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    2月17日,外出务工人员向送行的人们挥手告别。当日,满载着3200多名外出务工人员的L370次农民工专列从江西省于都县出发开往广东省东莞市。这是赣南革命老区于都县开行的首趟农民工“爱心专列”。该县是劳务输出大县,近年来每年有外出务工人员近30万人次,春节过后农民工返城务工高峰期间,买票难、乘车难等问题十分突出。为此,该县与南昌铁路局商议,开通了“爱心专列”送农民工返城务工。新华社发(方名荣 摄)     On February 17,,Migrant workers to off people to wave goodbye.the,Full of more than 3200 migrant workers migrant workers train L370 time from jiangxi province based on YuDouXian to guangdong dongguan.This is the old revolutionary base areas of jiangxi YuDouXian operation's first trip to migrant workers"Love train".The county is labor output county,In recent years, every year migrant workers of nearly 300000 people,After the Spring Festival city migrant workers return to work during the rush hours,Difficult to buy a ticket/Problems such as difficult to ride is very outstanding.therefore,The consultation and nanchang railway administration,opened"Love train"Migrant workers return to work city.The xinhua news agency hair(Party name taken and)


    2月17日,在“爱心专列”上,铁路部门工作人员向外出务工人员讲解防扒防骗知识。新华社发(鲍赣生 摄)     On February 17,,in"Love train"on,Railway department personnel to migrant workers with prevention FangPian explain knowledge.The xinhua news agency hair(BaoGanSheng perturbation)


    2月17日,乘坐“爱心专列”的外出务工人员在江西于都火车站广场准备进站。新华社发(方名荣 摄)     On February 17,,take"Love train"The migrant workers in jiangxi yudu railway station square in preparation.The xinhua news agency hair(Party name taken and)


    2月17日,一名不满1岁的婴儿随家长准备乘坐“爱心专列”返城。新华社发(鲍赣生 摄)     On February 17,,A less than one years old baby with parents to take"Love train"Return city.The xinhua news agency hair(BaoGanSheng perturbation)
