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温情暖京城 爱在返乡日--亲稳网络舆情监控室

温情暖京城 爱在返乡日 


    1月27日,来自湖北十堰的农民工们拉着列车长(中)合影留念。当日,中华全国总工会、交通运输部、铁道部和北京市人民政府在北京奥体文化商务园区施工现场联合举行“2013年春节农民工平安返乡欢送仪式”,向为首都城市建设付出辛勤劳动的进城务工人员致以崇高的敬意和节日的问候。同日,随着汽笛鸣响,由北京西开往十堰的K279次列车缓缓启动,200多名系着红围巾、背着“大礼包”的湖北籍工友踏上返乡路程——2013年春节农民工平安返乡活动由此正式拉开帷幕。新华社记者 何俊昌 摄     On January 27,,From hubei shiyan of the migrant rural workers took the conductor(in)Photo as a souvenir.the,The all-china federation of trade unions/Traffic department of transportation/The ministry of railways and the Beijing municipal people's government in the Beijing Olympic cultural business park construction site held jointly"The Spring Festival in 2013 migrant workers return peace farewell ceremony",For the capital city construction to pay hard work of rural migrant workers in our high respects and festive greetings.On the same day,Along with the whistle tingle,By Beijing to shiyan K279 the train start slowly,More than 200 tied with a red scarf/carry"package"On the HuBeiJi workers return journey - 2013 migrant workers from the Spring Festival peace activities officially unveiled.The xinhua news agency HeJunChang perturbation

温情暖京城 爱在返乡日

    1月27日,几名返乡农民工在北京西站排队上车。新华社记者 何俊昌 摄     On January 27,,Several of the peasant workers in the Beijing west railway station on line.The xinhua news agency HeJunChang perturbation

温情暖京城 爱在返乡日

    1月27日,几名返乡农民工透过车窗向送行人群挥手道别。新华社记者 何俊昌 摄     On January 27,,Several of the migrant workers through the window to see off the crowd waved goodbye.The xinhua news agency HeJunChang perturbation
