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记者暗访“海南双飞四天纯玩超级贵宾团”,在机场准备出发时,贵宾团竟变成了散客大拼盘,之后还发现——— Reporters and"Hainan double kick four days pure play super GuiBinTuan",When ready to go at the airport,GuiBinTuan have become the individual traveler appetizer,Then he found -- -


 酒店服务水分大 Hotel service water big

  景区门票猫腻多 The more tickets something fishy going on

  羊城晚报记者 林翎

The yangcheng evening news reporter LinLing


组团 group

  说好的不拼团呢? Say good don't spell "group?

  19人的团竟有14名散客 19 people group have 14 individual traveler


October 24, at about 16,The yangcheng evening news reporters and guangdong province consumer council staff/The southern TV reporter/A lawyer,Come together in guangzhou sports road and huangpu road at the junction of the golden horse CITS travel agency expected.Issued by the expected travel book display,The super GuiBinTuan will in the four-star hotel standard,One night is sanya five-star standard hotel.

  “我们不想和其他旅行社拼团,你们做得到吗?”记者问。“如果能有10个人出团就不用拼团。”工作人员在电脑上查了一会说,“查到了,包括你们正好有10 个人,肯定不用拼团了”。

"We don't want to and other travel agency spell group,You can do?"The reporter asked."If can have 10 people out group need not spell group."Staff in the computer checked for a while and said,"Check to,Including you happen to have ten people,Sure don't spell the group".

  11月8日晚上,记者按旅行社要求到达白云机场准备出发, 却发现全团19个团友中,除记者一行五人外, 其余14 团友分别是在东莞、禅城、九江、国旅等旅行社报名或通过携程网报名。

On November 8 night,According to the travel requirements reporter arrived at baiyun airport ready to go, But found that members of the 19 in the tour,In addition to the reporter a line of five people, The rest of the 14 frere are respectively in the dongguan/Zen city/jiujiang/CITS and travel agency registration or through ctrip registration.


A reporter begins with the field guide negotiations,But the tour guide said he is responsible only for send visitors to the airport security check place,Other things all don't know.


Reporters immediately call golden horse travel service telephone,But there was no answer.

  根据金马旅行社的合同规定: 当成团人数不足时,乙方(旅行社)可以将甲方(游客)转至其他旅行社所组的旅游团队,但必须事先征得甲方的书面同意, 并就受让出团的旅行社违反本合同约定的行为先行承担责任,再行追偿。

According to the golden horse travel agency contract: As the number of group is insufficient,Party b(Travel agency)Can be party a(visitors)Turn to other travel group travel team,But it must first obtain the consent of party a's written consent, And will be make group's travel agency violates this contract behavior first assume responsibility,Any recovery.


住宿 accommodation

  何谓五星级酒店? What is a five-star hotel?

  用霓虹灯做了五颗红星 With neon lights do five red stars

  11月8 日23时,团友们在海口机场下了飞机,在海南当地的一名导游带领下入住新标榜酒店。

On November 8 at 23,The tour in haikou airport off the plane,In hainan local a tour guide in led by new flaunt hotel.

  按照金马旅行社承诺, 这应该是一家四星级酒店。步入酒店,记者看到大堂空间狭窄,地面居然在施工,条件与其他四星级酒店相差太远。在酒店大堂,看不到相关部门颁发的四星级铭牌。记者问前台服务员:“你们既然是星级,为什么没有挂出星级的铭牌? 你们的星级是谁评的?”“旅游局评的”,她说。

According to the golden horse travel service commitment, This should be a four-star hotel.Into the hotel,The reporter sees the lobby space narrow,Ground incredibly in construction,Conditions and other four-star hotel are too far away.In the hotel lobby,See related department issued a nameplate.The reporter asked the front desk clerk:"And since you are star,Why not hang out of the star nameplate? Your star who is judged?""Tourism administration of the evaluation",She said.

  在记者入住的楼层,一名服务生向记者道出真相:这个酒店是三星级标准。记者于是返回前台询问,前台服务员也承认是三星级。“现在酒店正在搞装修, 准备申报四星级,应该算是‘准四星级’吧”。

At the press in floor,A waiter told reporters tell the truth:The hotel is a three-star standard.Reporter then back to the front desk for,Clerk also admitted that three star."Now hotel is make decoration, Prepare a declaration,Should be‘Quasi four-star’it".


similarly.Road in the November 10, in the evening in sanya division manor hotel.Frere soon found,The so-called"five-star"hotel,Decorate common not only,Facilities is also very old.Reporter in the room the bathroom faucet rusty stains,Hotel advertising page display can surf the Internet,But the reporter find line socket,Telephone also appeared fault.


Reporter to ask at the front desk:"You here whether five-star?"Clerk said:"Indeed is the five-star,Tourism administration of the evaluation.""Why the lobby no five-star nameplate?"As the door said:"In the outside!"Reporters came to the hotel the door looked around,Didn't find"five-star"nameplate.Finally looked up,Found on the roof of the hotel"Division home"By a few words,With neon lights do five red stars.


At the entrance of the gate of the hotel a security guard said,The hotel is a four-star actually,Ready to "five-star evaluation,Is decorating.


Golden horse travel schedule book commitment,The trip will be in the four-star hotel standard,One night in sanya is a five-star standard hotel.But in the same a travel book,Golden horse travel agencies say again:"The local standard hotel in small scale,Conditions more general,Not to the national tourism administration star hotel standard definition."

  既然“不能以国家旅游局星级标准酒店界定”,为何还要自称星级? 海南旅游业一位业内人士解释说,国际上的四、五星级标准十分严格,包括酒店内外环境和设施。按照这个标准,海南一些酒店显然达不到,因此只能将标准降低一些。

since"Not to the national tourism administration star hotel standard definition",Why still want to claim to star? Hainan tourism a personage inside course of study explained,International four/The five-star standard is very strict,Including hotel inside and outside environment and facilities.According to this standard,Hainan some hotel obviously can not reach,Therefore only the standard to reduce some.

  对此,团友们不买账。一位团友说,这两家星级酒店, 充其量只能算普通的商务酒店,而且服务跟不上,在新标榜酒店吃早餐时,叫服务员送茶水却迟迟不来,只好自助了。

this,Group members are not go for it.A frere said,The two star hotel, At best can calculate ordinary business hotel,And the service can't keep up,In the new flaunt hotel to eat breakfast,Call the waiter send tea but can not,Had to self-help the.


 景点 attractions

  公示价可靠吗? Public price and reliable?

  导游赚团体与散客差价 Guide to make groups and individual traveler spread

  11月9 日早上,在海口去兴隆植物园的车上,导游向团友们介绍此行的三个自费景点:玉带滩、槟榔谷和鹿回头,玉带滩门票70元,槟榔谷门票165元,鹿回头门票65元,合计300元。“这些景点是自愿参加”,导游强调,但绝大多数团友当即交了钱。

November 9 in the morning,In haikou to booming botanical garden car,Tour guides to introduce students to tour the three scenic spots at one's own expenses:Jade belt beach/Betelnut valley and we choose,Jade belt beach tickets 70 yuan,Betelnut valley 165 yuan tickets,We choose the 65 yuan tickets,Total 300 yuan."These sites are voluntary participation",Guide emphasizes,But the vast majority of frere immediately hand over the money.


All the way down,Guide all is according to the price of the scenic spot public charge,No forced shopping.But in the booming botanical garden/Betelnut valley, and other attractions,Attractions party will require frere wear spots designated identification.

  一切都显得十分正常。可是,就在参观完兴隆植物园的当天晚上, 一位兴隆镇的出租车司机泄露了“天机”。她告诉记者,兴隆植物园、槟榔谷等景点之所以让游客戴上标识,是因为团友在景点的购物点购物时,商家以标识作为标记,将来与旅行社、导游分成。特别是一些自费景点,实际上门票价没有那么高,如玉带滩只需35元,槟榔谷大约65元。

Everything is very normal.but,In visiting the botanical garden is thriving on the night, A XingLongZhen taxi driver revealed"Cat out of the bag".She told reporters,Booming botanical garden/Betelnut valley, and other attractions are let visitors wear identification,Because the tour scenic spot in the 购物点 when shopping,Merchants to mark as a mark,And travel in the future/Guide into.Especially some scenic spots at one's own expenses,Actually the door fare not so high,Such as jade belt beach just 35 yuan,Betelnut valley about 65 yuan.


In the scenic spot deer looking-around duty manager room,A person in charge to reporters,Generally speaking,Attractions tickets is divided into individual traveler price and group price.Individual traveler price is the price of public out,And the group price is the price of travel agencies and attractions consultation,Guide to make is the price difference."As for our scenic spot in your group what price,To see how specific agreement made."He said,"Some scenic spots to local charge is cheaper,Foreign tourists to charge is much higher."According to he introduced,Hainan is a guide to the travel agency BaoTuan to do,Due to the standard of hainan province tour guide forced shopping,Only by this way to make money.


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