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Report from our correspondent(Reporter ZhaoPeng)In the future,Beijing on business abroad(territory)The specific conditions of training in this unit within the scope of public,Accept supervision。yesterday,City people club of Beijing bureau is on business abroad(territory)Training work issued advice,Puts forward into special auditing system,And establish training project public system。
《opinion》says,The department is decided to go abroad on business in training special auditing system introduced,Group units must strictly carry out the provisions of the state all the expenses for the overseas standards,In the group to go abroad(territory)Before making detailed budget,To go abroad(territory)During the training of spending keep original invoice or receipt。Returned home after the group,Financial department group units to the group funds expenditure of self-examination,The city comptroller department will not regular spot checks。
At the same time,Beijing must build training project public system。Group units in does not involve secret government or business secret,In this unit the range should be open to go abroad(territory)Training the goal of the project、Training content、Training channel、Go abroad(territory)time、schedule、The training funds sources and use、Training effectiveness evaluation, etc,Improve the transparency of the training project,Thus in moderate range accept supervision。
In addition,Beijing also encourage and promote development“Please come in”Way of training。Encourage each unit invite countries(territory)Outside experts to Beijing to lecture,Carry out special training,make“Please come in”and“Go out”Reasonable layout,Reduce the training cost,Expand training benefited range。
In addition,Short-term go abroad(territory)Training personnel are not issuing LingYongFei abroad。
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