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2月5日,工长吴彦文(右一)在窑洞里为工友们布置工作任务。2010年通车的包西铁路从陕北革命老区洛川县遍布沟壑的黄土地上穿过,由于新线建成后配套设施尚未完全到位,西安铁路局延安工务段在这里设置的临时性工区只能在当地的窑洞里办公,工区的铁路职工们也租住在老乡家的窑洞中。包西线刚开通时线路质量变化快、设备问题多,但是窑洞工区四位常驻铁路职工用智慧和汗水努力破解湿陷性黄土线路养护难的问题,使包含着7座桥梁、5条隧道在内的19.182公里的线路设备达到了100%的优良率。新华社记者 李一博 摄 On February 5,Foreman WuYanWen(right)In a cave for co-workers arrangement work task.2010 opening bag west railway from shaanxi luochuan county in the old revolutionary base areas in the background through,Because after the completion of new facilities has not yet fully in place,Xi 'an railway administration in yanan Labour wu paragraph here set temporary work area only in local cave office,Work area railway workers also to rent the house of villagers in the cave.West bag just opening line quality change fast/Equipment the problem,But the cave work area four permanent railway worker with wisdom and sweat to crack collapsible loess line maintenance difficult question,That contains seven Bridges/Article 5 the tunnel, the 19.182 km line equipment reached 100% rate.The xinhua news agency LiYiBo perturbation
被称为“扁担哥”的线路工林玉平在工作之余还负责到十里外的镇子上为工友们买菜和日用品(2月5日摄)。新华社记者 李一博 摄 called"Shoulder pole elder brother"The wireman LinYuPing when the work is also responsible for more than ten miles away to the town for co-workers to buy food and daily necessities(On February 5 perturbation).The xinhua news agency LiYiBo perturbation
2月5日,线路工王烨敏(左)从一条隧道口走过。新华社记者 李一博 摄 On February 5,Lineman WangYe sensitive(left)From a portal through.The xinhua news agency LiYiBo perturbation
2月5日,线路工王烨敏走向自己的工作岗位。新华社记者 李一博 摄 On February 5,Lineman WangYe sensitive to their jobs.The xinhua news agency LiYiBo perturbation
2月5日,线路工雷声宽(左)在工长的协助下写春联,他打算为段内的每个工区都送上自己写的新春祝福。新华社记者 李一博 摄 On February 5,Lineman thunder wide(left)The foreman help write Spring Festival couplets,He is going to within the period for each work area are written on their New Year blessing.The xinhua news agency LiYiBo perturbation
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