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    2012年1月28日,旅客在江西九江火车站站台排队乘车。又到春运,人潮涌动。今年,你会选择什么样的方式回家?通往故乡的道路有千万条,出行的方式也有很多种。不论是搭乘火车、飞机、轮船,还是自驾、拼车、徒步,萦绕在心底的,是久违的温情,是亲人的牵挂。回家,我要回家!哪怕千山万水,哪怕风雪交加。朝着家的方向,我们出发!新华社发(胡国林 摄) In January 2012 and day,Passengers in jiangxi jiujiang railway station platform queue ride.Again to travel,Surge of people.This year,You can choose what kind of the way home?Home to the road there are ten million reasons,Travel way also has a lot of kinds.Whether take the train/The plane/ship,Or drive/carpooling/hiking,Lingering in your heart,For a long time is warmth,Is the family care.home,I want to go home!Even if the mountains,Even if the raging snowstorm.Toward the direction of the house,We set out!The xinhua news agency hair(HuGuoLin perturbation)



    1月26日,在浙江省台州市火车站,旅客准备搭乘动车出行。为期40天的2013年春运当日正式启动。新华社发(潘侃俊 摄) On January 26,,In zhejiang province taizhou railway station,Passenger car to travel on moving.For forty days of Spring Festival in 2013 the official start.The xinhua news agency hair(PanKanJun perturbation)



    2009年1月23日,旅客在郑州客运中心站准备乘车。当日,河南郑州公路春运迎来客流高峰,全市1O个主要汽车场站全天发送旅客超过12万人次。新华社记者 朱祥 摄 On January 23, 2009,Passengers in zhengzhou passenger transportation center ready to ride.the,Henan zhengzhou highway in Spring Festival travel peak,The 1 o a major automobile dock day send passengers over 120000 people.The xinhua news agency ZhuXiang perturbation



    2012年1月20日,旅客在成都双流机场通过玻璃窗观看飞机起降,等候登机。当日,成都双流机场航班数量达714架次,旅客吞吐量10.2万人次以上。新华社记者 李桥桥 摄 In January 2012, twenty days,Passengers in chengdu shuangliu airport through the window watching planes landing,Waiting for boarding.the,Chengdu shuangliu airport flight number 714 vehicles,Passenger throughput of more than 102000 people.The xinhua news agency LiQiao bridge perturbation



    2009年1月11日,旅客在山东威海港码头排队登船。 新华社发(于启波 摄) On January 11, 2009,Passengers in shandong major terminal queue boarding. The xinhua news agency hair(In rev. Wave perturbation)



    2011年1月19日,在210国道广西南丹县境内,一群骑手在雨中赶路。 棉衣、护膝、雨衣、棉毯、手套……当日,一群“全副武装”骑摩托车冒雨返乡的农民工行至210国道广西南丹县境内。这批由数十人组成的摩托车返乡队伍,1月17日从广东出发,准备驱车近2000公里回贵州老家过年。 新华社记者 黄孝邦 摄 On January 19, 2011,In the 210 national highway within the territory of nandan county in guangxi,A group of riders on in the rain. Cotton-padded clothes/knee/raincoat/Cotton blanket/Gloves...the,A group of"Armed to the teeth"Ride a motorcycle in the rain of migrant workers return to 210 national highway within the territory of nandan county in guangxi.This batch of by dozens of motorcycle home team,January 17, starting from guangdong,Ready to drive nearly 2000 miles back to guizhou home New Year's day. The xinhua news agency HuangXiaoBang perturbation


2003年1月31日,乘客在南京长途汽车站候车大厅候车。新华社记者 孙参 摄 On January 31, 2003,Passengers in nanjing long-distance bus station waiting hall waiting.The xinhua news agency SunCan perturbation



    2010年1月29日,在浙江瑞安通往江西修水的路上,骑摩托车返乡过年的农民工们结伴而行。新华社发(梁振堂 摄) On January 29, 2010,In zhejiang Ryan to jiangxi XiuShui road,Ride a motorcycle home New Year of the migrant rural workers went along with.The xinhua news agency hair(LiangZhenTang perturbation)



    2012年1月20日,两名选择徒步400多公里回家过年的大学生李森林、袁辉,在江苏盐城大丰市白驹镇吃过晚饭后,继续赶路。新华社发(周古凯 摄) In January 2012, twenty days,Two choose walking more than 400 km to return home for the New Year of college students LiSenLin/YuanHui,Yancheng in jiangsu dafeng city BaiJu town after dinner,To go ahead.The xinhua news agency hair(ZhouGuKai perturbation)



    2009年1月23日,上海市铁路迎来节前客流高峰,乘客顶着大风从铁路上海站进站。新华社发 On January 23, 2009,Shanghai railway in the peak of the Passover,Passengers from the top of the railway in Shanghai.The xinhua news agency hair



    2012年1月12日,旅客搭乘L216次列车回家。这趟“绿皮车”为临时列车,从上海出发,穿过江苏、安徽等七个省市,最后抵达成都,全程2262公里,历时38个小时。车上近90%的旅客是江浙沪等地的农民工和他们的家人。新华社记者 裴鑫 摄 On January 12, 2012,Passengers aboard L216 time train home.This trip"Green skin car"As temporary train,Set off from Shanghai,Through the jiangsu/Anhui province and seven provinces and cities,Finally arrived in chengdu,Covering a total of 2262 kilometers,Duration and hours.The car nearly 90% of passengers is jiangsu, migrant workers and their families.The xinhua news agency PeiXin perturbation



    2011年1月30日,贵州黔西南望谟县209省道因结冰导致春运返乡车辆无法通行,一些归心似箭的旅客,抬着物品步行回家。新华社发(吴绍衡 摄) On January 30, 2011,QianXiNa wangmo county in guizhou provincial highway 209 froze to the Spring Festival transportation vehicle impassable,Some anxious to return the passengers,Carrying the goods go back home on foot.The xinhua news agency hair(WuShaoHeng perturbation)



    2011年1月28日,台胞往来大陆的“黄金水道”——厦金航线春运正式开始,台胞陆续登上“新金龙”号客轮,准备离开厦门五通客运码头前往金门。新华社记者 魏培全 摄 In January 2011 and day,Taiwan compatriots current mainland"Golden waterway"- xiamen golden route travel formally began,Taiwan compatriots have the"The new dragon"Number liner,Leaving xiamen five ferry terminal to the golden gate.The xinhua news agency WeiPeiQuan perturbation



    2011年1月20日,湖北黄梅县的返乡农民工冒着风雪从江西九江长江大桥徒步回家。新华社记者 周科 摄 In January 2011, twenty days,Hubei huangmei county rural migrant workers return at the snow from jiangxi jiujiang changjiang river bridge to go home on foot.The xinhua news agency ZhouKe perturbation


2007年1月31日,重庆奉节港迎来大批返乡旅客。新华社发(周会摄) On January 31, 2007,Chongqing fengjie port in the large number of passengers.The xinhua news agency hair(Weeks will be taken)



    2008年1月26日,在贵州凯里,一支毛驴施工队在返乡途中小憩。这支“毛驴施工队”从广西百色来到贵州三穗县进行电力施工,驮运施工设施。春节临近,返家的道路由于遭受大面积冰冻灾害,无法通车,毛驴施工队员们选择徒步行走的方式,赶着毛驴回家。新华社发(陈沛亮 摄) January 26, 2008,In guizhou Carey,A donkey construction team on the a way.This one"Donkey construction team"From guangxi baise to guizhou three ear county in electric power construction,Piggy back construction facilities.The Spring Festival is near,The way of home due to suffer freeze disaster area,Cannot be opened to traffic,Donkey construction players choose hiking way,Catch the donkey home.The xinhua news agency hair(ChenPeiLiang perturbation)



    2011年1月26日,在外打工的平学民从山东抵达河北邯郸馆陶县房寨镇后,坐上提前租好的拖拉机,载着从镇上买的年货,向家乡东孟良寨村的方向出发。新华社发(孙树宝 摄) January 26, 2011,Work out the flat learn from shandong people arrived in hebei handan GuanTaoXian room after village town,Take advance rent good tractor,The load from the town to buy their doors,Home to the east village village on the direction of the staircase.The xinhua news agency hair(SunShuBao perturbation)



    2011年1月19日,在210国道广西南丹县境内,一家三口骑着摩托车在雨中赶路。他们跟随由数十人组成的摩托车返乡队伍从广东出发,驱车近2000公里回贵州老家过年。新华社记者 黄孝邦 摄 On January 19, 2011,In the 210 national highway within the territory of nandan county in guangxi,A family of three riding a motorcycle on in the rain.They followed by dozens of members of the team on a motorcycle from guangdong,Driving nearly 2000 miles back to guizhou home New Year's day.The xinhua news agency HuangXiaoBang perturbation
