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    在长春市朝阳区,一个由棚户区改造的住宅区(左)与待改造的老旧棚户区隔路而立(2月15日摄)。自2006年起,吉林省先后实施了城市棚户区、林业棚户区、煤矿棚户区、国有工矿棚户区、国有垦区危房、农村泥草房(危房)改造和廉租住房、公共租赁住房建设等“八路安居”工程。工程实施以来共改造建设保障性住房1.49亿平方米,670万住房困难群众从中受益,占全省总人口比例超过五分之一,城市整体功能和城镇化质量也得以提升,同时带动了几十个相关产业的发展。2013年吉林省将继续实施“八路安居”工程,全省保障性住房计划开工建设33.87万套,全年竣工33万套;发放廉租住房租赁补贴25万户。新建项目计划6月底前开工60%,9月底前全部实现开工建设。新华社记者 许畅 摄      In chaoyang district of changchun city,A modified by shanty town residential area(left)For the reconstruction of the old shanty town road isolation stand(Taken on February 15,).Since 2006,Jilin province implemented urban shantytowns/Forestry shantytowns/Coal mine shantytowns/State-owned industrial and mining shantytowns/State-owned land reclamation area dangerous/Rural mud thatched cottage(Dilapidated building)Reform and low-rent housing/Public rental housing construction, etc"To zhuhai"engineering.Since the implementation of the construction project a total of 149 million square meters of affordable housing reform,6.7 million housing difficult people benefit from it,The proportion of the total population accounts for more than one 5,The whole city function and quality of urbanization to be promoted,It causes the dozens of development of relevant industries.In 2013, jilin province will continue to implement"To zhuhai"engineering,The affordable housing construction plan to start 338700 sets,The completion of 330000 sets;Issue 250000 households low-rent housing rental subsidies.New project plan before the end of June start 60%,Before the end of September to realize all start construction.The xinhua news agency XuChang perturbation 


    长春市高新区回迁居民黄玉华在新搬入的回迁房内与她的侄女聊天(2月15日摄)。新华社记者 许畅 摄     Changchun high-tech zone move back HuangYuHua residents in new moved into the room move back with her niece chat(Taken on February 15,).The xinhua news agency XuChang perturbation


昔日的长春市高新区棚户区如今居民楼林立(2月15日摄)。新华社记者 许畅 摄 The former changchun high-tech zone into shanty town now full(Taken on February 15,).The xinhua news agency XuChang perturbation


    这是长春市南关区一处正在进行棚户区改造的小区(2月15日摄)。新华社记者 许畅 摄     This is a place of changchun city NaGuanOu ongoing reform of shanty town village(Taken on February 15,).The xinhua news agency XuChang perturbation


    在长春市团山小区内,低保户陈庆龙在廉租房内与小狗玩耍。团山小区共有经济适用房1800多户,廉租房1100多户(1月1日摄)。新华社记者 许畅 摄     In the mountain village in changchun city group,Low ChenQingLong households in housing and the dog in the play.Group mountain village has economy applicable room more than 1800 households,Low rent housing more than 1100 households(January 1 shot).The xinhua news agency XuChang perturbation


    这是2月15日在长春市二道区拍摄的一个由棚户区改造而成的小区。新华社记者 许畅 摄     It is February 15, in changchun ErDaoOu shooting by reforming the shantytowns into communities.The xinhua news agency XuChang perturbation
