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左秀梅(中)在皖南医学院学习法律,将于2013年6月份毕业(2月23日摄)。她想找一份本科管理培训生的工作,基本工资期望值为2000元。尽管没有工作经验,但她觉得自己在大学里经常参加各种社团活动,组织能力与沟通能力不错,应该能找到一份满意的工作。春节假期刚过不久,华东地区迎来一年一度的用工旺季,求职者希望在新年找到什么样的工作呢?带着这样的疑问,记者走访了安徽省合肥市几场招聘会,现场倾听求职者的心声。新华社发 (张端 摄) ZuoXiuMei(in)In south anhui medical college studying law,In 2013 graduated from June(February 23 perturbation).She wants to find a undergraduate management trainee work,Basic salary expectation for 2000 yuan.Although no work experience,But she felt in the university often take part in all kinds of community activities,Organization ability and good communication skills,Should be able to find a satisfactory job.A short while after the Spring Festival holiday,The east China area have the annual recruitment season,Job seekers in the New Year to find what kind of work do you do?With this question,The reporter interviewed a few field recruitment, hefei, anhui,Listen to the voice of the applicant.The xinhua news agency hair (ZhangDuan perturbation)
何国(左)来自安徽蒙城农村(2月23日摄)。他已在外打工7年,这次想找份机械制造类的工作,考虑到自己有工作经验,他的起薪期望值在5000元左右。新华社发 (张端 摄) decision(left)MengCheng from anhui rural(February 23 perturbation).He has been working outside 7 years,This want to find a mechanical manufacturing work,Considering you have work experience,His starting salary expectation is in 5000 yuan or so.The xinhua news agency hair (ZhangDuan perturbation)
钱婧(中)是安徽职业技术学院动漫设计专业学生(2月23日摄)。她曾在一家私企实习,但觉得那里各方面条件都不太好,想找一家正规点的单位,基本工资1500左右就可以。作为应届毕业生,钱婧觉得工资低点没关系,以后可以慢慢积累经验,逐步成长。新华社发 (张端 摄) QianJing(in)Is the anhui vocational and technical college students majoring in animation design(February 23 perturbation).She worked in a private enterprise practice,But think there various conditions are not too good,Want to find a normal point unit,Basic pay about 1500 can.As a fresh graduates,QianJing think salary low it doesn't matter,Later can slowly accumulate experience,Gradually grow.The xinhua news agency hair (ZhangDuan perturbation)
王启龙来自安徽寿县,为了找工作,他专程乘近两小时的汽车来合肥参加招聘会(2月23日摄)。老王曾于2001年跑到上海从事焊接工作,后来因为公司的缘故,还是回到了老家,“其实在老家也好,至少能看着孩子,他现在上高中了,我要多挣点钱给他。”王启龙说:“现在好多单位招聘待遇写得与实际不符,还好我有经验,这次想找一份基本工资4000元左右的工作,不包吃住也没关系。”新华社发 (张端 摄) WangQiLong ShouXian from anhui province,In order to find job,He flew by nearly two hours of car to hefei to recruitment(February 23 perturbation).Lao wang was in 2001 run to Shanghai for welding work,But for the sake of the company,Returned to their hometown,"In fact in the home all right,Can at least look at children,He is now on the high school,I want to earn some money to him."WangQiLong said:"Now a lot of unit recruitment treatment write and actual discrepancy,Well I have experience,This want to find a basic pay 4000 yuan work,Not the bag eats live also it doesn't matter."The xinhua news agency hair (ZhangDuan perturbation)
徐红(右)2012年7月毕业于合肥工业大学(2月23日摄)。他想找机械类的工作,基本工资3000元就好。新华社发 (张端 摄) XuGong(right)In July 2012, graduated from hefei university of technology(February 23 perturbation).He want to find machinery work,Basic salary is 3000 yuan is good.The xinhua news agency hair (ZhangDuan perturbation)
李奉力出生于1993年,来自安徽省定远县(2月23日摄)。他17岁便外出打工,2年多时间他换了十几份工作,最长的一次干了3个月。李奉力不想干太辛苦的工作,他对记者说:“本来想去深圳找工作,但能拿到的工资和安徽差不多,这边生活压力还小,干个配送的活能拿3000元,还包吃住。”新华社发 (张端 摄) LiFengLi was born in 1993,DingYuanXian from anhui province(February 23 perturbation).He is 17 years old and work out,More than two years of time he has changed his ten job,The longest a dry for three months.Don't want to do LiFengLi too hard work,He told reporters:"Wanted to go to shenzhen to find a job,But can get salaries and anhui almost,This life pressure is small,Do a distribution of live can get 3000 yuan,Also the bag eats live."The xinhua news agency hair (ZhangDuan perturbation)
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