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北京上周报告法定传染病5431例 死亡4例--亲稳舆论引导监测室
中广网北京7月12日消息(记者 李文蕊) 2012年第27周(7月2日至7月8日),北京全市共报告法定传染病5431例,死亡4例(乙肝和艾滋病各2例)。其中,乙类传染病共报告12种1060例,报告病例数居前5位的病种依次为痢疾、肺结核、乙肝、梅毒和猩红热,共占乙类传染病报告发病数的91.23%。乙类传染病发病较上周上升0.09%。丙类传染病共报告6种4371例,报告病例数居前3位的病种依次为手足口病、其它感染性腹泻病和流行性腮腺炎,共占丙类传染病报告发病数的99.66%。丙类传染病较上周上升5.63%。
Wide network Beijing in July 12 news(Reporter LiWenRui) In 2012 the 27 weeks(July 2 to July 8),Beijing city 5431 cases were reported infectious,Death 4 cases(Hepatitis b and AIDS each in 2 cases)。Among them,B class infectious diseases were reported 1060 cases of 12,The number of cases reported in the top five in the diseases for diarrhea、tuberculosis、Hepatitis b、Syphilis and scarlet fever,B class infectious diseases accounted for 91.23% of the number of reports。B class infectious diseases is up 0.09% of last week。C class infectious diseases 6 4371 cases were reported,The number of cases reported the top 3 places in the diseases in order as hand, foot and mouth disease、Other infectious diarrhea and mumps,Accounted for c class infectious diseases of the report the number of 99.66%。C class infectious diseases is up 5.63% last week。
Among them,Measles report this week 4 cases,Last week increase than in 2 cases,In the same period last year to report a case。Scarlet fever were reported this week to 83。Children and students' career to give priority to。HFMD 2790 cases were reported this week。Professional to scattered children and children 'give priority to。408 cases were reported this week diarrhea。Professional to scattered children、Housework and unemployment、Last personnel、Cadre staff and students to give priority to。
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