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背起行囊,踏上旅途,青山绿林中,体会自然;浪漫小镇里,品味悠闲;蓝天白云下,呼吸清新,阳光沙滩上,体验浪漫;去远方,能看见不一样的风景,去远方,能体验不一样的美丽。在这个适宜出游的时节,国旅总社特别搜罗全球最受欢迎旅游目的地,倾心打造出境精品线路,带您环游五大洲,畅享新旅程! Take the package,journey,Castle peak greenwood,Experience natural;Romantic town,Taste carefree;Under the blue sky white cloud,fresh,The sun on the beach,Experience the romantic;Go somewhere far away,Can see different view,Go somewhere far away,Can experience not as beautiful。In the appropriate season of travel,World's most complete CITS special scouring popular tourist destination,Go build high-quality goods leave the line,Take you around five continents,Transparence service new journey!

  主题词:浪漫 keywords:romantic

  坐标一:夏威夷 Coordinate a:Hawaii


Hawaii is called earth's most romantic place,Here is the most beautiful beach around the world,Here are the world's most enthusiastic hula,The charming oahu,Wonderful volcanic island,Beautiful MAO appropriate island,During 11,Complete with CITS“Hawaii volcanic island of oahu + + le appropriate island 8 and a half Tours”team,Feel the fresh air floral 4 excessive,Appreciate stunning natural beauty。CITS special arrangement by suing the Hawaiian airlines flights,International period of free two checked bags,Also giving special check-in 1 night volcanic island and 1 night by appropriate island,Enjoyment above,Close service。


坐标二:意大利五渔村 Coordinates two:Italian five fishing village


Some say,Five fishing village of love that way,Is the most romantic in the world“Love road”,Charming sunshine,Blue sea water,Chic village,Charming amorous feelings,Let a person walking through them,Miss a。“Confused Loire、Meet five fishing village-law Rachel meaning + the Loire Valley 11 depth to swim(Air France)”,September,CITS tour brings you complete the Loire riverside castle group of the most beautiful and the most rich legend farmers and fort up the fort shampoo,Meet xanadu dream coastal town five fishing village,Carefree comfortable,Enjoy the romantic breath from Europa。


 坐标三:塞班岛 Coordinates three:saipan

  远离尘嚣,褪下浮华,塞班岛用它明媚的阳光,晶莹的海水,让您感受到最纯粹的浪漫。9月份,国旅总社 “塞班岛精选5日游” 每三/四发团,上海往返使用豪华客机,直达塞班岛,尽享尊贵航程,全程入住塞班A级临海酒店,特别赠送北部观光游、丛林探险项目,刺激与新奇共赏,带您感受如画塞班。

Faraway from the,Removed flashy,Saipan use it the sunshine,Glittering and translucent water,Let you feel the most pure romantic。September,Suing CITS “Saipan selected five day visit” Every three/four hair group,Between Shanghai and use luxurious passenger aircraft,Direct saipan,Enjoy the honourable voyage,The whole class A hotel check-in saiban linhai,Giving special northern sightseeing tour、Forest adventure project,Stimulate and novel totally,Take you feel saiban picturesque。


主题词:经典 keywords:classic

  坐标一:日本 Coordinate a:Japan


Tokyo's busy,The beauty of the north sea atlas way,Rich wild is pure and fresh and good,Mount Fuji shock,Region of the adjacent,Amorous feelings of a different,Japan,With its unique charm,The eyes of the world to attract visitors。September,CITS special make a complete“Japan's wonderful 6, double hot spring optimization and times”lines,Direct flights from is comfortable,Select quality hotel,Special arrangements for kansai、Central regions,Double hot spring comfortable experience Japanese beautiful soup,Taste food by Japanese chic。


 坐标二:土耳其 Coordinates two:Turkey


Here has a long history,There's a touching story,Someone came to enjoy food,Anyone here a legend,Before the site experience classic,The city for the pure land,Turkey,A memorable,Worth recalling place。August 31,,CITS launched a complete“Blue Turkey selected 8, super swim(The five star hotel with caves)”lines,The whole show essence attractions,To bring you a different natural and cultural heritage trip。


 坐标三:台湾 Coordinates three:Taiwan


Many Taiwanese people's mind is for the most beautiful place,wizard,Hua Lin,Castle peak,Static lake,Suing CITS 8、September launch“Taiwan island select 8, the flower of swimming GuLe east rift live experience article”lines,Beijing-,New upgrade,Flowers line + sea line dongshan panoramic appreciate,Take you to realize together east Taiwan the most beautiful scenery。

  坐标四:澳大利亚 Coordinates four:Australia


The spectacular Sydney opera house,Charming the Great Barrier Reef,The el magic, the stones,The beauty of the tropical rain forests,In the vast land of Australia,Always find your favorite beauty。A complete CITS in late September to apply the launch“Australia kay 12 essence value to swim”lines,Take you tour the world heritage,Chang play gold coast,Experience Maori culture,Appreciate beauty Australia。

  主题词:时尚 keywords:fashion

  坐标一:新加坡 Coordinate a:Singapore


Singapore is a young and dynamic city,Move feeling fashion,busy,Suing CITS“A price the package,Value upgrade ClubMed u people Dan island + Singapore places of trip 7 days(Places of the world stars hotels accommodation and value-added content presented)”lines,Every day the hair group,Carefully planned sentosa places of the world five-star hotel accommodation,Special gift,Universal studios、Maritime museum tickets each one(Two people at the same time to sign up),Singapore DFS shopping coupon and Singapore problem-the shopping,A price the package,For you close make Singapore fashion trip。

  坐标二:香港 Coordinates two:Hong Kong


Here is the fashionable city,Here is the shopping paradise,Victoria harbour lights look,Victoria peak to admire the view,Within the Disney mad to play,The MingPinDian shopping,Suing CITS“Hong Kong free line 4,”,August every hair group,Special gift from the airport hotel bus coupons,Take you a shopping enough!

  主题词:自然 keywords:natural

  坐标:肯尼亚 coordinates:Kenya


Animal paradise,Kingdom of natural,hot、magic、wild、pure,Kenya,We for their beauty fascinating,We are its pure attract。11 golden weeks,CITS special make a complete“After animal tracks-Kenya 9, trip to violence(4-5 star hotel,Including bo GaoLiYa)”lines,Show you all the best in the tour the world wildlife reserve-marseille national park in 2 night accommodation,Invite you to enjoy the world's largest bird appreciation.it-nakuru LuHu flamingos yi the magnificent picture scroll,Special gift that watts ShaHu cruise,Close contact with hippo water birds,Special arrangements for GaoLiYa visit bo nature reserve to visit,Enjoying hot springs,Alleviate fatigue,Roman abramovich's visit the copa nature reserve,See the legend of the“God home”presence。

  主题词:探秘 keywords:exploration

  坐标:南极 coordinates:Antarctic


Antarctic,Some of the most mysterious mainland,pure、dream、magic、distant,December 2012,A complete CITS invite you stepping on this mysterious land together,“The South Pole's trip to air-exploration white Antarctica 16”,This is a Chinese polar experts design by and guiding the Antarctic expedition route,The newly decorated in 2012,The world's most Antarctic expedition tradition、The most advanced polar icebreaker,Across the strait drake,Ensure that you and the Antarctic continent do recent distance contact。
