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搬新居 迎新春--亲稳舆论引导监测室

搬新居 迎新春

    1月30日,贵州省安顺市黄果树镇蒋其村村民在新居前聚餐。当日,贵州省安顺市黄果树镇蒋其村的16户苗族同胞搬进了当地政府为他们修建的新居。据介绍,这16户人家都是多年来陆续从各地迁徙而来的。新华社发(卢维 摄)     On January 30,Guizhou AnShunShi huangguoshu town jiang the new village before dinner.the,Guizhou AnShunShi huangguoshu town jiang the village of 16 door miao nationality moved into the local government for they built new house.According to introducing,The 16 families are from all over the years in succession and migration.The xinhua news agency hair(LuWei perturbation)

搬新居 迎新春

    1月30日,江西吉水县供电公司的党员服务队在帮助移民户搬新居。当日,峡江水利枢纽工程库区吉水县水田乡新市村19户移民户整体喜迁新家双村镇傅祥村,当地干部群众共同帮助移民户搬入新居,并为移民户送来米、油、挂历、对联等生活用品,让移民群众在新居里喜迎新春佳节。新华社发(肖春根 摄)     On January 30,Jiangxi JiShuiXian power supply company's party member service team to help YiMinHu new move.the,XiaJiang water conservancy hub project, the JiShuiXian ShuiTianXiang yet village and family YiMinHu whole new village XiQian double FuXiang village,The local cadres and the general common help YiMinHu junked,And for YiMinHu sent meters/oil/calendar/Couplets and articles for daily use,Let the new immigrants in the Spring Festival celebrate.The xinhua news agency hair(XiaoChunGen perturbation)

搬新居 迎新春

    1月29日,在江西省赣州市兴国县茶园乡农村危旧土坯房改造集中安置点——“幸福新村”,从各村搬入的居民围坐在一起聊天。春节临近,江西省赣州市兴国县1万余户改造户陆续搬入新居。2012年《国务院关于支持赣南等原中央苏区振兴发展的若干意见》出台后,赣州启动农村危旧土坯房改造工程,计划用3年时间基本完成全市涉及69.5万户、300多万人的危旧土坯房改造任务,目前开工户数达10.95万。新华社发(李人庆 摄)     On January 29,,In ganzhou city, jiangxi province Yang yunsong tea garden township rural dilapidated old adobe reform focused site --"Happiness of saemaul undong",From the inhabitants of the villages made to move to sit together to chat.The Spring Festival is near,Ganzhou city, jiangxi province Yang yunsong of more than 10000 households reform in household junked.In 2012,[The state council on the support of the central Soviet area, such as jiangxi the development certain opinions]Issued after,Ganzhou start rural dilapidated old adobe reconstruction project,Plans to use three years to complete the basic in 695000 households/More than 300 people are old adobe reconstruction task,Start now number 109500.The xinhua news agency hair(LiRenQing perturbation)
