄新客站等一批新客站投入运营,充分利用新增运输能力,进一步提高服务质量。新华社发(杨宝森 摄) On December 21,,The train run chart after the adjustment first trip from tianjin west originating the beijing-shanghai high iron G51 time motor train unit ready to start.The zero hour up,A new national railway train running chart.The adjustment in the graph,Railway passenger train to new through 15,Change operation section of 11.5,Change by 5 to,Adjust originating a surname station to 13.This is the railway departments from this year on July 1, adjustable map the second adjustment of train running chart.A new round of adjustment diagram is mainly in order to adapt to ha high iron/Set envelope and the opening of the new operation,Beijing southern electrochemical reconstruction project/Liupanshui shanghai-kunming line to phoenix mountain double reconstruction project as well as a number of key project put into production,And shenzhen east/Shijiazhuang new station and a number of new station is put into operation,Make full use of the transport capacity,Further improve the service quality.The xinhua news agency hair(YangBaoSen perturbation)




     12月21日,在天津西站,一对父子在G51次列车商务舱内聊天休息。新华社发(杨宝森 摄)  On December 21,,In tianjin west railway station,A father and son in the train G51 business hold have a chat.The xinhua news agency hair(YangBaoSen perturbation)




      12月21日,一列动车在大连北站等待发车。新华社发(杨宝森 摄)   On December 21,,A list of moving vehicle in dalian north station waiting for departure.The xinhua news agency hair(YangBaoSen perturbation)




    12月21日,在京沪高铁山东枣庄站,乘客在自动售票机前买票。新华社发(杨宝森 摄) On December 21,,The beijing-shanghai high iron shandong ZaoZhuang station,Passengers in the ticket machine before buy a ticket.The xinhua news agency hair(YangBaoSen perturbation)
