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    2012年7月10日,在拉萨贡嘎机场的西藏航空有限公司办公楼内,两名西藏航空公司空中乘务员应聘者在为面试做准备。来自西藏地区的76名高校毕业生参加了此次西藏航空空中乘务员和空中安全员招聘会。人力资源和社会保障部部长尹蔚民近日说,2013年我国就业工作的目标是城镇新增就业900万人以上。2012年底召开的中央经济工作会议提出“要注意稳定和扩大就业,做好以高校毕业生为重点的青年就业工作”。新华社发(刘坤 摄)     On July 10, 2012,In Lhasa gonggar airport Tibet airlines co., LTD. In the office building,Two Tibetan airlines flight attendant applicant in to prepare for an interview.From Tibet 76 college graduates to participate in the Tibet airlines flight attendant and air safety officer job fair.Human resources and social security minister YinWeiMin recently said,In 2013, employment goal is the town more than 9 million new jobs.By the end of 2012 at the central economic working conference put forward"Attention should be paid to stability and job enlargement,Do to college graduates is the focus of the youth employment".The xinhua news agency hair(Yang ch perturbation)


    2012年10月25日,一位毕业生在哈尔滨2013届毕业生“供需见面、双向选择”洽谈会上查看企业招聘信息。 新华社记者 王凯 摄     On October 25, 2012,A graduate in Harbin 2013 sessions of graduates"Meet the demand and supply of/Two-way choice"Fair view enterprise recruitment information. Xinhua news agency reporter wang perturbation


    2012年12月26日,在济南“阳光大姐”服务公司,工作人员石广芸(右一)在对学员进行月嫂服务理论培训。为拓宽就业渠道,300多名下岗失业人员和农村妇女来到济南“阳光大姐”服务公司,参加月嫂技能培训。 新华社记者 郭绪雷 摄     On December 26, 2012,In jinan"The sun elder sister"Service company,ShiGuangYun staff(right)In the students under service theory on training.To broaden the channels of employment,More than 300 laid-off workers and rural women come to jinan"The sun elder sister"Service company,Participate in month sister-in-law skills training. The xinhua news agency GuoXuLei perturbation


    2012年10月31日,杭州艺福堂网络茶商的员工在仓库将货物扫描和包装后准备发出。迅猛发展的中国电子商务行业带来生产销售、消费和流通领域变革,同时在促进就业、扩大内需等方面显示出驱动力。 新华社记者 黄宗治 摄     On October 31, 2012,Hangzhou blessed art hall network ChaShang staff in the warehouse the goods after a scan and packing preparation.The rapid development of China's e-commerce industry has brought production sales/Consumption and circulation field changes,At the same time in promoting employment/To expand domestic demand, etc show driving force. The xinhua news agency HuangZongZhi perturbation
