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   3月14日,在宁夏回族自治区隆德县沙塘镇清泉生态移民新村的幼儿园内,孩子们在娱乐设施上玩耍。红砖青瓦、整齐划一的房屋,笔直的水泥路,热水器、自来水、高架灯、有线电视、洗衣机一应俱全,村幼儿园内,孩子们欢笑着和老师做着游戏,村民们在超市里选购着各类商品……这就是地处宁夏西海固地区隆德县沙塘镇清泉生态移民新村。清泉生态移民新村是隆德县2011年起建设的四个县内生态移民安置点之一。有移民安置房204套,安置移民204户847人。村里不仅新建了420平方米的村级活动场所,还建了一所幼儿园。此外,为每户移民配套一台太阳能热水器、太阳灶、一个广播电视户户通接收器。据了解,宁夏西海固地区的隆德县是宁夏海拔最高、人口密度最大的贫困县之一,在“十二五”期间,宁夏全区的35万生态移民中,隆德县将共搬迁移民7409户,其中县内移民2204户,他们将从极度贫困的山区搬迁到近水、沿路、靠城、打工近、上学近、就医近的区域,而移民们退出的耕地将全部用于恢复植被,遏制水土流失,使生态环境得以改观。新华社记者 彭昭之摄 On March 14,,Longde county in ningxia hui autonomous region of the sand pond town kindergarten spring ecological emigration investigation,The children were playing on the entertainment facilities.Red brick park/Uniformity of the house,Go straight the feel,The water heater/Tap water/Overhead lights/Cable TV/The washing machine,Within the village kindergarten,The children laughed and teachers doing the game,The villagers with all kinds of goods of choose and buy in the supermarket...Longde county which is located in the ningxia western region fixation sand pond town spring ecological saemaul undong immigrants.Spring ecological emigration investigation is longde construction since 2011, one of the four ecological resettlement in the county.Have a resettlement housing 204 sets,Resettlement of 204 and 204.The village is not only has built 420 square meters of village-level activity site,Also built a kindergarten.In addition,For each household immigrants a solar water heater/Solar ovens/Promises a radio and television receivers.We have learned,Longde county of ningxia western solid region is the highest elevation in ningxia/One of the largest counties in population density,In the"The 12th five-year"During the period,Ningxia district of ecological migration in 350000,Longde will move 7409 immigrants,2204 immigrants in the county,They might move from extreme poverty mountainous area to near water/Along the way/By the city/Work nearly/Go to school near/Doctor near area,And immigrants out of all arable land will be used to restore vegetation,Contain water loss and soil erosion,To change ecological environment.Xinhua news agency reporter Peng Zhao of perturbation


    3月14日,在宁夏回族自治区隆德县沙塘镇清泉生态移民新村,村民郭万忠在移民新居内接自来水。     On March 14,,Spring in longde county of ningxia hui autonomous region the sand pond town ecological saemaul undong immigrants,Villagers Guo Wanzhong in immigration new tap water.新华社记者 彭昭之摄 Xinhua news agency reporter Peng Zhao of perturbation


    3月14日,在宁夏回族自治区隆德县沙塘镇清泉生态移民新村的幼儿园内,孩子们在荡秋千。     On March 14,,Longde county in ningxia hui autonomous region of the sand pond town kindergarten spring ecological emigration investigation,The children are swinging.新华社记者 彭昭之摄 Xinhua news agency reporter Peng Zhao of perturbation


    3月14日,在宁夏回族自治区隆德县沙塘镇清泉生态移民新村,村民何淑英在移民新居内带着孙子在炕上玩耍。     On March 14,,Spring in longde county of ningxia hui autonomous region the sand pond town ecological saemaul undong immigrants,Villagers He Shuying in immigration to his new play with grandchildren on the kang.新华社记者 彭昭之摄 Xinhua news agency reporter Peng Zhao of perturbation


    3月14日,在宁夏回族自治区隆德县沙塘镇清泉生态移民新村的幼儿园内,老师在指导孩子们保持日常的卫生整洁。     On March 14,,Longde county in ningxia hui autonomous region of the sand pond town kindergarten spring ecological emigration investigation,Teachers in guiding children to maintain a clean and tidy everyday health.新华社记者 彭昭之摄 Xinhua news agency reporter Peng Zhao of perturbation


    3月14日,在宁夏回族自治区隆德县沙塘镇清泉生态移民新村,村民郭万忠(左)一家在移民新居内看电视。     On March 14,,Spring in longde county of ningxia hui autonomous region the sand pond town ecological saemaul undong immigrants,The villagers Guo Wanzhong(The left)A in immigration to his new house to watch TV.新华社记者 彭昭之摄 Xinhua news agency reporter Peng Zhao of perturbation


    3月14日,在宁夏回族自治区隆德县沙塘镇清泉生态移民新村的超市内,村民在选购食品。     On March 14,,Longde county in ningxia hui autonomous region within the supermarket of xincun, sand pond town spring ecological migration,The villagers in the choose and buy food.新华社记者 彭昭之摄 Xinhua news agency reporter Peng Zhao of perturbation
