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         1月21日,浙江工业大学寒假留校大学生们参加“留家庄”成立仪式。当日,浙江工业大学专门为寒假留校过年的近100名大学生组织的“留家庄”正式“开庄”。每年寒假,总有一些大学生因为学业、实习或离家太远等原因留校过年,为了让这些身处异乡的大学生们度过一个温馨、和谐、有意义的春节,学校相关部门专门为他们准备了西湖骑行、慰问孤寡老人、寒假勤工招聘会、年夜饭送温情、除夕守岁包水饺等一系列活动,让这些大学生在学校也能热热闹闹过大年。新华社记者 徐昱 摄 January 21,,Zhejiang university of technology at the university students to participate in the winter"Leave home village"The establishment ceremony of.the,Zhejiang university of technology for the winter vacation in Chinese New Year at nearly 100 college students of the organization"Leave home village"formal"Open chong".Winter vacation every year,There is always some students for school/Practice or too far from their home at Chinese New Year and other reasons,In order to make these in a different students have a warmth/harmonious/Meaningful Spring Festival,School related departments especially for they prepared ride west lake/Sympathy the childless old/Winter vacation work makes fair/New Year's eve dinner send warmth/New Year's eve ShouSui make dumplings and so on a series of activities,Let the students in the school can also be a great year old.Xinhua news agency reporter xu yu perturbation


         1月21日,浙江工业大学寒假留校大学生们参加“留家庄”成立仪式,并在活动室的玻璃窗上贴上喜庆的窗花。新华社记者 徐昱 摄 January 21,,Zhejiang university of technology at the university students to participate in the winter"Leave home village"The establishment ceremony of,And in the activity room window on the window on time.Xinhua news agency reporter xu yu perturbation


         1月21日,浙江工业大学寒假留校大学生们在“留家庄”的活动室内下棋。新华社记者 徐昱 摄 January 21,,Zhejiang university of technology at the winter in college students"Leave home village"The activities of the indoor play chess.Xinhua news agency reporter xu yu perturbation
