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危房农户住新居 民心工程解难题--亲稳网络舆情监测室


    危房农户住新居 民心工程解难题


    蒲城县椿林镇五中村的张米儿老人站在以前居住危房前(上图,1月22日摄);。蒲城县椿林镇五中村的张米儿(右)和老伴坐在新居前(下图,1月22日摄)。 Pucheng county of forest town five village zhang m son the old man stood in the past before habitation(the,On January 22nd perturbation);.Pucheng county of forest town five village zhang m son(right)And his wife sat before the new house(the,On January 22nd perturbation).


    走进陕西蒲城县罕井镇北白堤村特困户张彩云的家,鲜红的大门和白亮的瓷砖外墙一点不比邻居们的房屋逊色。近年来在蒲城县的各个乡镇村庄,许多像张彩云家一样的特困家庭都搬进了崭新的住房。这些房屋都由县城建局统一设计施工,根据农村生产生活实际和习惯,包含住房、厨房、卫生间等基本要素,并且不用特困家庭出一分钱。这项在陕西蒲城县积极实施的“聚各方力量、建民心工程、解安居难题”活动,截至2012年底已筹集1000多万元资金,使三批共208户特别困难群众搬进了新居。 Into the shaanxi pucheng county Abraham well town north bai causeway village TeKunHu ZhangCaiYun home,Bright red door and white ceramic tile wall a little than the neighbors house inferior.In recent years in pucheng county each township village,Many ZhangCaiYun like home destitute families moved into new housing.These houses by the county ChengJianJu uniform design and construction,According to the rural production and living habit and practical,Include housing/The kitchen/The basic elements such as toilet,And don't have a penny in the family.The in shaanxi pucheng county active implementation"Gather all power/Building morale project/Solution to problem"activities,By the end of 2012 has raised more than 1000 yuan,Make three batch of 208 households special difficult people moved into the new house.


    2010年10月起,蒲城县在全县境内开展了“聚各方力量、建民心工程、解安居难题”活动,要求把家庭成员因残疾、重病、智力低下而丧失劳动能力且还没有纳入“五保”的贫困家庭作为重点扶助对象,为这些贫困农村家庭解决住房问题。为此县委、县政府开始了在蒲城县全面的调查摸底,同时整合各种扶贫资金,加上财政补贴、党员干部捐款、企业爱心人士捐款,筹资为仍居住在危房中的农村特困户盖新房。目前,蒲城县第一批78户、第二批80户、第三批50户的困难农户已经分别搬离了危房,住进宽敞明亮的新居。新华社记者 李一博 摄  In October 2010,Pucheng county in the county in the territory"Gather all power/Building morale project/Solution to problem"activities,The requirements for disabled family members/intensive/Low intelligence and lose labor ability and is not included in"supporting"The poverty of the family as a key support object,For these poor rural families solve the housing problem.Therefore the county party committee/The county government began in pucheng county comprehensive baseline survey,At the same time, integrate all the poverty relief funds,Plus financial subsidies/Party member cadre donation/Enterprise love people donation,Financing is still living in the dangerous house rural TeKunHu cover bridal chamber.At present,Pucheng county the first group of 78 households/The second group of 80 families/A third group of fifty family difficulties farmers have moved away from dangerous respectively,Live in capacious and bright new home.The xinhua news agency LiYiBo perturbation 


    危房农户住新居 民心工程解难题


     蒲城县上王镇太睦村的刘桂菊老人坐在以前居住的危房前(上图,1月22日摄);蒲城县上王镇太睦村的刘桂菊老人坐在新居前(下图,1月22日摄)。新华社记者 李一博 摄   Pucheng county in the town of king too agree village before LiuGuiJu old man was sitting before the habitation(the,On January 22nd perturbation);Pucheng county in the village of king town too agree LiuGuiJu old man was sitting before the new house(the,On January 22nd perturbation).The xinhua news agency LiYiBo perturbation 


    危房农户住新居 民心工程解难题


     蒲城县罕井镇北白堤村的张彩云(左下)和家人坐在以前居住的危房前(上图,1月22日摄);蒲城县罕井镇北白堤村的张彩云(左下)和家人坐在新居前(下图,1月22日摄)。新华社记者 李一博 摄   Pucheng county Abraham well town north of the village ZhangCaiYun bai causeway(Left lower)And family before sitting before the habitation(the,On January 22nd perturbation);Pucheng county Abraham well town north of the village ZhangCaiYun bai causeway(Left lower)And family sitting before the new house(the,On January 22nd perturbation).The xinhua news agency LiYiBo perturbation 
