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ipad成“电子保姆”致孩子情绪不稳视力下降                   一位小朋友正在使用触屏产品玩游戏。记者龙成通 摄                    A child is using touch screen products play games.Reporter dragon into general perturbationipad成“电子保姆”致孩子情绪不稳视力下降                    一位小学生在专心地玩手机。 记者何波 摄(资料图片)                     A pupil in the busy with mobile phone. Reporter HeBo perturbation(Material picture)


佛山市禅城区3名小学生调研便携智能产品给小伙伴带来的不良影响 调查发现:69.2%的小学生着迷智能电子产品 Foshan chancheng district three pupils research portable intelligent products to the ill effects of a survey found:69.2% of primary school children with intelligent electronic products


subway/bus/restaurant,In many public places,People use intelligent mobile phone or tablet PC to kill time,People play a game every day on the scene in.These behavior to the child the influence how much?Zen city hongye three primary school pupils the germination"Portable intelligent products to the study on the impact of chancheng district elementary school students"idea.


The children spent 3 months of time,Primary school in tongji/Hongye elementary school/25 small 3 school through the questionnaire/survey/The way of experiment research,The results found that 69.2% of the student to the intelligent electronic products obsessed.These behavior has sparked angry/Emotional instability and declining eyesight problems.


父母拿ipad当“电子保姆” Parents take ipad when"Electronic baby-sitter"


Zen city hongye ZhuYunXin primary school/ZhaoBei setting/QianQian three children found the classmates all like to use at home parents smartphone/Flat computer to play games,The children give their name"Finger family".


HuiJingCheng in parents of children to play with iPad ms. Zhang talked about,Quite feel helpless.Only children in elementary school,Just began to think that buy a iPad can give his sorrows,With the way the game and software improve the learning interest,But soon found he addicted."Got home I tease adult should take out the ipad,Fingers on top row to rule out,Even if the family dine out,Food haven't time,And dad's cell phone‘Cut fruit’."


Ms. Zhang gradually found,The intelligent electronic products to other things like children lose interest."Sometimes a play is more than half an hour,Head all don't lift it,A long period of time will shout eyes uncomfortable,But later on again continue to tease to play."More let a woman is angry,Son now learn to bargain,For example, do my homework or before you go to sleep,All like to play with iPad time as"chip",Behave well will play long point.


similarly,This year 4 years old gigi,Follow mom and dad go relatives,But in less than half an hour is noisy to go back home,Gigi mother said she miss the iPad home on the game.


近七成小学生着迷智能电子产品 Nearly seventy percent of pupils fascinating intelligent electronic products


3 students after for all grades of the students and parents questionnaire survey found,88.7% of the students' families have intelligent mobile phone,58.6% have tablet PC.And most of the student's home is more than have a smart phone.Pupils come into contact with intelligent electronic product opportunity quite a lot.


"We field observation found that primary school students themselves to use intelligent electronic products from the influence of the habit of parents,We more than once to see their parents in order to let the children don't walk around and to play with mobile phones or tablet PC,Even see a lot of the family is hands a intelligent electronic products."ZhuYunXin says.


After statistics after,Survey found that 69.2% of the student to the intelligent electronic products like even the state of ecstasy.13.4% of primary school children is often use intelligent electronic products,33% of primary school children is occasionally use intelligent electronic products.In the use of the function,The elementary student most like intelligent electronic product function is the game,The second is music/video.


The results of the survey also found,Although most parents know that a intelligent electronic products to the pupils will affect,Especially in sight,But most of the parents is a neutral attitude,The reason is that many parents think intelligent electronic products to the children have certain benefits,And it is the best reward child finish the task of the prizes,When parents have processing sent your children the best of tools."So pupils keen intelligent electronic products in addition to is the social trend outside influence,Parents' usage and attitude is the biggest factor influence children's behavior."


According to introducing,The results of the survey say the current because parents control properly,Many students accumulatively every day the time also in two hours or less,But then the children to grow up independently,Parents' control will gradually decline.


影响 influence


行为:使用累计时间越长行为问题越严重 behavior:Use accumulated time to grow more behavioral problems more serious


In order to understand the intelligent electronic products to the pupils behavior influence,Hongye elementary school teachers and students use the world most widely used evaluation children's behavior problems of comprehensive type large scale for assessment,And put these psychological behavior scale please first affiliated hospital of guangzhou medical college professional psychology researcher SuYue Ming combined with questionnaire survey to carry on the analysis.


When the children to electronic products keen degree/Use frequency/Single use time/Accumulated use time and elementary student's social skills as well as behavior scale score a correlation analysis,Students found within a day to use intelligent electronic products cumulative time longer,Behavioral problems more serious.These activities include often angry/Mood suddenly change, etc.


"Although at present intelligent electronic products not on children's social competence affect,But to the behavioral problems or caused a significant effect."Investigation report analysis says,If this group of students to acquire adult keep using intelligent electronic products,The influence of psychological worrying.


视力:连续使用2小时后大多出现不适 vision:Continuous use 2 hours after experiencing discomfort mostly


In addition to affect the behavior,Children from school to find to 10 men and women living,Is in the last term in visual acuity vision above 5.0 classmates,First an eye eyesight in the early period of the test,Let them use tablet PC played for two hours after the game to test a vision.


The experiment found that see,10 students in four students eyesight has dropped slightly.Also has six people said continuous 2 hours playing flat computer after eyes feel uncomfortable/sleepy/Head a little dizzy.


An eye specialist to eyesight then experimental results were analyzed said,Test students appear eyes uncomfortable symptoms,Because eye excessive use,Need through the ciliary muscle to adjust,If time long,Ciliary muscle will spasm,Cause eye paralysis.If long-term long time use intelligent electronic products,The consequences will certainly more serious.


建议 Suggestions


家长带头改变坏习惯 Parents take the lead change bad habits


Hongye primary school this research report guidance teacher SuYun winter said,In daily life intelligent electronic products in primary school students in the group is not use,But parents should supervise children to use less as far as possible game/Internet these functions,Or pay attention to control time."Can used to listen to music/Listen to the story or download some ebook or learning tool,To reduce the use need to use the function of the eye."


The research report,The child bad habits,Also and parents indulging intelligent electronic products relevant."Therefore, we suggest that the parents to take the lead by change bad habits,Try to take my spare time,Took the children take part in outdoor activities or other good physical and mental game."(Reporter ChenXin yu)
