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植树造林 我们一直在行动--亲稳舆论引导监测室

植树造林 我们一直在行动

    这是蓝天白云掩映的内蒙古大兴安岭林区(2011年6月16日摄)。内蒙古自治区是三北防护林体系建设的重点地区之一,预计到2020年,内蒙古三北防护林工程区森林覆盖率达15%,初步建成比较完备的防护林体系。2013年3月12日是我国第35个植树节,“绿色发展”的理念已深入民心。据国家林业局统计,2012年我国全年义务植树近25亿株,完成造林面积超过9012万亩新华社记者李欣摄     This is the blue sky clouds the daxinanling forest region of Inner Mongolia(On June 16, 2011).Inner Mongolia autonomous region is one of the key areas of the construction of the three north shelter forest system,By 2020,Inner Mongolia three north shelter forest project forest coverage rate of 15%,Preliminary build more complete protection forest system.On March 12, 2013, is a 35 Arbor Day in China,"Green development"The idea has to sink in.According to the state forestry administration,Throughout the year of 2012, China's compulsory tree planting nearly 2.5 billion plants,Afforested area of more than 90.12 million acres.Xinhua news agency reporter Li Xinshe

植树造林 我们一直在行动

    2012年8月23日,郭同旺老人搂着一株十八年前在护林房门前种下的杨树。已经90多岁的郭同旺,是陕西省靖边县东坑镇毛团村一位普通村民,也是一名老护林员。从1984年开始,他和全家人搬进沙窝子,承包了4.5万亩沙丘植树治沙。近三十年来,他带领儿孙们在荒芜的毛乌素沙漠上,栽种下一株株沙柳、杨树、松树,用心血和汗水把荒漠沙丘浇灌成郁郁葱葱的林地,改善了当地的生态环境,保护了全镇12万亩农田。 新华社记者王颂摄     On August 23, 2012,Guo Tongwang old man hug one 18 years ago in a forest of planted poplar trees before the door.Has more than 90 - year - old Guo Tongwang,Hairball JingBianXian dongkeng town village in Shanxi Province is an ordinary villagers,Is also an old rangers.Starting in 1984,He and his family moved to the snap,Contracted for 45000 mu of tree sand dunes.Nearly thirty years,He led grandchildren on the desolate maowusu desert,Planted under the skeletons of salix/poplar/The pine tree,The desert sand dunes with painstaking effort and sweat pouring into a lush forest,Improve the local ecological environment,Protecting the town has 120000 acres of farmland. Xinhua news agency reporter Wang Songshe

植树造林 我们一直在行动

    云南省曲靖市陆良县龙海乡海拔2000余米,属于典型喀斯特山区。当地有8位普普通通的农村老人,自1980年开始一直坚守在荒山上种树、护林。30载过去,当年的敦实壮汉已成如今的耄耋老人。大树染绿了一座座荒凉的山头,也让他们两鬓如霜,当地人亲切地称呼他们为“陆良八老”。 从左到右,从上到下分别是73岁的王小苗、77岁的王家德、75岁的王长启、87岁的王家云、82岁的王开河、78岁的王德映、84岁的王云芳和78岁的王家寿(2012年3月29日摄)。 新华社记者秦晴摄     Yunnan qujing city of drought-hit luliang county longhai township of more than 2000 meters above sea level,Belongs to a typical karst mountain area.Local has eight ordinary rural elderly,Since 1980 has been sticking to plant trees on the mountains/Forest protection.For 30 years in the past,All the stocky is strong man now aged.Green tree with the past desolate hills,Also let them temples such as frost,Affectionately call them"Luliang eight immortals". From left to right,From top to bottom respectively is 73 - year - old Wang Xiaomiao/77 - year - old Wang Gude/75 - year - old Wang Changqi/87 - year - old Wang Guyun/82 - year - old Wang Kaihe/78 - year - old Wang Deying/84 - year - old Wang Gushou Wang Yunfang and 78 years old(On March 29, 2012). Xinhua news agency reporter Qin Qingshe
