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   3月4日,“最美红领巾”陈翔云(左一)、黄丽君(左二)和何帆(左四)演示用红领巾止血救人的场景。当日,“最美红领巾”黄丽君、陈翔云和何帆来到安徽省合肥市井岗镇蜀山小学,现场为小学生重现用红领巾止血救人的情景,并与小学生交流学雷锋的心得。2012年6月11日,当时还在读小学六年级的黄丽娟、陈翔云和何帆3位同学放学后结伴回家,刚刚走进自家所在的小区,看到一位浑身是血的叔叔踉跄地朝他们走来,3个孩子顿时吓呆了。然而在惊吓之后孩子迅速冷静下来,经过协商后,黄丽君迅速跑到门卫处,告诉保安有人受伤流血了,赶快打电话给120。陈翔云和何帆则迅速解下脖子上的红领巾,一条绑在胳膊上面,扎住流血以上的部位,一条绑在左腿流血以上的部位。黄丽君赶回来后将红领巾绑在腿上受伤的位置。因为3个孩子的及时救助,伤者被迅速送到医院抢救,最终脱离了生命危险。新华社发 (张端 摄) On March 4,"The most beautiful red scarf"Chen Xiangyun(The left one)/Huang Lijun(Second left)And he fan(The left four)Demonstrate with a red scarf hemostatic save scenario.On the day,"The most beautiful red scarf"Huang Lijun/Chen's cloud and he came to hefei in anhui province the civic duty of shushan town primary school,Site for elementary school students with red scarf hemostatic save scenario,And communicate with pupils learn lei feng.On June 11, 2012,Also reading primary school grade 6 Huang Lijuan at that time/Chen's cloud and he fan, three students go home together after school,Just walk into their own community,To see a whole body is blood uncle staggered coming toward them,Three children was stunned.However, after the frightened children to calm down quickly,After negotiation,Huang Lijun quickly ran to the doorman,Tell security injury bleeding,Hurry to call 120.Chen's cloud and he quickly off the red scarf around his neck,A bound on the arm,Tighten bleed over the area,A tie in the left leg above the bleeding.Huang Lijun after back to the red scarf tied to the location of the injury on the leg.Because the three children's rescue in time,The injured were rushed to hospital,Finally out of danger.Xinhua hair (Zhang Duan perturbation)
