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守住底线 突出重点——解读2013年民生政策的亮点要点--亲稳舆论引导监测室

守住底线 突出重点——解读2013年民生政策的亮点要点


    在宁夏盐池县花马池镇卫生院,患者在报销医药费。按照卫生部规划,到2015年,新农合政府补助标准将提高到每人每年360元以上,并逐步探索建立与经济发展水平相适应的筹资机制。中央经济工作会议提出,明年经济工作的主要任务之一是要按照“守住底线、突出重点、完善制度、引导舆论”的思路做好民生工作。谋民生之利,解民生之忧,解决好人民群众最关心最直接最现实的利益问题,始终是党和政府努力的方向。面对错综复杂的国内外经济形势,进一步保障和改善民生工作,将是明年经济工作的重点。新华社发(李然 摄) In MaChi flowers in yanchi of ningxia township health centers,Patients in medical reimbursement.According to the ministry of health planning,By 2015,New farmers joint government subsidy standards will increase to 360 yuan per person per year,And gradually explore the establishment and the level of economic development to adapt the fund-raising mechanism.The central economic working conference put forward,Economic work next year one of the main tasks is to according to"Keep the bottom line/Highlight the key/Perfect system/Guide public opinion"Train of thought to the livelihood of the people work.Seeks the livelihood of the people of the,XieMinSheng worry about,Solve the people most concerned about is the most direct the most realistic interests problem,Is always the party and the government direction.Facing the complex economic situation at home and abroad,To guarantee and improve the livelihood of the people work,Next year will be the key to economic work.The xinhua news agency hair(LiRan perturbation)

守住底线 突出重点——解读2013年民生政策的亮点要点


    2012年7月17日,一名市民带着孩子在天津市首批公租房项目——“秋丽家园”内散步。中央经济工作会议明确提出,“要继续加强保障性住房建设和管理”。可见,公平合理分配保障房、加强保障房质量等,与建设足够数量的保障房同等重要。新华社记者 岳月伟 摄 July 17, 2012,A citizen took the children in tianjin the first male renting a house project --"Autumn beautiful home"Walk in.The central economic working conference clearly put forward,"Will continue to strengthen the indemnificatory housing construction and management".visible,Fair and reasonable distribution security room/Strengthen the security room quality, etc,And the construction of a sufficient number of security room are equally important.The xinhua news agency YueYueWei perturbation

守住底线 突出重点——解读2013年民生政策的亮点要点


    2012年10月27日,杭州市2013届高校毕业生招聘大会和第十四届西博会杭州人才交流大会在杭州市和平会展中心同时举行。人社部部长尹蔚民表示,明年就业工作的目标是城镇新增就业900万人以上。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄 On October 27, 2012,The hangzhou 2013 college graduates recruitment assembly and the 14th hangzhou west lake expo in hangzhou talent exchange conference peace exhibition center held at the same time.People club department minister YinWeiMin said,Next year employment goal is the town more than 9 million new jobs.The xinhua news agency JuHuanZong perturbation

守住底线 突出重点——解读2013年民生政策的亮点要点


    在山东省临沂市郯城县人力资源和社会保障服务大厅,工作人员在办理养老保险业务。截至今年8月底,全国领取基本养老金的人数超过1.8亿,其中城乡居民1.16亿人,离退休人员0.7亿。新华社发 TanChengXian in linyi city, shandong province, human resources and social security service hall,Staff at the endowment insurance business.By the end of August this year,The basic pension for more than 180 million,The urban and rural residents of 116 million,Retired personnel 070 million.The xinhua news agency hair
