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   在宁夏固原经济开发区大学生创业园,张伟在厂房内调试机床(4月25日摄)。今年27岁的张伟即将走出大学生创业园独自发展,自主创业的他经营着银河电子科技有限公司,经过3年的发展,去年实现销售额近60万元,已经具备了出园条件。宁夏固原经济开发区2009年兴办了以生产加工和科技创新为主的大学生创业园,公开招聘58名大学生入园自主创业或进入开发区重点企业学习创业。2010年,创业园加大投资,扩大规模,又公开招聘第二批65名高校毕业生入园创业。宁夏固原经济开发区大学生创业园为支持青年创业,3年内免费提供办公场地和生产车间、水电暖全免、定期组织创业指导等优惠政策。如今,大学生创业园已经孵化出十几家成功的企业出园发展,真正做到关注青年愿望、帮助青年发展、支持青年创业。新华社发(李然 摄)     Natural guyuan in ningxia economic development zone students pioneer park,Zhang wei to debug the machine in the plant(Taken on April 25,).This year 27 years old zhang wei is out of the college students pioneer park development alone,Self-employed who runs the galaxy electronic technology co., LTD,After 3 years of development,Last year, nearly 600000 yuan of sales value,Already have a condition.Natural guyuan in ningxia economic development zone in 2009 to set up the production and processing, science and technology innovation to give priority to the college students pioneer park,Open recruitment 58 undergraduate self-employment in the park or to study entrepreneurship development zone key enterprises.In 2010,,Pioneer park to invest,To scale up,Open recruitment and the second batch of 65 college graduates entrepreneurship in the park.Natural guyuan in ningxia economic development zone students pioneer park to support youth entrepreneurship,3 years free office space and the production workshop/Water and electricity warm is free/Organize regular business guidance and other preferential policies.now,College students pioneer park has hatched a dozen successful firms out of the garden,Desire to truly focus on youth/Help the youth development/Support the youth entrepreneurship.Xinhua hair(Li Ran perturbation) 


   在宁夏固原经济开发区大学生创业园,马秉蓉在厂房内整理芽菜(4月25日摄)。今年29岁的马秉蓉在大学生创业园里小有名气,自主创业的她经营着馨芽苗菜培育中心,掌管了宁夏固原市原州区大部分的芽菜供应。新华社发(李然 摄)    Natural guyuan in ningxia economic development zone students pioneer park,Ma Bingrong finishing sprouts in the plant(Taken on April 25,).Ma Bingrong, 29, a minor celebrity in the college students pioneer park,Self-made she runs, sprout breeding center,In charge of the original states where the natural guyuan city, ningxia supply most of the sprouts.Xinhua hair(Li Ran perturbation)


   在宁夏固原经济开发区大学生创业园,周凯在厂房内搬运配电柜(4月25日摄)。今年27岁的周凯刚刚成立了宁夏宝光电气设备有限公司,主要经营着低压配电柜的生产和销售,他计划用3年的时间拿到10千伏高压配电柜的生产资质,让企业扩大规模,加快发展。新华社发(李然 摄)    Natural guyuan in ningxia economic development zone students pioneer park,Chu-kai handling distribution cabinets in the plant(Taken on April 25,).When zhou kai, 27, has just established this year ningxia baoguang electrical apparatus co., LTD,Mainly engaged in the production and sales of low voltage power distribution ark,He plans to use 3 years to 10 kv high voltage power distribution ark production qualification,Let the enterprise scale,Speed up the development of.Xinhua hair(Li Ran perturbation)
