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    上图为1月22日拍摄的秦淮河石头城段两岸风景;下图为1月18日拍摄的天气晴好时的秦淮河石头城段两岸风景(拼版照片)。当日6时,中央气象台继续发布大雾蓝色预警:预计今天早晨到上午,东北平原、华北平原、长江中下游平原、四川盆地及华南等地有轻雾,其中,河北中南部、天津、山西南部、山东西部、河南中东部、苏皖大部、湖北东北部、广东中部以及云南西南部等地的部分地区有能见度不足1000米的雾,局地能见度不足200米。新华社发  In the January 22 filming qinhuai river on both sides to build Stonehenge period of scenery;Below for 1 month and day of filming of the weather sunny and beautiful scenery on both sides to build Stonehenge qinhuai river section(Makeup photos).Day 6,The central meteorological observatory continues to release the fog blue warning:This morning is expected to morning,The northeast plain/North China plain/The middle-lower Yangtze plain/Sichuan basin and south China, a light mist,the,Southern hebei/tianjin/In southern shanxi/In western shandong/Henan east-central/SuWan most/Hubei northeast/Guangdong central and southwest yunnan some parts of visibility of less than 1000 meters of fog,Local visibility of less than 200 meters.The xinhua news agency hair 




    1月22日,市民在雨雾中的南京长江大桥上骑行。新华社发  On January 22,,Citizens in the mist of the nanjing Yangtze river bridge on the ride.The xinhua news agency hair 




     1月22日,一名市民在雨雾中的苏州街头骑行。新华社发  On January 22,,A citizen in the mist of suzhou street riding.The xinhua news agency hair




     1月22日,车辆在大雾笼罩下的天津街头行驶。新华社发  On January 22,,Vehicles in the fog shrouded the tianjin street road.The xinhua news agency hair




     1月22日,在河北霸州,行人在大雾中出行。新华社发  On January 22,,In hebei BaZhou,The travel in the heavy fog.The xinhua news agency hair
