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补习班有多黑 央视记者揭黑幕--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室



begins,And the extracurricular cram school active time.The cost of the cram school year after year bullish,The highest single pen that pay fee as high as 630000 yuan.Everyone on the cram school,so,These cram school effect how?The teacher really is a famous line?Supplementary fee will be more and more high and why?According to the primary and middle school students' extracurricular counselling market,Our reporter launched an investigation.


   湖北:盒饭妈妈五万多元补习费换来一场空 hubei:Box lunch mother fifty thousand multivariate supplementary fee for with a sieve

    2011年9月,湖北李女士的儿子 升入初三面临中考,而李女士儿子的成绩并不太好,正在发愁时,李女士接到了一个名为京翰1 加1的课外辅导机构打来的电话。

    In September of 2011,Hubei ms. Li's son to grade face tests,And ms. Li son's performance is not too good,Are worried when,Ms. Li received a group called Beijing John 1 plus 1 extracurricular counselling organization telephone call.


   They said publicity,I am the first ah,Are the first-class teachers ah,For your child,To provide a personalized teaching ah,Then they have special equipped with head teacher ah,Will give your child all-round counseling ah,Anyway, very good.


   Ms. Li immediately took the children to consultation,In the extracurricular counselling organization,Staff commitment,As long as into the cram school,Can take an examination of 4,Staff's words that she had made up his mind.Ms. Li bought 350 class for children,A total of 55750 yuan.Ms. Li in a company when the driver,Monthly salary is only 1000 yuan,Her husband has no fixed work,Every month give other people's doing odd jobs to turn an can earn a/Two thousand dollars.In order to save the family's expenses,Ms. Li every day is to work with rice.but,The thought of a good high school in relation to the child in the future,Ms. Li finally to his son applied.Ms. Li said,Son one day every weekend on four class,This is 1200 yuan,Almost equivalent to own a monthly wages.

   2012年7月1号,是中考查分的日子,一大早,李女士一家就处于紧张的状态,8点30分刚过,她立即拨通了查分的声讯电话,查询儿子的考试成绩。结果一查询,孩子是363分,这让李女士傻了,花了5万多元钱,整整补习了一年,最后却是这样的结果。当初京翰1 加 1向李女士承诺,只要孩子到他们那补习,就一定能上武汉四中,可如今孩子却连一个普通高中都没有考取,李女士对此难以接受。

   On July 1, 2012,Check grade regulation is the day of examination,Early in the morning,Ms. Li is in a state of tension,8 point just over 30 points,She immediately dialed grey or audio telephone,Inquires the son's examination results.Results a inquires,The child is 363 points,This let ms. Li be silly,Spent 50000 multivariate money,Whole cram for a year,The last is the result.At the beginning the John 1 plus 1 to ms. Li commitment,As long as the child to the remediation,We will be able to wuhan 4 on,But now the child but even an ordinary high school are not pass an entrance examination,Ms. Li it hard to accept.

    师资骗局     Teachers scam

   在京翰,有一个被广泛宣传的 ,号称是国内首创的模式—— “4个1”辅导模式。所谓“4个1”指的是京翰对每位前来补课的学生都会配备一位学习规划师,一位专职的班主任,一位精英学科教师,以及一套个性化的学习方案。然而记者调查发现,京翰宣称的师资就是一个骗局。

   John is in Beijing,There is a widely propaganda ,Claims to be domestic origination pattern -- "4 1"Guidance mode.The so-called"4 1"Refers to the Beijing John on each to make up a missed lesson students will be equipped with a learning planner,A full-time teacher in charge,An elite subject teachers,And a set of personalized learning scheme.However reporter survey found,Beijing John claimed the teachers is a scam.

   京翰的咨询师称,他们的老师都是城八区一线在职的老师,教学质量绝对有保证,但是, 2012年年初,教育部等七部门发出《治理教育乱收费、规范教育收费工作的实施意见》,其中明确规定:严禁公办中小学举办或与校外机构合作举办有偿补习班,严禁公办中小学教职工组织或参与有偿补课。当记者对此提出质疑时,京翰教育的咨询师给出了这样的说法,他们声称,虽然有规定不能从事有偿家教,但老师出来一节课就能挣好几万,所以才会跑出来偷偷上课。

   Beijing John consultant says,Their teacher is ChengBaOu a line in-service teacher,The teaching quality absolutely guarantee,but, In early 2012,The ministry of education and other seven departments issued[Management education collects fees in disorder/Standard education charge work of the implementation opinions],The specified:It is strictly prohibited to hold public primary and secondary schools or with external organizations paid cram school,It is strictly prohibited to public primary and secondary school teaching and administrative staff organization or to participate in paid make up a missed lesson.When the reporter when this question,Beijing John education consultant gives this idea,They claim that,Although there are provisions cannot be engaged in paid tutor,But the teacher out a class can earn tens of thousands,So would run out secretly class.


   But when asked which school teacher is the,Beijing John consultants to refuse to the secret.But in investigations of,Beijing John consultants told reporters,In communication with parents, be about to say a line,So they could get the parents to stay.And professor reporter,And the teacher to have a confidentiality agreement between grounds,Can't say which school.Beijing dongzhimen campus advisory board director John said,Parents there is no way to check these things,So the teacher won't anything disclosed to parents.


    测评,个性化辅导方案只是忽悠家长签单的手段 evaluation,Personalized guidance scheme just flicker parents sign the bill means


   The teacher is a line,Parents can't verify,The Beijing John claimed that for every student with a set of personalized learning scheme is true for each student to tailor??In the publicity materials,Beijing John said in order to help students improve their performance,First will give students a overall evaluation,And then according to the evaluation results for each student make targeted assistance program.this,Would be really??

    在京翰劲松校区,当记者咨询时,对方简单介绍了测评的情况。这个测评看似很详细,但京翰东直门校区咨询部主任说,测评只是签单的一种手段,就是给家长树立危机感,只是一个道具,是让让家长看的,没有任何实际意义。 按照京翰的流程,测评报告出来后,根据测评报告还要制定一套个性化的辅导方案。那么测评是如此,个性化辅导方案又是什么情况呢?京翰东直门校区咨询师直接说:做做做 做啥啊 不用做。有的家长真较真的话,较真的话,随便糊弄一下,那咋整?拷贝一下,换个名字。如果有需要性别也换一下。

    In the Beijing John jinsong campus,When the reporter when consultation,Each other briefly introduces the situation of the assessment.This seemingly very detailed evaluation,But Beijing dongzhimen campus advisory board director John said,Evaluation is a means to sign the bill,Is to give parents set up the crisis awareness,Just a prop,Is to let the parents to see,No practical significance. According to the process of John,Test report after coming out,According to the evaluation report to formulate a set of personalized guidance scheme.Then evaluation is so,Personalized guidance scheme is what circumstance?Beijing dongzhimen campus John consultants say directly:Do do do what ah don't have to do.Some parents really truer words,Truer words,To deceive the,The zha whole?Copy the,Change a name.If there is a need to gender also change.


   学习规划师就是销售员 Learning planner is a salesman

    在京翰1 加1的宣传中他们极为标榜的学生测评和个性化辅导方案原来只是忽悠家长签单的手段,而精英学科教师保证是一线教师的承诺家长其实根本无从查证,那京翰1 加1声称的4个1辅导模式里还有两个重要的角色,学习规划师和班主任,这两位对学生会有什么帮助呢?京翰东直门校区负责招聘的工作人员直言不讳:咨询师只不过是我们这个行业的一个职称,但是说白了,他就是一个销售,就是把京翰的产品销售出去。

    John is in Beijing 1 plus 1 propaganda, they very flaunt student evaluation and individualized assistance program that just flicker parents sign the bill means,And elite subject teachers guarantee is a line teachers commitment parents actually never verification,The Beijing John 1 plus 1 claimed four 1 guidance mode there are two important role,Learning planners and the teacher in charge,The two students what to help?Beijing dongzhimen campus John responsible for recruiting staff call a spade a spade:Consultant is just our industry a title,But after all,He is a sales,Is Beijing John product sell out.


    班主任的任务:消耗课时促家长续费 Teacher in charge's task:Consumption class parents promoting renewal

   那么,专职班主任呢?京翰确实为每位来补课的学生都配备了一位班主任,来管理学生补课期间的相关事宜,比如排课、跟授课老师约时间、上课情况监管等等。但在京翰发给内部人员使用的班主任手册上写明:班主任除了那些日常管理的工作之外,还有一项重要的任务: “加大课时消耗促续费”。京翰东直门校区负责招聘的工作人员一语道破天机 对咱们来说,虽然是教育,咱们也是销售,公司要以盈利为目的。

   so,Full-time teacher in charge??Beijing John do for each to make up a missed lesson of the students are equipped with a teacher in charge,To manage the students make up a missed lesson during the related matters,Such as curriculum arrangement/With the instructor about time/The class situation supervision and so on.But John in Beijing to internal staff use head teacher manual written on:The teacher in charge in addition to the daily management of the outside of work,There are an important task: "Increase the class consumption promoting renewal".Beijing dongzhimen campus John responsible for recruiting staff hit the cat out of the bag to us,Although it is education,Let's also sales,The company to profitability for the purpose.


    高昂学费老师收入不足三分之一 High tuition teacher income less than a third

   京翰1 加1大力宣传的4个1辅导模式在我们的调查中更像是一个销售模式,目的似乎不是为了帮助学生学习,而是为了让家长掏更多的钱。京翰1 加1的收费在市面上众多的补习机构中属于中高档水平,他们的补习费为什么会比较贵呢?

   Beijing John 1 plus 1 vigorously publicity of four 1 guidance mode in our survey more like a sales model,Objective seems not to help students learn,But in order to allow parents to take more money.Beijing John 1 plus 1 charge on the market many cram mechanism belongs to high-grade level,Their supplementary fee why will be more expensive?


    When reporters asked about the prices,The consultant John took out a printed price list,It marked the to acquire high school,From senior teacher to the standard teacher,All kinds of different grades of charging standard.The highest to 700 yuan per hour,And even the most cheap a first-grade standard teacher,The service costs per hour also wants 180 yuan.Reporter put forward to take advantage of agency false last 10 days,For the children with a higher English,Consultants simple asked the situation,For reporter made a 200 hours of remediation plan,And the price is 45000 yuan.


    But reporter survey found,Beijing John to pay the teacher's KeShiFei is a grade $55.


   超高录取率和提分传奇的真相 Acceptance rates at the top colleges were high and raises the points the truth of the legend

   每小时向家长收取180元,给辅导老师才55元,还不到三分之一。这样的比例,恐怕是许多家长没有想到的。家长一般会认为,收费高的补习班,教学水平也会比较高,补习效果也会比较好,在这本由京翰一对一主办的《考试状元》杂志上,京翰的确列举了一组很有诱惑力的数字:227名学生考入北大、清华!高考本科录取率达95%!辅导提分率达98%!中考省市重点中学录取率达97.3%!提分传奇,47天提了208分! 那这些学生是在什么考试中提高了这么多分?既然叫提分,那与只相对应的学生的基础分又是在什么考试中取得的呢?京翰的宣传材料上没有注明,京翰的员工在内部是这么说的:咱们内部人考的,比如说我给你讲了一套卷子,然后第二天就考那套卷子,这种东西,广告,懂吗?你就那么一听,你这么一看 一听就得了。那么,高考本科录取95%,中考省市重点中学录取率97.3%,这是真的假的?京翰东直门校区咨询师承认,这些都是这么编的,宣传的时候也是打广告,有多少个一线老师,有多少个省重点老师 挂名的,这些数字都是编的。

   The guardian per hour for 180 yuan,To tutor to 55 yuan,Still less than a third.The proportion of such,I'm afraid many parents didn't think of.Parents usually think,Dear cram school,Teaching level will also is quite high,Remediation effect also will be better,In this by Beijing by John one-on-one[First exam]magazine,Beijing John indeed lists a group of tempting digital:227 students admitted to Peking University/tsinghua!Acceptance rates at the top colleges were 95% undergraduate college entrance examination!Counseling mention points rate was 98%!Acceptance rates at the top colleges were key middle school mid-term exam provinces and cities up to 97.3%!Mention points legend,47 days raised 208 points! That these students are in what examination to improve so points?Since that carry points,The corresponding with only the students' basic points is in what tests?Beijing John publicity materials do not have clear,Beijing John employees in internal says so:Let's take an examination of insiders,For example I tell you a set of examination paper,And then the next day will take an examination of the set of examination paper,This kind of thing,advertising,Understand??You will then a listen to,You're so a look to have to.so,The university entrance exam for undergraduate admission 95%,Acceptance rates at the top colleges were 97.3% key middle school mid-term exam provinces and cities,This is really false?Beijing dongzhimen campus John consultants admit,These are all so compiled,Publicity of time also is advertised,How many a line the teacher,How many provincial key teachers of the front,These figures are compiled.


    京翰内部流传的咨询师手册 Beijing John internal spread consultants manual


   John is in Beijing internal,In addition to the teacher in charge outside manual,There is a consultant manual,This is only for internal researchers used consultants manual is each consultant in Beijing after John must read through learning,There are detailed description of the deal with all kinds of marketing techniques and some problems that should be paid attention.Interesting is,Journalists and Beijing John consultant at contact,From time to time, can feel the shadow of these marketing techniques.


   For example about the price problem,Manual on the clear:"The price is unfavorable in parents don't understand Beijing John or don't understand when one on one speak","Consultants in as far as possible"around"For the principle".


   For another example,About for student evaluation,In a counselors stated in the manual:Evaluation is their marketing"Fully tapping single"One of the most important parts.To avoid branch off,And parents when negotiations,Students should be leads to test chamber.Evaluation volume mainly have avoided students,Alone with parents talk about expenses and supplement the role of students' questions.On the spot does not need to give analysis,If parents asked,He said that is the future guidance when the teacher in charge and teachers do the basis of reference.If parents did not sign a new contract,Later you will give a special writing the report,As the pretext again invite parents.


    In this Beijing John to internal staff consultant on the manual,From elementary school to high school grade one grade three,No matter good or bad results,Beijing John is designed with the corresponding marketing techniques to persuade parents,Only one objective:Pay for children to make up a missed lesson.In order to obtain parents trust,Manual even careful to ask their employees to make a phone call when you want to say:"How do you do,Here is Beijing John education at XXX",And can't say"Beijing John so-and-so branch".Reason is:Branch is the school,A company is an enterprise,And parents are more likely to believe that school.In order to get the benefits of,Beijing John it may be said is great pains.In fact,Recently like Beijing so John questioned the extracurricular counselling organization is not a.Many extracurricular counselling structure the primary and middle school students as cash cows,Let the students' learning load more and more serious,Parents wallet more and more light,Such a huge market in the end this so to regulate?
